Paint Problem,Kosmic Clear

Started by jimcaf, February 29, 2008, 01:26:49 PM

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I sprayed out a set of doors the other day,House of colors black base with there Kosmic clear,I had them laying flat on stands,,i put enough base to cover,then i gunned on 4 coats of clear,,figuring there would be plenty there to cut and rub it the next morning i sanded them with 2000 and buffed them,,and they looked great..I slide them out in the sun,it was pretty warm out,,about 80,sun was strong,,,so about an hour after they were out there i grabbed one of my yellow micro rags and went to wipe them and the rag kind of draged,,the clear was soft ,it didnt smug it but it was soft enough were i could thumb print it,,so i slide it back in the shade and let it cool and it harden again,,,so after doing that a couple of times (figured it would be good to let it cycle) they ended up rock hard and then not affected by the heat of the sun ,,so last night i was slideing them back in under my carport and noticed a weird looking texture on about a 1/4 of one of the doors,so i cut and rubbed it out again till it was gone,and am slightly seeing it appear again in the same spot this AM!
(BTW both doors prior to paint were completely catalized primed and blocked,the prime had about a month to dry)
Any one ever have a simlar problem,,,its been one of those jobs that just dosnt want to go away!!!,,,thanks ahead for any response,,,jim


I'm not an expert but it sounds like the hardener was either bad or there wasn't enough in the mix.

As far as the textured area goes, does it look like little pin pricks?  I've had what I call "solvent pop" problems when I put freshly painted parts out in the sun before the catalyst hardens the paint.

....just some thoughts from an amateur.


Hi George,,,I used my ratio stick so im fairly certain i got the ratio right and that all the product is still good,,strange thing is i did the rest of the body like a week and a half ago without any problem,but it stayed in the shade of my carport,im thinking sticking out in the sun may not have been a good idea,,
       thanks  jim


Sounds like a hardener problem to me too.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


The only thing I have to add is the activation will not occur beneath 60 degrees. If you didn't have at least 24 hours above 60 degrees, the urethane may never be right. I have also found that at around 60 degrees, it takes days for it to dry and then months to harden. The stuff that I paint when it's above 90 dries in 8 hours and is really good. I don't know that this has anything to do with your problems but this is my exp. with urethane.


Ive never heard of a clear softening from the sun.. I put all my stuff outside in the sun after its surface dry but only if its like 70 deg or better . If not i crank the heat up in the garage and let it set for a day.. I saw your post on the hamb and one reply was interesting about the urethane hi solids clears staying soft :?:  My kirker seemed soft for quite a while and i havent actually checked it lately but i used it on the frame and under the body. I used ppg clear on the firewall and it was plenty hard the day after?  I did get some solvent pop on my frame in the clear but it will rub out as it wasnt really bad..  I have a nasty habit of getting in a hurry  :lol:
Dave :wink:  :arrow:


Jusjunk,,,Im guilty of being in a hurry to  going fast with the clear,, i dont have a booth so i need to or il end up with dirt or the dreaded nat,,,,Well the good thing is the door looks the same as it did this AM,,,,its very very slight,,,im going to hang it tommorrow,and maybe give it a quick scuff and buff again next week before its rolls out of here,,bet it has to do with my new  Devilbiss hvlp,,,i know i got a little carried away(I got some serious mils of clear on those doors) and even though it was overnight im betting it was to soon for the hot sun and being black it really soaks up the heat,,

the day i sprayed them it was in the 70s so im fairly certain the catalist had its time to do its thing,
thanks again jim


Yup, I'm an impatient painter too and sometimes it causes problems.  I've had to strip a few things.   :|


Quote from: "jimcaf"Jusjunk,,,Im guilty of being in a hurry to  going fast with the clear,, i dont have a booth so i need to or il end up with dirt or the dreaded nat,,,,Well the good thing is the door looks the same as it did this AM,,,,its very very slight,,,im going to hang it tommorrow,and maybe give it a quick scuff and buff again next week before its rolls out of here,,bet it has to do with my new  Devilbiss hvlp,,,i know i got a little carried away(I got some serious mils of clear on those doors) and even though it was overnight im betting it was to soon for the hot sun and being black it really soaks up the heat,,

the day i sprayed them it was in the 70s so im fairly certain the catalist had its time to do its thing,
thanks again jim

Is kinda milky looking from an over abundance of clear ? ive seen this before too..  :wink:  I have a devilbiss finishline that hangs on the wall.. I hate it and it wasnt cheap but its not worth near what i payed for it so it hangs there.. I uae my old 65.00 pratco ive had for prolly 30 years.. Throws a little more material around but i know how it sprays..
Dave :wink:  :arrow:


Funny I was painting at a ford dealer back in about 98 when the state law became  HVLP only,,,and i waited to last minute to buy,and ended up with the finishline too,,,and your right!!talk about junk!! I coundnt figure out why would Devillbiss put out a gun like that,,but over the years the HVLPs have come a long way,,its amazing how on the higher end HVLP guns today you can put super thick high solids paint in them and how well it atimizes the product out the nozzle,I just  picked up a couple of the Devilbiss GTI Millenium and am super happy with how they perform,,to well!! to the point were its easy to get carried away and keep flooding on the product,,I did a repair on a motorhome out in my driveway a month or so ago,whole length and about 3 feet from the bottom up in basecoat clear,gold met,with a generic speed clear,,2 coats out of the gun and it blew me away it looked like it was laminated,,,was reading a while back using a higher end HVLP  the transfer rate is upward of 70 or 80 % were the old siphon guns back in the day were only like 30%,,crazy to think 70% ended up in the air...with the price of the materials today makes sense to have a good gun if you paint fairly often,Im betting my problem is not being used to the gun,to much clear to fast(transfer rate compared to my 5 year old sharpe hvlp) jim