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Messages - oldbobsign

That looks GREAT!! Can't wait to check it out on Saturday.

I built the seat for my 5W outta ¾" MDO and 080." aluminum but I had to have Jim Larsen pad and stitch it for me.  Did you lengthen the front of the  seat bottom for more leg support?

You and Cindy are most impressive :D
Rodder's Roundtable / Wish me luck
February 23, 2008, 03:13:33 PM

It's NEVER too late but food's gonna taste better so be might turn into the Michelin™ Man, like me. :lol:
Rodder's Roundtable / OT, New hotrodder in Muskegon
February 23, 2008, 02:57:45 PM
Here's the group shot from the RRT/HAMB Kalamazoo Swap Meet Reunion Meet & Greet.

From the left: purplepickup, 1lowtrk, charlie chops 1940, tiger mark, fuzzy, kustomlincolnlady, fatcat, eye candy, enjenjo, jim32, oldbobsign, ohio blue tip

Missing in action: phat rat (I saw ya Jack, where'd you go?)

Six HAMB and Eggers and kustomlincolnlady is talking with Peter Pan (a 7th) on the phone  :lol:
Everybody still makin' it at noon tomorrow??
Rodder's Roundtable / Kalamazoo Swap Meet
December 28, 2007, 02:59:36 PM
I've heard it's on February 2nd and 3rd.  Who all's going and which day will you be there?  I'm hoping to bring a bunch of Chicago folks with me.
Closin' the shop at noon and won't be back 'til next year.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.  Hope to meet more RRTers in 2008 and look forward to seeing the long list of RRT friends I've made this year again soon.
Rodder's Roundtable / Happy Holidays
November 22, 2007, 08:37:58 PM
Checked out the pics and thought I was in the Powder Room for a minute. :lol:

Hope everone's  having a great THANKSGIVING.
Count me in Bob.  I was there in June for the Eyes on Design pre-show meeting and it was absolutely amazing.  We were given the "bum's rush" because they were closing shortly after the meeting.  They also change the exhibits frequently I've heard.

I'll be in an SUV and can take six with me if need be.
Rodder's Roundtable / Im looking at this
September 27, 2007, 10:41:15 AM
Hi Dave

Heritage was out of Kankakee, IL (about 30 mins south of me) and they had a horrible reputation.  They have recently relocated (I think PA).  You had to make an appointment to go to the shop.  I heard of a guy from Texas that brought his Willys body back with gun-in-hand for a refund.  On the 3W's I heard the doors didn't align and that the cowl had to be cut off and the body lengthened an inch for the hood to fit properly.  I know you'd see this stuff if you go look but I thought I'd pass it on anyway.

I'm so sorry Denise is suffering from such a freak accident.  The toughest part of her injury will be keeping her down and following doctor's orders - she sorta has a mind of her own on occasion :lol:  The on-site medical help and emergency room personnel (including Dr. Dreamy) were absolutely great and once she was back among her "people" she seemed almost normal.

With the exception of the above I had a FUN weekend.  THANKS Frank and Ken ( the BBQ dudes) for the continuous soiree - breakfasts, lunches & more, killer chili - it just doesn't get any better.  Nice hanging with everyone - George, Frank and Rich, Jack, Charlie (thanks for the caps - I put them on the Vette already), Dave and Sue (thanks Dave for bringing Jim on Sunday - we had a great time walking the fairgrounds before he headed home with his beautiful daughter) and anyone else I'm forgetting at the moment.  Always cool to meet new folks (especially Marty and Ross) and nice doing some of the swap meet with Mark (boy, does he know Model A's).

I always stay 'til the end on Sunday and usually watch all the cars leave then walk to the lone deuce in the grass and head for home but this year was different - I helped pack up the BBQ and I sure had a lot more fun.  I sort of abandoned my club (Vintage Tin) but the RRT ROCKS!!!


Sorry to hear the news but I have no doubt he'll beat it!!  It was a pleasure to meet your wonderful family on the hike and to hang with you guys on the salt.  I would have been tempted to try to make it to the hospital just to sprinkle bottled water all over your Dad and the nurses!!! :lol:

You all will be in my thoughts and prayers starting now.

Rodder's Roundtable / Food for the Zoo
September 12, 2007, 10:11:24 AM
For what it's worth, last year at K'Zoo our club (Vintage Tin) was told we couldn't rope off an area in the grass for member parking anymore.  I don't recall if the canopies were an issue or if it was the crime scene tape but Bill Rinaldi appealed to Jerry Kennedy and he was told in no uncertain terms that the NSRA would remove any items left at the end of each day.  A couple of the guys camp on-site and try to keep an area clear early each morning.  Don't know how it will be this year.
Quote from: "phat rat"
Quote from: "oldbobsign"
Quote from: "river1"someone standing on the corner in wendover nv.

nice purse larry

Thanks Jim, ...I think.    I even striped it myself :lol:

If you're going out on the town you should have heels that match the purse :lol:  Also if standing on the corner looking for action you should be showing at least a little leg ~:)

I'll work on the matching heels but it costs to see the "little leg"  :lol: