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Messages - wchappo

Rodder's Roundtable / What are you doing today?
October 08, 2010, 09:14:35 PM
Quote from: Charlie Chops 1940Had an excellent roadster day. Left home at 9AM wearing the usual and a winter coat to go 40 miles to lunch. Got back at 5PM down to a tee-shirt and another 150 miles on the rpu. Lots of back road two lane black top with a few miles of gravel thrown in too.

Hi charlie,so i see your GPS gets you lost too :) ,how's the "Bowls" mobile going,great to hear your having fun,ain't retirement great,don't know, how i used to fit work in :roll:,if you get bored,its summer over here,you could always come out & play with the new toy,& pick the differences between the US body & the Aussie one,catcha Chappo
Rodder's Roundtable / Hot Rod Deluxe
April 09, 2010, 08:13:07 AM
GPster,that's why i never get lost,everyone tells me where to go :shock: Chappo
Rodder's Roundtable / A new project
December 14, 2009, 07:55:46 PM
Hi Charlie,SOOH!!!!!can i come outta the naughty corner,i promise i'll be good & not mention the bowls again :) ,anyway it's that time of year again,wishing you & yours all the best for xmas & the coming year,when the new projects finished you can ship it out to oz to run the salt at Lake Gaidner in South Australia,i'll have a few bourban's to you on chrissy day,the "bowls mobile"is looking good,hope you  are including a nice safe place for the bowls in the design process,sorry couldn't help myself :roll: I know I know!!!I'M OFF TO THE  NAUGHTY CORNER',Chappo :twisted:
32coupe,hi pinky,if you get stuck for room,just leave the larger terrorist(holidaying party)at the nearest bus depot,(with a slab of course),i'm sure scooter won't mind after all it's only his panel,remember when pulled over for speeding etc(that should cover the rest)don't get out like we do over here or make any strange movements,hide the *,dont offer him or her one(cause they might want more)& be nice & call him or her officer not orriffcer (might think you are *& they could be right) cause some of them big ones :wink: get * off if you call them Madam,just a few helpful hints from your besttest buddy,Chappo :lol: :twisted:,by the way if you do get locked up,could you ask the nice officer,to post my stuff :shock:  :lol:
Rodder's Roundtable / A strange one
September 06, 2009, 10:32:43 AM
Carps,you've heard of Snakes& Ladders,well these are Rats with Ladders  :shock: Chappo
Rodder's Roundtable / Speedweek 2009
August 01, 2009, 09:42:00 PM
Charlie,now i'm really jealous,pikes peak,speedway museum etc.its great to see that you are keeping a healthy lifestyle,hiking followed by a nice greasy burger & fries,if it was me it would have been 3 greasy,s, :roll: then again, i have no won't power,good to see that you've got the retirement organised right,mean while i'll just put up with the cold,but am playing with the coupe & camper getting ready for my annual trip to Valla Park resort another 2 mnths & its warm,have a great trip, Chappo (the roadsters ready as well, if you can make it)
Crosley,i run the super bell set up on my roadster,have been since 1990,had to get new pads just recently(geez you would think you would get more than 19 yrs out of a set of pads :roll: ) ,the D21's ar'ent available out here now,was lucky i got onto an old pal,who had a stock of original DB15's $A20,if you need any give me a yell,i'll chase him up,Chappo
Rodder's Roundtable / A new project
June 19, 2009, 12:56:57 AM
That's okay Charlie,i used to be 5'10'',now i'm5'9",& i'm sure i'm on a few of those lists spelt with an I :lol: ,anyway you have enspired me to go out to the shed tomorrow,& do something,however i might do it the next day or the day after,or then, again i might just sit in my pondering chair& have another bourban,why get out of my "Jammies",its winter here, :roll:  Chappo
Rodder's Roundtable / A new project
June 17, 2009, 10:54:49 PM
Hi Charlie("bird dog"),saw this the other day,it seems like no one is game to ask,but seeing,i'm far enough away,where are the Bowls& the bowling hat going(don't forget the white stockings& sandals) :roll:  :shock: ,Well there goes my US connection ,will really have to suck up next time :lol:  :lol:  :lol: ,now!!! i wonder where my dad's gear is, nope looks like he took them with him,when he went to the other side :twisted:,anyway it's great to see your keeping active,Wayne("Chappo")
Rodder's Roundtable / Roadster Tech.
January 15, 2007, 10:40:30 AM
Hi charlie, in my roadster all i've got is the tacho,oil pressure & temp gauges, she'll do about 250 miles to the tank,anyway i dont need a fuel gauge,as i've got the perfect reminder,cuts in around the 120 mile range(bad back)as a back up(no pun intended), if it coughs once you've got 5 miles left ,twice2 miles 3 rd cough oops! your walking to the next gas station :roll: anyway if i get pulled over for speeding(which i never do honest officer) & the nice policeman says do you know what speed you were doing i can honestly say no cause i haven't got a speedo :wink:any way when Swmbo is in the car i can't speed cause i end up with bruising to my left leg(we sit on the right side ya! know :P ) from all the hits telling me to slow down,it appears she's worked out the revsfor70 mph, tried to explain that its got a stall in it (bet the sons told her, wouldn't be my little 37yr old girl nah! she wouldn't do that to me not much she wouldn't :roll: ),so new :idea: i've taken to wearing padded foot ball shorts,cuts down on the bruising  :wink:  :twisted: copulater Wayne
Rodder's Roundtable / halibrand sprint centre caps
November 30, 2006, 02:31:21 AM
Hi,i am trying to get a set(4) of the screw in centre caps that come standard with the sprint wheels,the caps never arrived with the new wheels i brought from the new Halibrand performance(Richard Leguernne)& had shipped to Australia,i have been trying to make contact with them since June06 to try & get some caps,the don't return calls, emails etc,the stupid part is i owe them $50 for wheel lugs they put in and haven't sent me an invoice for(not the shapest knives in the draw),have been dealing with US suppliers for over 20 years,both when in the US and from Australia & have had nothing but good vibes,have wanted a set of Halibrands since i was 19 finally i decide to shout myself a set for my 60th & these clowns make a happy event into a disaster,would not recommend them to my worst enemy, beware dealing with them,i even had to ream out the bolt pattern to suit, they drilled the holes to small for the lug nuts they supplied,so if any one can help with a set of caps it would be much appreciated thanks Wayne (i did try to put an add in the wanted section but it wouldn't accept it)
Rodder's Roundtable / They got me again!
January 27, 2006, 06:00:05 AM
enjenjo,can sympathise with you seeing no one else will(thats my new years resolution done i said i would be nice to one person,now i can go back to normal),i found out why people park near our old cars, a little old lady told me as she went for her car,it's because all the new "pos" all look the same they park  near us so they can find them,so we are doing a community service What we need is a car cover that looks like a mazda etc then that would confuse them,but with my oldtimers it might be me that gets caught,now if i could only get the idiots to return their trolleys.Wayne  :?  :twisted:  :roll:
Rodder's Roundtable / 1979 corvette paint formula
November 02, 2005, 08:41:55 PM
Model A Vette,thanks for that will give them a try,am chasing up a company out here who converts vettes he might be able to give me some info,thanks for your help Wayne
Rodder's Roundtable / 1979 corvette paint formula
October 30, 2005, 12:22:57 AM
MM64,thanks again will try contacting them,the problem is it is illegal to import paint to australia without the correct facilities,will see if they will give me a formula Thanks Wayne
Rodder's Roundtable / 1979 corvette paint formula
October 29, 2005, 11:33:24 PM
MM64,thanks for that,i found that site through a net search but couldn't find any info,what i have to do is get  the formula & then try to convert to our system,dupont found a #gm4998,but haven't been able to find it anywhere,will just have to get close then match by eye Thanks for the help Wayne