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Messages - awsum34

That's great news Rudy, Now how about the other problem your going to have. Somewhere i seen. not going to mention any names. but somebody was going to kick you A++.  So either wear extra padding or take it like a man and grin at her.  Denise, i didn't mention any names.
Rodder's Roundtable / Trivia Time
November 14, 2004, 10:58:15 AM
N8DC, I can only remember two of the four horse's name. Dale Evans horse was Buttermilk, Red Ryder was Thunder,

Tim Mix--?
Gene Autry---?
Rodder's Roundtable / Trivia Time
November 13, 2004, 05:34:31 PM
Lets see if anybody will tell on there age.

How many of these to you remember:

1)  Nintendo frist came out
2)  Pogo Sticks
3)  Soda shops
4)  Lassie
5)  The start of Rock and Roll
6)  Big Chief tablets
7)  Phone number starting with Letters
8)  8 or 4 tracks
9)  Cork Guns
10)  Putting baseball card in your spokes
11)  Black Jack gum
12)  Howdy Doody
13)  S$H green stamps
14)  cigarette loads
15)  heel taps. (that went on the heel of your shoes)
16)  Roy Rodger's horse's name
17)  Poodle Shirts
18)  Hula Hoop
19)  American Bandstand
20)  Metal adjustable skates
21)  Women burning their bra's
22)  Bottle coke for 10 cents
23)  Bellbottom pants
24)  Disco dancing
25)  penny loafers

 Hope i didn't make anybody feel old. just want you to have some flash backs
Rodder's Roundtable / Heat controls
November 12, 2004, 02:22:00 PM
It might be the heater door in a bind. it's not opening up all the way. Or the vacumn, Pull a vacumn hose off the control or heater door and see if anything canges.  How's the defrost?
if you han't got it hooked up yet. now would be the best time to replace the spring. Then you won't have to worry about it.
Rodder's Roundtable / Shop Lift Q
November 12, 2004, 12:53:24 PM
I have a 4 post lift and love it. For a 2 post you should have a stabilizer bar that goes from the ground to the car. to keep it from rocking. Also with a 2 post lift the cement floor should be atleast 6" thick where it's going to be bolted down.
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: Thank You Veterans,
November 12, 2004, 10:47:44 AM
All you veterans, there's a free diner Monday night from 5-9 pm at the Golden Corral
Rodder's Roundtable / Thank You Veterans,
November 12, 2004, 07:28:40 AM
If you don't ind put me on the list,

US Air Force   68-72
Rudy sorry to hear the news. Will be thinking about you. Do what the dotor's tell you. so you can get well.  

Denise, what are you doing to that poor man?
Rodder's Roundtable / Thank You Veterans,
November 11, 2004, 06:44:12 AM
I want to thank all of you veterans for serving. Past and present. I would especially like to think you Vietnam vets. Since you didn't get the recognition you deserve.  To all vets that are fighting now, May they come home safe. To all families that have lost a member of there family. Thank you for letting your loved one fight for us.

To all the rodding buddies, that are Vets,,,,,, THANK YOU,,,,,,,,

Take the time and shake a vets hand today and tell them thank you

Rodder's Roundtable / Denise in print!
November 10, 2004, 05:02:46 PM
Talk about paint, Have you came up with a color yet?
I'd go with the Aveo, With the Aztek, either you love them or don't, The people at work that have them say there alittle top heavy,  They didn't sell that great when they frist came out. And GM got rid of the designers.

Best thing to do is take a test drive in the ones your wife is interested in.

around here alot of people are buying the Equinox by Chevrolet
Jack Stack is on Metcalf and 95th street. It's on the south side of the city. You'll be taking 435 south until you get to metcalf go north to 95th about 2 miles, It's on the left side of the street on the corner.  
Let me know when you'll be able to eat. And i'll meet you there.

You said about 10 miles north of Arrowhead  sounds like Liberty or Claycomo. There's another RV park west of Arrowhead on I70, (about 6 to 10 milws in Grain Valley MO. Incase your interested the phone # 1-816-229-2267
Where are you going to be staying and how far you want to travel? Close yo downtown you have Arthur Bryant's and Gates, Then in KC, Ks, you have Oklahoma Joe's, Then you have Zarda's and KC MasterPiece, Jack Stack, Then you have the Mom and Pop BBQ's  
You like the sweet BBQ, Spicy BBQ, Hot BBQ, Wet, Dry.

Let me know where you'll be staying, and i'll see what's close by.
In the mean time check out the BBQ link