Louisville pics (high resolution)

Started by Skip, August 07, 2007, 06:40:22 PM

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Here's a link to my high resolution Louisville pics.

Just click the thumbnail to get to Webshots.

When you open a pic, click the "full size" tag to see the high resolution pic.

One album is 538 car shots and the other is a stint on the roof of Freedom Hall (58 shots).



Early Hemi SME
Hot Rod Wiring Consulting


Quote from: "Skip"Here's a link to my high resolution Louisville pics.

Just click the thumbnail to get to Webshots.

When you open a pic, click the "full size" tag to see the high resolution pic.

One album is 538 car shots and the other is a stint on the roof of Freedom Hall (58 shots).



Saw ur post on the hamb Skip.. Nice pics.. Good work
Dave :wink:  :arrow:



Figured I'd cover the other boards to catch the folks who don't participate in some of the boards.

Early Hemi SME
Hot Rod Wiring Consulting


Nice shots Skip, and thanks for the camera help last weekend... );b(
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


So Dr Desoto, a new camera did we get. Just kidding Skip. I too saw the post over on the pork site and am glad you chose to list here also. I was waiting for the rooftop shots for a different perspective, which you gave. I particularly enjoyed the #44 showing the entrance lanes, #17 which included the coasters too. Of course #56 was the best, as it had a rather well traveled vehicle as a bull's-eye :wink: . Thanks, Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Great pics Skip, and the paint still looks good on your sedan!


This is my second nationals with that camera.  Actually, I have two.  One was damaged at Lead East last year and, while it was out being repaired, I had to spring for another body to shoot my granddaughter's Christening.

Nikon D70s, BTW.  Thinking of upgrading to a D200

Early Hemi SME
Hot Rod Wiring Consulting


I also have a Nikon D70. Outstanding camera.
'32 3W

I write novels, too. https://lsjohanson.com