it really hurts

Started by wvcab, March 22, 2008, 03:57:44 PM

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last tuesday, when i got my cab, i did the normal pre trip check, and threw my stuff in the trunk, and i noticed gasoline fumes in the trunk... so i asked the day guy about it, and he said he took a guy with a gas can to the gas station on his last trip..... ok.

so i leave, and im not feeling all that well, find a nice sunny parking lot, and relcline the seat, and take a nap, thinking i will feel better... get a call 45 minuites later, and i am not feeling any better, and all of a sudden i can taste alcohol, (like the smeel from gas), so i take the car back, and talk to the mechanic (thinking it might be an exhaust leak... he gets in and smeells raw fuel.... i relay about the day guy, he looks in the trunk, and we discover gas is spilt on the trunk liner, and the pad underneath (an area roughly 15" x 20") and the pad is sopping wet (drippy), so he removes the pad and liner, sprays freebreeze in the trunk and car, and says have a good night.

i not thinking about it, leave, and although i dont feel sick, i dont feel well, (freebreeze or perfumes set my sinuses off).

the next day i wake up, hard to breathe, and the headache from hell, but go in anyway (hey i got bills), and can only work half a day, thursday, headache gone, but hurts to breathe, and only work half a day, friday, it still hurts to breathe, but i work a full shift, and today it only hurts when i cough....

i have done something similar before, when painting a car, but with age it hurts more...

i think if this ever happens again, i will go to the e/r


I notice gasoline fumes bother me more than they did in the past, but I figured it was from smoking.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I had an acquaintance that had a gas filter on his 32 plug up. While under the car, the unleaded gas ran into his ear. He ended up in the er room and almost lost his hearing in that ear. Unleaded gas is hazardous to our health. Be careful out there.


well, that settles it! imma stop huffin the stuff! :lol:



Been there..... If you ever spill gas in your lap, yank your pants and undies off asap and wash the family jewels with soap and water or they'll start feeling like the gas has ignited on it's own.

Gas fumes, exhaust fumes and paint fumes just three more things to love about our hobby/occupation.     Jbird 8)
A biblical plague would come in real handy just about now
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The first liar ain\'t got a chance


Back in '75 we were getting ready to leave for the Memphis Nats.  It was the maiden voyage for my '41 Chevy sedan.  Had checked everything over but had not filled the gas tank yet other than a couple gallons to get the car running.  Ran down to the gas station to fill it up and put enough in to find a few good leaks in the tank.  Back to the house to see what had to be done to get on the road.  Point of the story - you haven't lived till you had gas in your arm pit.  Crawled under the '41 and tried to find the leak and of course had gas run down my arm.  OUCH, did that burn.  Don't let this happen to you.  Of course I was doing whatever I could to hurry up and leave, had about six other cars waiting on me.  

Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50


Back in the late 60's, I was working in a chemical factory. One night, I had just pumped off a tanker load of styrene monomer. I was disconnecting the hose from the tank fill pipe, there was about 3 gallons of styrene still in the pipe. When the quick connect came apart all of it was on me. In about 15 seconds, I was standing there in my boots and socks, with the truck driver laughing his * off.

Don't take long to undress when you are soaked in styrene. :shock:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


just thinking about all the time I used to swallow gas when I was-----


just a quick update..

it doesnt hurt to breathe or cough.... i think ive cheated death again....