Back From My Self-Imposed Exile

Started by 40, February 10, 2011, 11:14:30 PM

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WOW, Look what the cat dragged in!  Great to see ya bud!  I've certainly missed you.  Please extend my hellos to your family, especially my little buddy Josh.  

Superior does make a GREAT AL radiator.  They built me a custom one for Big Olds the spring of 2002.  I have not had ONE issue with it and it currently has over 114,000 miles on it since then.  From what I've heard lately though you've got to stay right on top of Charlie to get it done in a timely fashion.

Looking forward to seeing you around this summer.  xoxoxo
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.