Catylitic converter theft

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, April 30, 2008, 10:17:46 PM

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I beleive I mentioned a  while back a gal in my wife's office had her cat cut off her Nissan....

last night Janice's office director had the cat cut off his Tundra at Walmart while he was inside for less than 15 minutes.

he mentioned it was a nice clean cuts.. LOL

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)



Fat Cat

Trace amounts of platinum, palladium, and rhodium

wayne petty

and several others...

most hovering about $1K per ounce...

the 96 and newer converters are selling for a quick 75 to 100 bucks...
many times a bit more...

replacement oem cats for 96 and newer can be over 1K .... where earlier cats can be had for 50 bucks installed..   i have picked them up wholesale for 35 bucks each....
there are tons of ads on craigs list wanted everyday...

there are a few parts on a car that have platinum wire in them... i have been colllecting them...  but i like to reuse them as they are.... not scrap them for cash value...
the converter theifs got a nissan last week down the street here... and a few years ago... one of my friends down the block told me of having to replace her battery as it had been stolen ... and they cut the 2 gauge cables to get it out...     when she replaced the cables and the battery it still would not start... not a click... nothing...   i looked under and there was the starter lead hanging ... it was a stick shift ford van... 69 E300...

so i popped down and grabbed a 3129 starter... put it on and she was on the way...     a little while later another fellow showed up... lives behind me...  his ford would not start either...  and he also had replaced the stolen battery...    i said... hows the starter... is it there...   he was really amazed that the starter was also gone...       i had a great laugh...  out of all the fords in the world...  these crooks on a friday night probable trying to get home were out stealing starters... and they kept finding stick shift ford starters which will not start an automatic ford....

stick shift fords... 3129

automatic fords 3128


There is a certain Jap SUV that the thieves are attacking.
They get close to $200 for the cat.
They just slide under and take it.
Nice and easy.