Trivia Time

Started by awsum34, November 13, 2004, 05:34:31 PM

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Lets see if anybody will tell on there age.

How many of these to you remember:

1)  Nintendo frist came out
2)  Pogo Sticks
3)  Soda shops
4)  Lassie
5)  The start of Rock and Roll
6)  Big Chief tablets
7)  Phone number starting with Letters
8)  8 or 4 tracks
9)  Cork Guns
10)  Putting baseball card in your spokes
11)  Black Jack gum
12)  Howdy Doody
13)  S$H green stamps
14)  cigarette loads
15)  heel taps. (that went on the heel of your shoes)
16)  Roy Rodger's horse's name
17)  Poodle Shirts
18)  Hula Hoop
19)  American Bandstand
20)  Metal adjustable skates
21)  Women burning their bra's
22)  Bottle coke for 10 cents
23)  Bellbottom pants
24)  Disco dancing
25)  penny loafers

 Hope i didn't make anybody feel old. just want you to have some flash backs
The only dumb question is the one you don\'t ask


1) Nintendo frist came out
After Pong

2) Pogo Sticks
early 50's.

3) Soda shops
Before the 40's

4) Lassie

5) The start of Rock and Roll
Approx 1952 - Gee by the Crows

6) Big Chief tablets
Available in the late 40's and into the 50's and maybe later.

7) Phone number starting with Letters
Miller 3-5708 (Ventura, California prefix.)

8) 8 or 4 tracks
4 tracks old, 8 tracks new technology approx early 60's (w/reverbs.)

9) Cork Guns

10) Putting baseball card in your spokes
Playing cards, a whole lot of them made a whole lotta noise, but the bike got harder to pedal.

11) Black Jack gum
Still available some places.

12) Howdy Doody
Early 50's TV show.

13) S$H green stamps
40's, Blue Chip stamps came in mid-late 50's.

14) cigarette loads
Novelty item available at the hobby shop in the early 50's.

15) heel taps. (that went on the heel of your shoes)
As well as toe taps etc.  early 50's.

16) Roy Rodger's horse's name
Roy Rogers horse was Trigger . . . what was Dale Evans, Red Ryder, Tom Mix and Gene Autry's horse's names?

17) Poodle Shirts
Poodle skirts?  Mid 50's.

18) Hula Hoop
Late 50's.

19) American Bandstand
mid-late 50's.

20) Metal adjustable skates
40's, maybe even the 30's.

21) Women burning their bra's
Not soon enough for me, what they should have burned was the dagnabbed clip thingys........burning commenced in the late 60's.

22) Bottle coke for 10 cents
Bottle coke for a nickel - mid - late 40's.

23) Bellbottom pants
Late 60's.

24) Disco dancing
Late 60's early 70's.

25) penny loafers
40's at least, maybe earlier.

Sailing the turquoise canyons of the Arizona desert.


#5 rock and roll came from a black term for sex, btw...
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it\'s still on my list


The man from larrivie

the man from uncle

the saint

my 3 sons


maxwell smart

the banana splits

gentle ben

7 brides for seven brothers

green acres

tv used to be entertaining now its just people in their houses watching other people in their houses I hate reality tv I want actors not people like me
Just because it\'s written down doesn\'t make it true


My oldest Neice,who is about 14 now,came to me with a sad face one day.
She was around 5 or 6,and with a serious voice she says:
"Lassie is a puppet" "It's true.I saw the strings".  :D  :)  :D

Hard to argue with that. :roll:

Of course,this is the same Neice I told :
"Paint brushes are made from the tails of slow Squirrells."


Quote from: "C9"1) Nintendo frist came out
After Pong

2) Pogo Sticks
early 50's.

3) Soda shops
Before the 40's

4) Lassie

5) The start of Rock and Roll
Approx 1952 - Gee by the Crows

6) Big Chief tablets
Available in the late 40's and into the 50's and maybe later.

7) Phone number starting with Letters
Miller 3-5708 (Ventura, California prefix.)

8) 8 or 4 tracks
4 tracks old, 8 tracks new technology approx early 60's (w/reverbs.)

9) Cork Guns

10) Putting baseball card in your spokes
Playing cards, a whole lot of them made a whole lotta noise, but the bike got harder to pedal.

11) Black Jack gum
Still available some places.

12) Howdy Doody
Early 50's TV show.

13) S$H green stamps
40's, Blue Chip stamps came in mid-late 50's.

14) cigarette loads
Novelty item available at the hobby shop in the early 50's.

15) heel taps. (that went on the heel of your shoes)
As well as toe taps etc.  early 50's.

16) Roy Rodger's horse's name
Roy Rogers horse was Trigger . . . what was Dale Evans, Red Ryder, Tom Mix and Gene Autry's horse's names?

17) Poodle Shirts
Poodle skirts?  Mid 50's.

18) Hula Hoop
Late 50's.

19) American Bandstand
mid-late 50's.

20) Metal adjustable skates
40's, maybe even the 30's.

21) Women burning their bra's
Not soon enough for me, what they should have burned was the dagnabbed clip thingys........burning commenced in the late 60's.

22) Bottle coke for 10 cents
Bottle coke for a nickel - mid - late 40's.

23) Bellbottom pants
Late 60's.

24) Disco dancing
Late 60's early 70's.

25) penny loafers
40's at least, maybe earlier.

dale evans horse was named butter cup.............


Well, I see most of us are close in age. And that does mean old.


N8DC, I can only remember two of the four horse's name. Dale Evans horse was Buttermilk, Red Ryder was Thunder,

Tim Mix--?
Gene Autry---?
The only dumb question is the one you don\'t ask


Quote from: "awsum34"N8DC, I can only remember two of the four horse's name. Dale Evans horse was Buttermilk, Red Ryder was Thunder,

Tim Mix--?
Gene Autry---?
And the Lone Ranger had a horse named silver. GPster

Bob K

Red Ryder had a sidekick, Little Beaver, he had a pony, can't remember it's name.

B :?: B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?


Great memories. I still listen to 8 tracks in my shop and in the Galaxie. It's about time to break out the box of Christmas 8 tracks.

And sitting right behind me is a dime operated Cavalier 72 Coke machine....but I can only find beer bottles to fit it anymore....darn!

Great memories....good times.....can't get much better than that.


Quote from: "Faat Rod"Red Ryder had a sidekick, Little Beaver, he had a pony, can't remember it's name.

B :?: B

Tom Mix's horse was named Tony, Gene Autry's was Champion. The actor who played Little Beaver in the few Red Ryder movies that were made was Robert Blake . . . a widower.


Quote from: "Faat Rod"Red Ryder had a sidekick, Little Beaver, he had a pony, can't remember it's name.

B :?: B

Little Beaver, AKA Robert Blake

Bob K

Quote from: "av8"
Quote from: "Faat Rod"Red Ryder had a sidekick, Little Beaver, he had a pony, can't remember it's name.

B :?: B

Tom Mix's horse was named Tony, Gene Autry's was Champion. The actor who played Little Beaver in the few Red Ryder movies that were made was Robert Blake . . . a widower.

Yeah Mike, that is a shame, being a widower and all  that. Makes you feel real sorry for a former child star.

I had forgotten that it was he that played that role.

BUT. can somebody help with the pony's name.

B :?: B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?


Quote from: "Olderndirt"
Quote from: "Faat Rod"Red Ryder had a sidekick, Little Beaver, he had a pony, can't remember it's name.

B :?: B