
Started by enjenjo, June 11, 2006, 04:52:45 PM

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Quote from: "Miss Kitty"Some aspects of her condition are better and some seem to be worse.
Hang in there Miss Kitty. Life takes some sharp turns and we have to be ready to shift our weight. Wishing your Mom well................Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...

Miss Kitty

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.  The doctors decided that surgery was not necessary and she has completed the usual two week antibiotic therapy that they usually do.  So, now we are looking for a rehab that will allow at least one member of the family to be with her 24/7.  She seems to be fine with Dad during the day but has shown her rather vivid imagination during the early morning hours.

Last night she insisted there was a fire and we had to "get out".  There was no fire.  That is just one of several tales each of her daughters now have to tell and compare notes on how we dealt with them.

Again, thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers sent this way.  They are greatly appreciated.
