Truth or wives tale?

Started by Rayvyn, September 26, 2007, 07:49:17 PM

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Quote from: "Carps"The oil companies know all this and worked out years ago how to use it to screw you.

You cannot beat them at their own game.

Truer words were never spoken.  Anyone notice that crude oil as at/near record highs, but gasoline isn't?  Right now gasoline is priced just at the point to put a serious hurt on ethanol producers...and I'll bet it'll stay that way for a while.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Quote from: "jaybee"

Right now gasoline is priced just at the point to put a serious hurt on ethanol producers...and I'll bet it'll stay that way for a while.

Funny how that works.
So much for the idea of a "free market".  :roll:

Smokey Yunick came to the same conclusion in his last book.
Alternatives were not viable when the price of oil was still relatively low.

Oil was $40 a barrel in the 70s,now it's $80.
What else has only doubled in the last 30 years ?


5 years ago I was buying gas at under a dollar a gallon in Bakersfield, and now I'm paying almost $3.  That's a little more than doubling in 30 years.....

In 1972 I drove my motorcycle to Chicago, 40 MPG and 40 cents/gallon.  I paid a little over $20 to make it there.  It has gone up 700% in that time.


We have problems with drivers comming back in the middle of the night and filling their tanks to the top. In the afternoon when the sun is on them they overflow. The fuels pushed out past the cap onto the ground. In a modern car it will flood the evaporitive recovery system and cause lights to come on. Most manufacturers suggest ending the fill when the nozzle clicks off. The under ground temp is about 55 degrees year around. The tanks are way below the frost line anywhere in the lower 48. 55 drgree fuel warming to 85-100 degrees in the afternoon sun will expand a lot.

As for those vapor recovery filling station hoses, we don't have that stuff here in fly over country. Any vapor coming out of the fill tube goes out into the air as God intended. It's hard to believe that you could looses a measurable amount to vapor anyhow.
