The jusjunk and Sue world tour part 2....

Started by Dave, August 07, 2007, 06:04:02 PM

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Ok we did some more sight seeing today and Tina had to take one of her ferrets to the vet so we had to be back here early. I just got back from driving out the entrance of the appartments and making a left into the car wash and washing the G/P.. It was 102F 3 hours ago and i dont even wanna think what its like on the salt. I know one thing i cant take this kinda heat unless im moving(like on a bike at least there is wind there) . Setting still just kills me and you cant work in it very long either :?  We also went to best buy and i got a new mouse..
Yesterday we went to where they held the olympics then to a little town for lunch and a cocktail then we went out on antilope island on the great salt lake.. Speaking of cocktails they have 3-2 beer here but you can get the regular too  :?:  it depends on where you go. You cant order another drink till yours is gone (that means empty) and you cant drink liquor unless your having dinner and then thats not in the regular bar  :?:  :?: You also cant consume more than 3 drinks in a certian period.. Hell with em i got gin right here at tina's place :lol:  :lol: You can carry a pistol just about every where cept certian churches but they have to post it. Also you can marry your cousin if your 65 or over or at least 55 and can prove you cant have kids... (Dont Ask)... :lol:  :lol: Oh ya a cop can come in a bar watch you drink and then follow you to your car and ....... Every corner has a check cashing and title loan company or 2... Too much mexican food.. The mormons dont eat healthy either there is a lot of beef sold here.. I did have an excellant buffalo burger yesterday but that was in the mountains.. Im still debating on the salt.. Its gotta be god awful hot there.. Ive collected a few more harley shirts too.. Oh.. the great salt lake stinks ! quite a story on the lake,very interesting. trains everywhere.. Tomorrow we go to the city.. Gotta watch your language and what you say there cause the city sold the freedom of speech to the church for a few blocks around them  :?:  :roll:  This is a wierd state.. private clubs (bars) but you can just walk in and deposit 4 bucks on the bar and you can drink there  :?:  :?:  :?  :shock: Ya we get to town and the mountain catches fire.. yup i got pics..

Dave :wink:  :arrow:


ok heres some pics of the mountain fire and olympic park and the great salt lake one with a storm comming in.. Look at the first pic of olympic park and blow it up and you will see the kid practicing jumps over the pool. we didnt see the pros do it but they were scheulded to go at about 1 or 2 pm and we left before that. There is a funny story about the deer that got on the bob sled run years ago and they had to get him out with brooms after he slid to the bottom and it was quite a chore cause its all ice and he couldnt get good footing.  The big deal was he did the same thing again 15 minutes after they got him out of the track  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: They have a pic and i asked to see it. he was a huge buck  :!:  :!:  :!: They said  a moose did it too but he was a chicken cause he only did it once :-o  Enjoy the pics..


Speedway motors pics......... Pic 11 is the wall of sound ill call it.. a whole wall devoted to car sound records.. :lol:  :lol:  More on next post


More The little orange 1/4 midget is joey saldana's car when he was a little kid.. I lost the better pic of Joeys lil ride. I guess I also lost the pic of me actually in the indy car and i was the only one on the tour brave enuff to get in it.. :lol: Ha its just a race car :?:  I also lost 3 pics of the rodeo bar sprint car from toledo ohio that rollie beale drove to a usac championship. I kinda pizzed off the tour guide cause i knew more about the car and rollie than he did. rollie was a good friend of my dads and i met him about 8 years ago.. The guy i wrenched the pavement sprint car for raced with rollie too.. Anyway sue thought it was great taht i kinda took over as tour guide for 10 minutes  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Thats all i got ..
Dave :arrow:  :wink:  :arrow:


Off to the mountains of yellowstone thursday..  I dont think ill update for a while..