we did it!

Started by chimp koose, September 20, 2008, 10:41:12 PM

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chimp koose

Got the big woody station wagon in the 9's . Went 9.87@135+ mph. and promptly got written up by the track operator.Our last points meet for the season is tomorrow and we are within reach of second place overall.Next season starts with a BUNCH of SFI stuff and NHRA license to put the car deep in the 9's .we had 50hp more N2O we could have been spraying.


An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks



 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Chimp.......we need PICTURES!!!
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


wish I lived closer to Saskatoon so I could get into racing
I'd give up hotrods in a heartbeat just so I could do the 1/4 mile
way to go boys!!


chimp koose

guys, if I could do pictures you would have seen my anglia LONG ago!Oiler how far are you from edmonton? There is a FANTASTIC track there.


3 hours from Edmonton but it's over 4 1/2 by the time you skirt the city and make it into the raceway.
Might have to make a cruise down to SIR next summer just for the helluvit

chimp koose

Oiler, next time we go to edmonton I will give you a heads up. We will likely be licensing for IHRA there in April.Winter mods will hopefully bring low 9's.