My Weekends Adventure with the Rumblers

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, February 07, 2007, 07:49:17 PM

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Last week, with temps expected to be in the single digit realm in Detroit for the weekend AND the promise of meeting my HAMB pals the Rumblers, I just felt the need to head south..... so I did.  

I left Detroit very early on Friday morning and flew into Orlando where my folks picked me up at the airport.  They winter down there and this year they drove their '48 Ford Coupe down so that's what they picked me up from the airport in.  We headed over to our friends place in Celebration to say "hi" and have lunch.  I didn't have ANY photos of Mom and Dad's Ford so I took a couple in Chuck and Bridgette's driveway.  No use baggin on Dad's ride, I do enough of it for all of us.

Once back at the folks villa we did the usual Florida vacation stuff.   Despite the weather we headed straight for the hot tub.  Felt good and I got the chance to meet some of the folks old cronnie friends that I've been hearing about for years.  Afterwards took a nap, then headed to dinner with a few other friends of my folks then called it a nite.

The next morning dad and I headed to Daytona for the Rumbler's annual show.  Ended up being a 1 ½ ride from their place.  Kinda rainy on and off the whole way.   Dad knew how much I wanted to attend and was a real trooper.

About an hour into the trip we came upon a '60 wagon and I knew right away exactly who it was.

Antibilly, Mike and his lovely wife

Once at the show Dad found a spot and parked.  I no sooner stepped out of the car when I spotted and yelled "NADS!"  It was like a movie, we both walked toward each other, and I don't know about Nads but I couldn't reach him fast enough.  My dear, dear pal brother from another mother.  In case someone here doesn't realize, Nads and I had never met in person before so this was kinda special for me.  We've spent years communicating via the HAMB but our paths had never crossed.  Nads, Saturday was s special day for me.  Thanks for being you bud!  xoxoxo

About this same time DJ walked up, who I had met at the very first HAMB Drags, and the three of us just kept huggin, kissin, and squeezing each other.  Great seeing you again sweetie!  My Dad was just rolling his eyes, I don't think he really understands the HAMB bond.  Can you really explain it to someone who deosn't experience it for themselves?

Dad and I then headed into the Harley Dealership to drain the tanks.  Back outside we started to check out the cars and the first one we came to was the Hudson belonging to TheKid49.  It just so happened he recognized my Dad cuz a couple of years ago he came to the house to look at Dad's '40 ford that he had for sale.  I was the first time Del and I met though.  We all stood around and chatted while it was kinda sprinkling.

Me and TheKid49, Del

Wasn't long before Lee, Grandadeo here on the RRT, walked up and introuduced himself.  Him and I had never met before although Dad and Lee met the weekend before at another car show.  It was wonderful to finally put a face to a screen name.  He wasn't nearly as old and I thought he was. :lol:

Me, Lee and his son.  It was GREAT meeting you bud.  I think this will end up being an annual trip for me.

He's got a * little roadster that him and his son drove up from southern Florida.

A few minutes later Glenn, AHotRod  shows up and once again I couldn't get enough hugs from him.  It was wonderful to see you again bud.  

Shortly thereafter JabSled and Mike47 walk up and introduce themselves.

It was like old pals even though we just met.  Lots of laughs.  It was WONDERFUL to meet you two and I look forward to seeing you both and meeting more of the NJ Rumblers at the Jalopy Showdown in May.

At this point Dad's cold and wants a sweatshirt so him and I head back into the Harley store and I purchase a new hoodie and Dad puts it on.  This was a couple of firsts for him.  He'd never had a Harley logo'd anything on nor had he ever had a hoodie on.  As we're walking out I say "Dad, do you think we'll make it past the first car this time?":D

Ran into Greyone, who welcomed us and thanked us for coming.  I thought it was Nads twin brother at first.

Made it to the registration tent.  Met a few of the Rumbler gals and again ran into DJ.  Thanks much for the Rumblers swag bud.  Too bad I'll be representing the NY chapter now.

Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Started walking around and taking photos of cars

and shortly thereafter ran into TikiRanch and his lovely wife.  It was great to see you both again.  Have fun in Hawaii, we'll catch up again soon.

Nads * ride.  LOVE it bud!  I want a ride next time.

This one brought back some fond memories
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


This little thing was AWESOME and probley my favorite there

Pretty cool just alittle too "flat" for my taste right smack in the center front of the top.  Nice guy, but I didn't catch his name.

What a treat when I spotted this.  I couldn't believe it was sitting there in the rain.  Hard core for sure.

By now it's about noon so Dad and I head over to were the Draglink CC is hanging out.  Lots of folks milling around.  Mike has alittle fun with Nads.

MetalMike13 from OH and Antibilly.  It was WONDERFUL to meet you both.  Thanks so much for the Draglinks support swag....I'll wear the t-shirt with pride bud!

These two could pass for GMB's.

Me, Busted Knuckles and his beautiful children Daisy and Marlin.  It was wonderful to meet you and your family.  

Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


OOMACK, it was nice to finally meet you.  Your striping on Nads bike was awesome.

GreggPellicer and his new little friend.  Your roadster is awesome.  Hopefully next time we can go for a ride.  Have fun with your new single statis bud!

and his roadster

Almost forgot to take the group shot.  Gathered up the few that were still around at around 12:30

Antibilly's wagon with a few DLCC guys hanging out

A few folks hanging out and checking out Nads bike, and Anthony's striping

TheKidd, great ride bud, I was very impressed.  Very nice meeting you and hanging out.

Very cool setup, love the color you choose for the motor

OldCarFart, it was wonderful to finally meet you in person and to have the opportunity to chat.  Dad and I stopped back at your swap space after lunch to say goodbye but I couldn't find you.  Looking forward to our paths crossing in the near future.

Glenn, AHotRod's cool ride which hopefully I do get a ride in SOON.

Dad and I then headed over to a very delicious BBQ place that was right on the property.  Had a yummy sandwich and warmed up abit
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Checked out a few more rides

The hand made trophies

Ran into a few more Rumblers, BIG Del, Sweats aka Eric and Swiss Mike...they sure grow'um cute down in Florida.

Then started saying my goodbyes.  Hugged and kissed Nads somemore, thanked him for a WONDERFUL time and we headed back.

It was GREAT meeting everyone.  Thanks for being so kind and friendly.  You guys made a gal feel very welcome.  Despite the weather the show was awesome, all your hard work paid off.  I'll be back.

Once back at the villa, we headed for the hot tub to warm up, then another naps and dinner at a fabulous seafood resturant where I had probley the best shrimp ever.  Next morning headed to a brunch with a bunch of the folks friends, hot tubed it again and then went for a walk with Mom to check out these Eagles that are nesting nearby.  Late afternoon they took me back to the airport.   All and all an almost perfect weekend.....could've used alittle sunshine BUT at least the temps weren't in the single digits.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Looks like you had a nice trip. too short though, right?
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I am glad you had a great trip.   What is all that green stuff in the background of the photos?  It does not look like that here.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Thanks for the pictures and event coverage Denise.  Even got to see my picture on the HAMB.  Kool.  Just so you know, the rain is gone, its Sunny Florida again although a little on the cool side.  For that matter the beard is gone too.  But like the rain, I'm sure it will be back.

Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50


Great pictures Denise...... you've got the east coast covered like ol DRD57 does on the west end.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Great stuff. Did I mention I'm so sick of winter I may just curl up and die?


Quote from: "kb426"I may just curl up and die?

Dont do that ...nowdays they wont let it happen and they bring ya back  :lol:  :lol: .
I hate this winter too but im sticking around for summer :wink:


Looks like you had fun despite the rain and cool weather. Had to be better than here!!!! by far.

I thought Nads was the guy on the left till you said something about someone looking like his brother later on  :lol:  :shock:

I want to meet Anthony too, he's coming to Autorama. He was just a kid when we went with Dean to Leadsled in Des Moines in the late 70's or early 80's. Thats when Dean had his sectioned shoebox and Anthony went nuts over it. Small World!!

Also get to put a face to Lee  :P


Thanks for sharing the photos! Had to be warmer there than it was here on the frozen Tundra! The lack of sunshine the past couple of weeks is beginning to take its toll on my usually cheery personality  :roll:
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


You go girl!!!!  Looks like lots of fun



Thanks for sharing.......................It warmed us all up, a little.
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...