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Messages - johnnib

I am still working on the conversion of a '50 Suburban to a street rod and wondered if anyone can recommend or comment on the Rust Bullet Automotive paint?  I am considering it rather than POR 15 on the frame. Thanks, John B
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: Crager Wheel Pros and Cons
August 03, 2009, 11:44:18 AM
Quote from: "Sean"
Quote from: "johnnib"I am interested in putting a set of Crager S/S Alum-Black wheels on a '50 Suburban street rod but have been told they are "junk" to quote a local wheel distributor. I'm just planning on using a 15 x 7,  5 on 5. Does anyone have experience with those wheels or Crager in general? Thanks, John in Richmond

I've got Cragers version of the DragStar's on my F100. I can concur that the chrome is crap. I haven't noticed any peeling yet, but there are several thin spots that give me trouble.

Only suggestion I have is keep a bottle of Turtle-Wax's chrome polish handy. That alone isn't much protection though, so I usually wax them as well after using the polish.

My wheels are all steel though. A friend of mine has a set of Crager SS wheels from back in the eighties and every bit of chrome has flaked off the aluminum "Star" part of the wheels. He uses them on an old junky trailer now.
Rodder's Roundtable / Crager Wheel Pros and Cons
July 17, 2009, 03:49:48 PM
I am interested in putting a set of Crager S/S Alum-Black wheels on a '50 Suburban street rod but have been told they are "junk" to quote a local wheel distributor. I'm just planning on using a 15 x 7,  5 on 5. Does anyone have experience with those wheels or Crager in general? Thanks, John in Richmond
Quote from: "Danimal"You put that 47 car grill in and it becomes that Southern Trucking Co truck!!

You could go with '54 fenders so they are shorter and drop a bar or two from your grill.

I'm thinking now of trying to join the top and bottom of the '54 grill and remove the nose bar and fill the mouth with some fancy woven stainless steel wire mesh (like the new Cadillacs, Jags and Chryslers).  When you say the '54 fenders are shorter is that the length)headlight to door jamb dimension or from top of fender to running board line? John
I currently have a project street rodding a '50 Suburban and want to redesign the "massive front grill" to something a little less dominant and a little more contemporary.  Dose anyone have any suggestions or photos of '47-54 Chevy pickup grill modifications, radical or otherwise that might accomplish my wish or give me food for thought? Thanks