Going LSR racing . . . in a truck

Started by av8, January 08, 2006, 04:24:51 AM

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Rex Schimmer

I live a couple of miles from Tardel's and stop by on occasion, I remember when Kent was working on his liner there. Man is it small inside  and boy is it something to see how he shaped the 10 gauge! Remember that is .1345 thick, you don't just hit it with a hammer a little tap to make it move! I am so glade to hear that Kent is back on track with this car and that Vern is going to do the unblown motor, it will be stout and run good!! Can't wait for August!!!



Fuller's not likely to make Speed Week '06 but is hoping to be there for the Finals in October. We were moving ahead with my truck as well, although about a month behind schedule, when I had an attack of adultism this weekend and decided to shut it down until I complete a book assignment that's due right about Speed Week.  

I have much of the essential hardware gathered and will continue to add to the pile between now and September when I jump back on the truck unencumbered by a book deadline. The combination of a decrease in stress, having made my decision, plus the anticipation of being able to concentrate on the truck alone next Fall and Winter until it's finished has put a big smile on my face.  :D

I hope to join the Sidewinders in the Fall and plan to run the truck at El Mirage for the '07 season beginning next May. If I'm careful with my expenses and can recruit some "fence painters" I may be able to run all three meets before Speed Week '07 on the Salt. This is lookin' like a pretty good fallback plan! :lol:  



Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"That adultism sucks doesn't it. :D

Yes it does, Frank. I guess I should be thankful that it hasn't really affected me much in the past.



That 'liner is one fine looking machine. The periscope thing though... that gives me the heebie-jeebies.

I know it doesn't really make any difference, but I'd rather be looking down the road at 300+ mph with my OWN EYES!  :lol:
Yes it is Grandad\'s Old Rambler!



Quote from: "av8"My racetruck program might go into parked mode for Speed Week '06, but it's for a very good reason; Kent Fuller's flathead streamliner project is back on track!  
Hey that's great news, since i can't make it for '06 and I know you'd hate to ddebut the truck without me being there.   :wink:

QuoteWith Fuller's 'liner back on track, I think I can hold off until '07.  8)  

Cool, I'll make it a point to be there in '07.  heck, much as i hate to plan more than a day ahead, i might just go out tomorrow and book the flights.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "Brootal"That 'liner is one fine looking machine. The periscope thing though... that gives me the heebie-jeebies.

I know it doesn't really make any difference, but I'd rather be looking down the road at 300+ mph with my OWN EYES!  :lol:

I feel the same way, Boris. You're correct in that it doesn't make any difference when you get into serious "salt shake." Ed Hegarty told me that during tire testing on the Dozier-Hegarty 'liner, when they tried aircraft rubber, the shake was so intense at about 225 mph that the view out the canopy was one great blur -- couldn't see markers, couldn't see the line. It wasn't any better inside the cockpit with the instruments and controls all blurred as well.



Quote from: "Carps"
Quote from: "av8"My racetruck program might go into parked mode for Speed Week '06, but it's for a very good reason; Kent Fuller's flathead streamliner project is back on track!  
Hey that's great news, since i can't make it for '06 and I know you'd hate to ddebut the truck without me being there.   :wink:

QuoteWith Fuller's 'liner back on track, I think I can hold off until '07.  8)  

Cool, I'll make it a point to be there in '07.  heck, much as i hate to plan more than a day ahead, i might just go out tomorrow and book the flights.

With a couple of El Mirage meets to sort out the truck before Speed Week '07 -- and get me past the early rush of driving, we'll probably be taking turns driving the black line once we have a pair or two of runs we're happy with.

If we don't wound the lump during all that maybe we can get you suited up and in the drivers' queue.  :D


Jenna Fuller


It's so wonderful to see the interest in Kent Fuller's streamliner through this thread. I just wanted to offer you all an update, and ask for a little help as my grandfather moves into the final phases of his project. We plan to run at Bonneville this August, and your support will be HUGE in bringing this dream to fruition.

I will be launching a Kickstarter campaign in Kent's name mid-March to raise the funds to put the finishing touches on the liner, and if you don't mind passing along the link to friends who might be interested, please do. I will post the Kickstarter link to this thread as soon as the site goes live. Just wanted to get you all in the loop as early as possible.

Thank you so much, in advance, and if you have any questions regarding the project, please feel free to send them my way!




Welcome to the Rodding Round table Jenna.

You posted to a 7 year old thread.

Best of luck to you

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)