The future of the RRT

Started by enjenjo, October 07, 2008, 07:20:11 PM

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What I got was the web page has expired. when I hit refresh it brought me back to my message and I tried to go foreward by hitting my post again which posted my message again and gave me the Web page has expired again. Then I did like I usually do and close this site (X) and opened it again. I know how to work it this way if the problem is me instead of the program. GPster

If you are getting the web page has expired, you should be able to click back through it.


Gosh, imagine that, I'm late again, but just coz I aint here every other minute like the old days doesn't mean I aint lurkin in the shadows keepin' an eye on you guys..

Like many have said, if it aint broke don't fix it.

But like every good hot rodder, if ya can make it look better, go faster etc, who cares if it aint broke?   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Do whatcha gotta do and I'm sure we'll all work out how to drive it.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


I'm just a lurker now as I have sold my cars and am building an airplane,
but I have always been happy with the RRT.
It was always a great resource  and I was continually amazed at the depth of knowledge of the people here.
If you guys don't mind, I'll continue to lurk. I enjoy reading the level of camaraderie that goes on here.

Why are there more horses a**es in the world than there are horses?


Quote from: "tonto1"I'm just a lurker now as I have sold my cars and am building an airplane,
but I have always been happy with the RRT.
It was always a great resource  and I was continually amazed at the depth of knowledge of the people here.
If you guys don't mind, I'll continue to lurk. I enjoy reading the level of camaraderie that goes on here.


no need to be just a lurker. post about the plane you are building, i for one would be very interested in the build. please!!

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Quote from: "river1"
Quote from: "tonto1"I'm just a lurker now as I have sold my cars and am building an airplane,
but I have always been happy with the RRT.
It was always a great resource  and I was continually amazed at the depth of knowledge of the people here.
If you guys don't mind, I'll continue to lurk. I enjoy reading the level of camaraderie that goes on here.


no need to be just a lurker. post about the plane you are building, i for one would be very interested in the build. please!!

later jim

Me too. After all, isn't it just a flying hot rod?
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Personally I think this is about the best forum around, and I know I've brought problems here and got intelligent answers / suggestions pretty quick, and I REALLY appreciate that! There are a couple of other boards I went to where it seemed like everyone got on to everyone else for stupid things. Not here. As far as changes, well the only other thing I'd like to see is a function where, say if I was having problems with a carb for example, I could enter 'carburator" in a search and everything about carbs would come up and so on. Now, I could be wrong and that might be possible right now, but not that I know of.  No big deal, just a thought!
"If a man is alone in the forest and speaks, and there\'s no woman around, is he still wrong?"


Quote from: "Topsterguy"As far as changes, well the only other thing I'd like to see is a function where, say if I was having problems with a carb for example, I could enter 'carburator" in a search and everything about carbs would come up and so on.

Your wish has been granted.

Check the top of the page ...

See the button that says "search" ?


Wow!  There IS a Santa Claus! Thanks!  Ain't this world of technology great..........I just have to catch up with it!  :lol:
"If a man is alone in the forest and speaks, and there\'s no woman around, is he still wrong?"


I frequent three different message boards and must admit I probably have dropped off a bit of late but it's more to do with being busy with other things.
I'm happy with the way things are here and I'm happy knowing I can just log back on whenever I like.
I share the opinion of most here that things aren't broke.......
I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.


I like it here
Just because it\'s written down doesn\'t make it true


Been busy as hell with my own things, Getting ready to move south, Built my own forum with another guy, Not Hot rod related, Took a few bits of advice from Fatcat, which has worked out extremly well, You guys will like SMF if and when he makes the change...

It is not hot rod related but if anyone wants a look at SMF here it is...Thanks a ton fatcat for the advice you given me, The server is working out excellent, Have not had a single problem yet "Knock on Wood"...

Enjenjo you do a fabulous job, "No matter what team smart says about ya"
keep up the good work, I been goona try and stop by chat but keep forgetting the time..Look at my watch and miss it by a few hours...  :D Anyhow ill try and stop by, kinda miss shooting the * with you ol boys... :D
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.
*****Youngest Member of THE TEAM*****

phat rat

Hey, long time no see. You're moving south? Where? How's the body building business going? Sold any to that guy who was bugging you last year? LOL I went and looked at your site. Are you still building the bodies or did you go back to 4X4's and buggies?
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Lately o a lot of sites I've been seeing a lot of "You need to upgrade to a new computer if you want to see any part of this site. HA HA HA HA HA..."
Please don't do that to us dialup, 9 year old computer users.

My puter's so old ('00 Mac G4 OS 9.1) it won't even work on cable, etc.


Still glassing, But not bodies, To many cheap bastards wanting something for nothing, Not worth it... :D

Not exactly positive of What town, heading south friday to do some browsing, check into a few job prospects etc etc... Didn't sell that ol bastard anything, His Cadillac was a POS he wanted to trade... :lol:
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.
*****Youngest Member of THE TEAM*****