Questions about the TV cable in my 700r4

Started by Drock90, September 18, 2008, 06:48:24 PM

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i recently installed a 700r4 in my vehicle. i failed to hook up the TV cable and i ran the vehicle. it was shifting hard and now third gear will not engage. now that ive hooked it up do you think it will solve the problem or is the trans. fried. please give me some feedback. thank you guys


Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Trans is fried. Sorry about that.

not to insult you by asking but why do you think that>?

Fat Cat

Because without hooking up the TV cable the internals would never stand a chance. The TV cable is used to regulate the line pressures in the trans. Without proper pressures the clutch packs will not engage properly and slip. Once they are slipping to the point that the gears will not properly engage the only way to fix it will be to replace the frictions in the clutch packs.


I would suggest that you take some time & view the attached web site for the "why":

LOTS of good 700R4 info here........


lol i laughed really hard when i seen that hackjob they did to that carb. waste i tell ya. go to your local auto parts dealer and ask for an adjustable tv cable. it cost 20 dollars and will save you 200. and will also keep your whole assembly from snaping apart while your driving down the road.

Charlie Chops 1940

You seem to be the expert now...why'd you ask for help if you just intend to tell us we're doing it wrong? You're not going to gain a lot of friends or influence anyone that way.


Quote from: "Drock90"lol i laughed really hard when i seen that hackjob they did to that carb. waste i tell ya. go to your local auto parts dealer and ask for an adjustable tv cable. it cost 20 dollars and will save you 200. and will also keep your whole assembly from snaping apart while your driving down the road.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Quote from: "Drock90"lol i laughed really hard when i seen that hackjob they did to that carb. waste i tell ya. go to your local auto parts dealer and ask for an adjustable tv cable. it cost 20 dollars and will save you 200. and will also keep your whole assembly from snaping apart while your driving down the road.

WOW! Took me a second to figure out what you were typing about. You mean the way that guy Sumner (member here) chopped up that carb side bracket showing us how to achieve the precisely angled and needed bracket, that may not have been available from the aftermarket at the time he posted that info. Tread lightly Son!
By the way, that $20 replacement cable specific to the 700 is doing much more then a 350 TV cable needs to be concerned with. You see, as I understand it, as the RPM's increase, more pressure is needed expediently so that carb bracket needs to pull that cable faster as the throttle opens or there won't be enough pressure to keep things tightly together. When that happens things slip and the trans is useless almost as fast as if someone didn't know enough to have a proper set one on in the first place.
Now that $20 cable will work as long as you have a place for it at the rear of the carb, throttle side or even one bent to attach to the intake. At that point you'd better have an aftermarket bracket to attach it too or have done a hack job of you own...............Get a protractor, it'll help.
Take the time to read that info as theirs lots of educational material to absorb before the rebuilt hits the street................Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


That "hack" job now has well over 100,000 miles on it without failing. the problem you don't see is that the movement of the TV cable is not linear. The amount of movement has to match the throttle opening in such a way to raise pressure in the trans at the proper rate. So the center distance, and angles are important to get the correct pressure.  That article was written long before you could buy a bracket from the aftermarket, and is still useful if you want to do it yourself, or would like to check that the bracket you bought is really right, or close, or out in left field.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

Fat Cat

Quote from: "Drock90"lol i laughed really hard when i seen that hackjob they did to that carb. waste i tell ya. go to your local auto parts dealer and ask for an adjustable tv cable. it cost 20 dollars and will save you 200. and will also keep your whole assembly from snaping apart while your driving down the road.

Well Mr. expert seeing as you are now an authority on the proper setup of a 700R4 Throttle Valve cable can you tell the rest of us "hacks" what is the proper line pressure at idle and at WOT for a 700R4 and where you would take those reading at. If you could I know I would be ever so greatful.

Just as soon as you can learn a little respect maybe you might get some help from us. But until then I am done helping the likes of you.


drock, you seem to have done the impossible.
you've * off the owners of this site and i didn't think that was possible :shock:

anyway,it's not as simple as a cable, there's more to it than that and IF you'd read the article rather than looking at the pictures, you MIGHT have caught that. :roll:
i AM surprised crosley hasn't had something to say about this.
he sick? :lol:
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it\'s still on my list


Quote from: "tomslik"drock, you seem to have done the impossible.
you've * off the owners of this site and i didn't think that was possible :shock:

anyway,it's not as simple as a cable, there's more to it than that and IF you'd read the article rather than looking at the pictures, you MIGHT have caught that. :roll:
i AM surprised crosley hasn't had something to say about this.
he sick? :lol:

sick?  In style sick?  bad to the bone sick?  (grin)

No comment from me is needed.. you folks covered the bases.

i am not sure the  Franks are *... I think they are simply being frank about the discussion.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)