Transmission insights

Started by Anonymous, August 26, 2004, 10:50:52 PM

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Tony .. You see some pretty 'mazin stuff down there. Hackers everywhere ya know !
:b-d:  \" I GOTTS NOMOBUX \" :b-d:


If it were not for problems.......... this week would be slow for me. LOL

A 700 input drum in the photos.  A nicely broken one.  

The customer says he drives easy and the tranny is only 2 years old.  Some metal fatigue from something caused this I would think?

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)



You guys don't gimme anny sorta brake. I thot that wuz some of my best wurk........

Hard to believe that stuff is actually "in service" and doesn't cause more serious stuff such as accidents and injuries. Maybe it does and we just don't recognize it..............jb EXSEDAN


the boss is on vacation...... so who gets some tranny tech calls today?  Yep , me. 8)

One thing I'll mention about making a tranny tech call......(or any similar call) , don't start explaining to the tech guy ( me) about the stress in your life , marital troubles, weather , or  other NON related items......  :shock:

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)