Big Olds Is Home Safe & Sound

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, May 11, 2005, 04:03:49 PM

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He relally looks great.  I have to pull out the pictures of it sitting in the driveway at my house in Va. Beach about 4 years ago.  You can put them in your scrapbook.

Bruce Dorsi

Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"
 Big Olds has got a whole new feel to him right now.  It's taken a bit to get use to nice paint.  I have found myself not walking too far away from him at the local cruz nites.  A little worried about other car doors, purses, hanging keys ect.  I don't ever remember feeling this way with any of my other cars.  Primer does have it's advantages :wink:
WOW! --- Talk about makeovers!

There is no doubt Big Olds looks much different! ....If you're happy, I'm happy!  :D
....To me, I'll always remember him the way he looked when I met him.

Making Big Olds get all prettied-up is like forcing me to wear a suit and tie! ....It just isn't our personality!  (....It's also hard to hide the grease-stained hands and fingernails.)

Congrats on a job well done! ....Now you'll have to worry about road-rash and SALT, too!

A TOP and INTERIOR?????  .....Does that mean no more yellow rain suits????  
.....Whats next? -- Heat & a/c? :roll:

Big Olds DOES look good dressed up, but it will take a while for me to accept his new look.   .....I miss seeing his old shoes, though!
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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


IT looks great in person. The paint job is REAL nice and I love the color.