Moose encounters of the worst kind

Started by phat46, February 23, 2006, 07:49:57 PM

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In Kansas, we have right at 10,000 deer-car accidents. What I like is that around 400 of them are Highway patrol cars. :lol:


KB, that sounds like a line from an Arlo Guthrie song.

Quote from: "kb426"In Kansas, we have right at 10,000 deer-car accidents. What I like is that around 400 of them are Highway patrol cars. :lol:


Quote from: "kb426"In Kansas, we have right at 10,000 deer-car accidents. What I like is that around 400 of them are Highway patrol cars. :lol:

I think Phoenix does that number in pedestrians......


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "phat46"This pic was e mailed to me by our own Parklane. He said i could post it here if I wanted.  This is the resilts of hitting a moose. Parklane said the driver was seriously injured but survived!!!  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Id seen that pic before. Last week or maybe it was the week before my day started like this. Left fore work 6am. got there at 6:40 good deal. worked all day went to the funeral home to pay for dads funeral. They were closed had a removal to do  :(  Got to dads house the  place was chilly(seems we hit the furnace power with a paint roller)  :oops:  Got the heat back on. My son went out side and came back in and told me I had a flat tire. I said drivers side the one that has a slow leak? Nope pass side ! Changed the tire that endened up having a stainley knife blade in it  :?:  havent figured that out yet. Finished painting some at the house and headed home. 3 deer ran out in front of me... miss all but one. :cry:  Truck goes to body shop while im in Puerto Rico seeing the kids. Thats why they call me lucky. :shock:
Man ive been busy but i had to reply to this post........


Buck or doe???
Ha  ha, just being a smarta$$, Sounds like if you didn't have bad luck you'd have no luck at all...sure you want to fly right now? Wife and I flew back from N.C. last weekend; what a flight, I thought for sure we were gonna make the news. wife flys a lot and said she'd never been on that rough of a flight, coming over Lake Erie to Metro was bad, think i'll drive down there next year!!!


Up here in Northern Canada we have a ton of moose (meese?) around here.
Most days going to work I see one or two.
I know if I,m going to hit one I'd rather be in a car or a low truck rather than in a 4x4.
At least you'll only take out the legs and go under it rather than having it come through the windshield
It seems like the majority of people killed up here in moose hits are in fullsize pickups.
We were stopped by the RCMP one night on our way home and he said watch out ahead there's 2 moose up ahead.
Sure enough the morons were in the middle of the road licking salt off the highway.
We'd been wiped out for sure.


Quote from: "oiler"Up here in Northern Canada we have a ton of moose (meese?) around here.
Most days going to work I see one or two.
I know if I,m going to hit one I'd rather be in a car or a low truck rather than in a 4x4.
At least you'll only take out the legs and go under it rather than having it come through the windshield
It seems like the majority of people killed up here in moose hits are in fullsize pickups.
We were stopped by the RCMP one night on our way home and he said watch out ahead there's 2 moose up ahead.
Sure enough the morons were in the middle of the road licking salt off the highway.
We'd been wiped out for sure.

  I worked as a railroad conductor for years.One day I go to pick up a train enroute..crew change off.The train was an iron ore train.About 60 cars..short cars..32' weighing about 130 tons each. 6-3600 hp diesels pulling it.
  The dispacther says.."Go home Arnold..submit a time claim.Your train is in the ditch.They came around a curve(Northern Ontario) and the engineer said there was a herd of moose/"meese" haha..all over the track.3 out of the 6 locomotives were derailed."

 News in Toronto years ago. Guy   in Northern Ontario.. SMALL car..middle of the night..sees a moose..swerves and brakes wildly(no kidding)..hits it.He is ok.Car seems ok.Moose ends up sort of on the roof of his car.Bellowing.Doors jammed shut.ERRrr..can't get out.He spends several hrs there like that.First car all night.Police.HEHEHAHA..driver is ok.Car is basically ok.Moose is ok.Bellowing.His belly is sort of on the roof of the car..his legs dangling on either side.They get a rope and wait until the Ministry Of Natural Resources  comes with a truck and pull the moose off.All are ok.


[  News in Toronto years ago. Guy   in Northern Ontario.. SMALL car..middle of the night..sees a moose..swerves and brakes wildly(no kidding)..hits it.He is ok.Car seems ok.Moose ends up sort of on the roof of his car.Bellowing.Doors jammed shut.ERRrr..can't get out.He spends several hrs there like that.First car all night.Police.HEHEHAHA..driver is ok.Car is basically ok.Moose is ok.Bellowing.His belly is sort of on the roof of the car..his legs dangling on either side.They get a rope and wait until the Ministry Of Natural Resources  comes with a truck and pull the moose off.All are ok.[/quote]

  Ha ha, I would just have to have driven to friends house with a moose on the roof!!!  "Hey Wally, my cars making a funny noise"   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Man that's gunna give you on heluva headache,, hhope the driver is OK.

Down here we have the Common Wombat.  Not nearly the size of a moose annd built like a rock.  Hit one and it'll rip the front out of your car before flipping it over onto it's roof.

In the outback there's wild camels, and cattle to deal with on the same roads that have no speed limit.  However the biggest pest is the Emu.  Built like Big Bird those dopey critter will run along side your car at high speed just so they can commit suicide by hurling their bodies through the windscreen.

Kangaroos can also make a bit of a mess as they have a tenency to just appear from nowhere into the middle of the road in front of you.

Funny tho how you never hear of anybody running over a crocodile.   :?

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


QuoteFunny tho how you never hear of anybody running over a crocodile

Maybe crocs are smarter :lol:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.