WOW!!! It works!!

Started by purplepickup, August 22, 2007, 07:44:50 PM

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Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Welcome back George.

I know I haven't been home from Louisville for a month yet, but I have a question for ya. Are you and your Purplepickup going to be able to be in Louisville in 2008? My friend who has a '31 Chevy Pickup will be there next year. I remember back 7 or 8 years ago right after he bought his '31, he sent me to Louisville to take as many pictures of the '31 Chevy Pickups I could find for him. So I did. I found your '31 and took some pictures of it for him. That was the only one I saw up there. The next year I got a chance to meet you.
A street rod is a vehicle made before 1949 that is modified with modern stuff: bigger motors; newer trans; updated suspension, front & rear; a/c.
Following is a street rod plus definition: No known definition because it changes.


Hi George! Nice to see you hanging around here again....It's been too long! I haven't been around much myself this Summer.....Work has been keeping me extremely busy but with the big downturn in new home construction,I guess that's a good thing! Just got back from a vacation in Alaska......better quit goofing off and do something constructive! Take care and tell Murph I said Hello!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Quote from: "40"Hi George!
Hi Daryle.  It feels really good to be able to check in here and see what you guys are up to again.   It was weird being out of touch but I got a lot of stuff done.   I put up a storage building, worked on making a small toyhauler/camper, and I'm getting ready to build another log cabin....from scratch again. :D

We came by your way on the way home from Bonneville.  We were bustin' butt on I-90 running away from a rain and hail storm and drove right into another one.  The trip was way fun tho.  I've got to get back to that part of the world again and next time I'll take time to stop by.  I hear you cook some pretty good steaks.

Quote from: "40chevy"I have a question for ya. Are you and your Purplepickup going to be able to be in Louisville in 2008?
Hi Al.  I might be there but don't know yet.  I miss seeing everyone at the Nats but I got hooked on Bonneville and they're close to the same time.  I've thought about selling the truck too and if I do, it definitely won't be there.

Quote from: "enjenjo"Actually, Murf owes me, but I can't tell you why :roll:
Yeah, he told me about you taking him out on the town for his birthday.  It's his order up a lap dance for him and then you tell him to pay for it.  Shoot, he doesn't carry money on his birthday.  He'll pay ya but he said that you'd better not pull that again next year.  Oh yeah, he said that next year he wants to go to a new place.  The chicks this year were real dogs.


:lol:  :P  WOW, Hi George, glad to see your back, sure missed you!!!

Saw some pics of you at bonnie and was hoping you would migrate back to RRT!!!

Glad to have you aboard again, sure hope it doesn't invade your computer again. We've been having fun riding. I surprised rob with a road king for his birthday, in case you didn't know  :D   we've not had the car out much at all this summer LOL (4 times I think)

Hugs and kisses xoxox



George....Let's hear about the plans for the new cabin.Will it be in the same area?I'm just finishing up a customers home on the Missouri River in South Dakota and am just starting another about 1/4 mile downstream.......It sure is nice working 100' from the water.....especially on those 100 degree days!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"