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Messages - Fingers

Rodder's Roundtable / HRI is back!!!!
May 19, 2005, 08:44:23 AM
Yeah, thanks fella's. I'm going to stay around also. I wont try to annoy anyone though, thats Andrew's job.... :lol:
Rodder's Roundtable / Ford C10 ???
April 13, 2005, 08:55:03 AM
The C10 is the Clevo style C4.  The dipstick goes into the pan rather than the case and there is a step where the bell housing meets the case, rather than the flush fit of the Windsor style C4. The Clevo style use a larger diameter flex plate also, but this flex plate also fits the Windsor engine. BTW, there is 2 different balance types on the Windsors, they changed in the mid Eighties I think.
Rodder's Roundtable / A sad day for the ASRF
February 23, 2005, 05:51:16 AM
I'm here too fellas :D
Rodder's Roundtable / Aussie HRI plug being pulled
February 23, 2005, 05:01:49 AM
I'm here too fella's  :)
I'm sure gunna miss the other place though.......