Larry Brown Collectors Cars

Started by Robza, February 11, 2008, 07:57:15 PM

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Hi there,

Just wondering if there is anyone here who has dealt with Larry Brown - Collectors Cars in the past and whether or not he is a reputable person to be dealing with.

I have an eye on an old pickup in Quincy Illinois and was wondering if there is a member near by that could possibly drop in to take a look at the pick up for me to see if its worth buying or not.

Any info would be much appreciated.




Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Ouch!.   I have seen a similar  tale of woe re a classic dealer in California.and subsequent other buyers adding their similar tale of their experience with that dealer. My experience was also a misrepresented vehicle from a big name dealer in  Florida. Photos looked nice,I asked about the floor pans and was told they were ok,the vehicle had a list of "new parts" replaced,that were obviously not when  I finally got the vehicle. It was described as,a "good driver" But ran like a chaff cutter with shot brakes. The vehicle has had dodgy bodywork covered by a coat of new paint.And floor pans that need replacing,as well as a section of the trunk floor.Front qtr vent window frames rusted out.  When I expressed disappointment ,I was told that he only relayed what "he was told" re the vehicle condition ,and offered me a discount on any other purchase I make.I am puzzled as he moves quite a few vehicles,and  I just might have been unlucky. Sure gets disappointing when you wait  eagerly for 3 months to get a new purchase ,and your first sight of it leaves you floored. Meanwhile ,It gets shelved until I finish my rod construction.......Frank.

chimp koose

WOW, aren't you glad you asked questions first?When I sell a vehicle I tell people all of what I know is wrong with it first. If they are still interested then we deal.Last time I sold a project carI had the guys relative come take pictures of it so he knew there was nothing to hide.


Well that's annoying yet good to know. :lol:

Thanks enjenjo! I was looking at doing the same with a 69 Vette a few molnths ago. Joined up to a Vette forum and quickly found out a lot of bad info on the Dealer.

Ah the wonders of the Internet.  :)


How do these guys stay in business?.  I am starting to get cynical and look at it this way. Sell a lot of cars ,post good testamonials on their sites[they seem to love these] . Then every now and then flog off a lemon for a quick buck without their image being tarnished.  I thought I was safe when I made my purchase,high profile dealer,everything looked rosy,even emailed me to tell me everyone was commenting on it whilst it was being "detailed". I reckon now the "detailing"work was  done at a clinic for recuperating patients with sight defects...........Frank.


If you're still interested, contact the Early Tin Dusters car club out of Quincy.  They put on a great show in the fall and should be able to help.


Quote from: "38HAULR"How do these guys stay in business?.  I am starting to get cynical and look at it this way. Sell a lot of cars ,post good testamonials on their sites[they seem to love these] . Then every now and then flog off a lemon for a quick buck without their image being tarnished.  I thought I was safe when I made my purchase,high profile dealer,everything looked rosy,even emailed me to tell me everyone was commenting on it whilst it was being "detailed". I reckon now the "detailing"work was  done at a clinic for recuperating patients with sight defects...........Frank.

With the way the laws work here there are a lot of these guys and they can stay in business.. They really have to screw a bunch of people before they get theirs.. Its a sad deal.. Every time i see someone requesting help looking at a car they are buying sight unseen i pray they get someone close to look for them. Over xmas break a guy on the hamb asked if anyone was in a town in indiana that could look at a car for him. He said he would pay 100 bucks.. I was going to be in Ft wayne and it was another hour  drive to go look at the car but i told him id do it if he couldnt find anyone else..  I never heard back so i think he made a connection..


I some how got on his email list and get a list of cars for sale frequently,I did request some pics and from what I seen were over priced for the condition.  Jeff