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Messages - Dirty Harry

Rodder's Roundtable / Local gasoline prices
April 25, 2013, 06:10:38 PM
Sitting around $6.15USD/gal(US) here in Victoria, Australia so your price per gallon has a way to go yet to catch up with us down here in Oz :)
Rodder's Roundtable / Heard the tapping
April 25, 2013, 04:43:44 AM
Heard the tapping sound so signed back in after a short (4yr) absence. Nothing much happening here apart from ongoing attempt to finish my '66 Valiant. Chrysler tourer went down the tubes, lack of funds and chassis builder went out of business rather suddenly. Nuff said.
Good to be back.
Quote from: "Crosley"
Quote from: "wayne petty"
Quote from: "Dirty Harry"I have a TH350C which I bought as a TH350. It has been rebuilt but the previous owner wasnt happy with it's performance. I wonder if the fact it has a hi-stall converter designed for a TH350 has anything to do with it :?
Anyway, I read in Ron Sessions' TH350 Handbook that B&M used to sell a conversion kit to ghange a 350C into a 350. Anyone here heard of it? Where do I get one? Thanx

why not just save the 350 non lock up converter for another car and get a lock up 350c  converter with the proper stall speed for your app.???

stock rebuilt converters are cheep here in los are core charges for most converters

or even better   buy an other core TH350 and rebuild that .

perhaps the parts are not readily available in Australia ?


Some parts are hard to source down here, not only that, but to buy and rebuild another trans would be way beyond my budget, buying parts Stateside has proven to be a disaster for a smalltime buyer like me, prices are reasonable but shipping costs are astronomical which is why the bigger operators are filling a container with those - for us down here - hard to come by parts and shipping them down here for resale.
I have a TH350C which I bought as a TH350. It has been rebuilt but the previous owner wasnt happy with it's performance. I wonder if the fact it has a hi-stall converter designed for a TH350 has anything to do with it :?
Anyway, I read in Ron Sessions' TH350 Handbook that B&M used to sell a conversion kit to ghange a 350C into a 350. Anyone here heard of it? Where do I get one? Thanx
Rodder's Roundtable / Question for the new guys..
December 31, 2006, 06:36:19 PM
I found the forum last week when OzRodders got ill and was very pleasantly surprised by the site. I will definitely be visiting regularly.

I've been around cars for as long as I can recall, my first car having been a 37 DeLuxe Fordoor which originally belonged to the Singer Sewing Machine Company and was in the company colours. Pity it didn't run as good as their product, the steering box fell off the chassis within a mile of the used car dealership I bought it from :shock: made for an interesting moment or two.

There followed many years of buy/modify/sell (usually at a large loss) of more cars than I can remember, a few years back I saw the light and cut back to two a year, and now am managing on one every two years. (Maybe there's a need for Rodaholics Anonymous there!) I'm reliably informed that my current project (26 Chrysler Touring) is my last. If that's the case it will need to be my best. 8)

My wife and I are in the process of buying a house in a town close to where we now live. The 'Tree Change' lifestyle hasn't worked out to be as enjoyable as we had hoped. Keeping up with all the chores necessary for the wellbeing of a small herd of Alpacas, as well as working shift work to pay for the lifestyle, is starting to take its toll.

Currently I work at a plant which manufactures wiring harnesses for trucks, cars, boats, aircraft, medical applications and industrial customers.

I enjoy playing golf when I get time to get to a golf course - not often nowadays.

Happy New Year to all on both sides of the planet.
Rodder's Roundtable / Nother Newbie
December 28, 2006, 10:07:38 PM
Found this site when ozrodders went off the air yesterday and I was in dire need of a rodding fix. I notice a lot of familiar names here, looks like it'll be a home away from home :)
I have a couple of cars (more or less) a 65 Chev Belair 4 Door rat sleeper and current project 26 Chrysler touring - mostly bits and pieces at this stage.
When it's worth looking at I'll post a photo or two on the Aussie Rides forum.