Happy Holidays

Started by UGLY OLDS, December 23, 2009, 04:24:19 PM

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From Our house to yours

And a great New Year



Merry Christmas to everyone from Anita & Me.
Thanks Frank for the use of your site. I enjoy checking in.


From our home to yours,
have a wonderful christmas
and keep the family close.


Merry Christmas to all.

2009  has been an interesting year for us and we just keep on keeping on

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Merry Christmas, everyone.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Woohoo, Santa Clause is coming.

Mom's Tree 2009.

And an official White Christmas.


Hope you get to go to many Car Shows this new year !

phat rat


Been a good year for us also. New grandkids born, counts at 15 now. Got a ph call first thing this morning from my son over in the Persian Gulf region wishing us a merry Christmas, that made my day
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Merry Christmas to all. Been a great year, gainfully employed and good health and happy family. Currently we are in a Blizzard warning. Been snowing since last night and expected to go all day and till tomorrow noon. Nothing to do but lounge around and catch up on some of my magazines that have been accumulating in the corner.


Merry Christmas to all and a great New Year.

It is a very cold winter day here today with a lot of drifting snow.  We have postponed the family Christmas until tomorrow because it is to dangerous to travel today.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Merry Christmas from our house to yours !!  You guys are right about the weather, we have over a foot of the dreaded white crap and it's still comming down with winds around 40 mph. Had to go out last night to try and find someone that was lost in the blizzard, busted through drifts higher than the hood on my pickup and tree limbs hanging down because of all the ice.  We all had certain roads to check and it took over two hours to go twelve miles round trip but the person was found and we were glad to get back home.  We are having our Christmas Sunday when the snow quits, this sure will be one to remember.  

                 Bill ,Gail and families


Hi gang, belated season's greetings to ya'all.

Sorry I'm so late but got sidetracked with other stuff.

Hope ya'll are havin' or had a great day and the future turns out the way you want.

Phat, that's about the neatest lookin' Christmas gift I ever saw.

Jim, you realise you just put half the old codgers here on their backs or worse.

Hope to catch up with ya'all one on one next year.

Hey, while you northern hmisphere folks are burried under a muntain of white, we're already on fire in a number of places and on high bushfire alert everywhere else.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "Carps"Jim, you realise you just put half the old codgers here on their backs or worse.

my pleasure :D

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.