
Started by rumrumm, February 15, 2005, 03:57:20 PM

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Pope Downunder

Quote from: "rumrumm"Just got the '32 back from the paint shop on 2-4-05, one day after my birthday. What a present! The photo does not do it justice.

Wow; that looks great.  Is is a great colour, and the overall proportions look spot-on; very tough looking.  That should be stunning in good sunlight.


NICE, NICE, NICE. Can I have it now??  :D  :D
If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??


Bravo. nice job. That's what a HOT ROD is supposed to look like. I'm not one for yellow but I really like it on your rod.
   Jbird 8)
A biblical plague would come in real handy just about now
Badges? Badges? We don\'t need no stinking Badges!!
Team Smarts official dumbfounder
The first liar ain\'t got a chance


If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.

Bruce Dorsi

Happy Belated Birthday, Lynn!

It looks like your time and efforts have been very worthwhile!

Judging by the looks of your car and the dyno tests you posted, you've created a gem!

What's left to be done?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


Looks great Lynn,  I'll bet it looks even better in person with the yellow and the flames.  Now for the nervous part of finishing it out without damaging the paint.



Looks Good! Now you just need some warmer weather and dry asphalt and your in business!


Thanks  for all  the compliments, folks. To answer a few of your questions: The base is a custom color by Sherwin Williams that is similar to  yellow  on the new  Monte Carlos while the ghost flames were done in Candy Lime Yellow with House of Kolor clear over everthing. The flames were then pinstriped in yellow which looks almost  beige against the base color. I hope to have it on the  street in April when the weather in Illinois turns nice (nicer). Yes, I am planning to be in Des Moines as well as the Nats. I am waiting to have the interior finished next winter, although my interior guy has already completed the dash and console and will complete the seat soon. I will scan a few more pictures and post them for you later.
'32 3W

I write novels, too. https://lsjohanson.com


Wow, until I read the text you wrote, I really thought that pic was a photo shop adding the color!
Thats awesome!

I like that stance of the car too. It sits perfectly!


Lynn, Looks great. Can't wait to see it.