Springfield Roll Call !!

Started by 40, May 24, 2004, 11:24:42 PM

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Quote from: "Charlie Chops 1940"Wuz & Mo, wish I could be down there this weekend, but we will see you at Indy in a couple weeks. Keep starvin' the mongoose so she's really mean.

we are looking forward to
Indy. We aren't camping this year as we got soaked last year. We are staying at a motel over in Brownsburg. See you there. Sam


Quote from: "MO_JUNK"
Quote from: "Charlie Chops 1940"Wuz & Mo, wish I could be down there this weekend, but we will see you at Indy in a couple weeks. Keep starvin' the mongoose so she's really mean.

we are looking forward to
Indy. We aren't camping this year as we got soaked last year. We are staying at a motel over in Brownsburg. See you there. Sam

Registration was at 1830 at 5pm with another hour to go. No rain, warm breeze. The host hotel lot is full of rods. Man what a sight.


SO, what is the weather forecast for the weekend? Its pouring here in St. Louis.



Quote from: "Nick32vic"SO, what is the weather forecast for the weekend? Its pouring here in St. Louis.


Partly cloudy, 80 degrees, low humidity, and a light southwest breeze.   Or was it cloudy, humid, and a chance of showers and thunderstorms through the weekend.  It is typical weather for this event.  You can usually expect a little rain sometime during the Mid America Nationals.   It is after all, spring time in the Ozarks.

We all need a little rain to make us appreciate the sunshine.
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Quote from: "40"The Mid-America Nat's is almost here...Just wondering who has plans to be there and what you will be driving?I am getting too old to remember who,what,when,where etc so thought I might print this post before I leave and slip it in my back pocket!I will be arriving Thursday late afternoon,I am traveling with a young friend of mine in his Burgandy 37 Down's Convertible....Stop by and say Hello! Perhaps Lance or someone else familiar with the Fairgrounds could suggest a meeting place?Anybody up for a get together for dinner?Look forward to seeing old friends and one's I have yet to meet!

We are loaded up and heading out in the morning about 6 a.m. Hope the 38 will make it round trip. See Ya there!!!!!!!!!


We got home from Springfield late last night....drove thru some of the worst thunderstorms I've seen for quite some time!The rain was coming sideways about 60+ mph! The weather looked threatening most of the weekend,especially just prior to the awards presentation,so we loaded up and left a bit early.Unfortunately I left home before I had the opportunity to read the last few posts on this thread....I didn't make the noon meeting but did manage to catch up with a few RRT'rs! I had a great time,it was especially interesting spending the entire weekend with my 24 year old buddy.I did learn that although those powerfull stereos with the booming base are a bit rough on your hearing,the earthquake type vibration they cause on the back of the seat feels really good on a tired old back :wink: Perhaps you heard us go by 10 or 12 rows over!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Well, we got home at about 8 last night. We drove up 44 all the way to home and the ONLY storm we hit was when we were eating in Rolla and it was just a passing shower.

I hope everyone else got home ok.

I got to meet a couple RRT'ers. I was disssapointed that i didnt get to meet all of you though!  :cry:  Bib OVeralls, i saw your car all weekend but never saw you around. I saw JimC's chevy, so did you trade Jim? the liscence plates said Dons 32 so im guessing you did, I wanted to see that Vicky since im builidin a Vicky!

Anyways, i had a great time, learned lots of stuff and met lots of nice people.



Quote from: "Nick32vic"Well, we got home at about 8 last night. We drove up 44 all the way to home and the ONLY storm we hit was when we were eating in Rolla and it was just a passing shower.

I hope everyone else got home ok.

I got to meet a couple RRT'ers. I was disssapointed that i didnt get to meet all of you though!  :cry:  Bib OVeralls, i saw your car all weekend but never saw you around. I saw JimC's chevy, so did you trade Jim? the liscence plates said Dons 32 so im guessing you did, I wanted to see that Vicky since im builidin a Vicky!

Anyways, i had a great time, learned lots of stuff and met lots of nice people.


We dodged a bullet with the weather didn't we?
I met Jokester and his wife, 40 and his friend, and KCTom and his friend. WZ, sorry I missed you. I put off coming by until it was too late.