Vin number question.

Started by Coleman396, June 05, 2004, 12:37:11 AM

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Hello everyone. I am hoping I might be able to get some advice from you knowledgable people. I have a 35 Ford truck that I am in the process of selling. The truck is in Canada and is registered here.
I cannot find a serial number on it although I know the history of the truck and know it is not stolen.
The truck is now built on an early 50's Ford station wagon frame. Hence the serial number that was on the original frame is no longer there yet the registration I have shows that number on it. Here is my question.
Can I stamp that vin number onto this frame as the truck is going to a buyer in Oregon and will need to have a vin number on it to go through the border?
I imagine they will check for a number so I have to make sure there is one in place. The truck is still registered as a 35 Ford.
Any help would surely be appreciated. Thanks a lot.......John


My business is doing auto inspections. I am not certain about the laws in Canada,but here in the US,messing with any VIN # is a good way to spend some time in the Grey Bar Hotel...........
That being said, I have a friend,of a friend,that knows a guy,that owned a 1940 Ford 2 door sedan,that he sold to a fellow in Hawaii.Before the car could be put in a container and sent over,he had to have the VIN verified. The frame had been sanded and painted so many times,all the numbers were GONE. He "restored" the numbers with a die set and sent the car on it's way.
At least that's the story I heard..........But you didn't hear it from me.
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


"I know nothing",but you can get the punch sets at harbor freight,top on letters/numbers are facing the center of car,stamped on frame on drivers side by steering box Rear of the box,but "I know nothing"
Russand irene


I had a similar problem when I built my VW roadster. I had the car almost road ready and was trying to figure out how to register it as a pre smog vehicle. I had a good 62 VW Bug title and I'd actually used some of the body parts from the 62 on the roadster. Anyway, one night while I was sleeping somebody must have snuck into the shop and stamped the VIN from the 62 title into the roadster frame. It must have taken them a lot of work to make a jig to get the numbers so well spaced and level. I took the title to DMV to register the car. I explained to the DMV lady that I'd turned the car into a roadster, installed a V8 and done a lot of other modifications. All she said was that I needed a VIN verification. My brother-in-law was a CHP so I asked him to do the verification. He looked at the stamped in VIN and said it didn't look like it was tamperd with when he looked at it and signed the verification form. Presto it's legal.
      I found out later that I could have registered it as a specially constructed vehicle and since I used a 1965 327 block it would have been smogged as a 65. I think pulled one over on myself that time.
       Jbird 8)
A biblical plague would come in real handy just about now
Badges? Badges? We don\'t need no stinking Badges!!
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I replace frames on trailers all the time, a couple a week. We just stamp the VIN onto the new frame. There has never been a problem with it.

Some years back, I was in a salvage store, and found a Ford VIN stamp set, with the jig for holding the numbers. I passed on it, but it was probably worth a lot to someone.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Any VIN inspector worth his salt can tell if the numbers have been stamped with incorrect regular type stamps. The original Ford stamps has characters that look different. The 1 looks like a capital I. The 6 and 9 are not the same just turned upside down.
   There is a guy in Washington who has the correct stamps for sale. His name is: Mark Eckerich  
Rt 4 Cheney WA 99004
Phone number: (509) 747-4609