michigan wanderings

Started by phat rat, January 27, 2007, 07:02:39 PM

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phat rat

Well jusjunk made it to Muskegon today for his hood from Charlie. He was also over to Kens place then to mine.  A few cans of brew were consumed  :D but (sorry Vance :P ) no sheep were shorn :wink: . I imagine he'll be in here in a bit to add his take on it.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


A good day .. Nice ride. Kinda snowy on the way home but im in.. I set the hood on the roadster and ill look tomorrow and see how bad charlie got me :lol:  :lol: . Lets see.. Got up to Charliechop's a little after 11 am looked at his roadster :!:  Very Nice  Its gonna be a keeper. Looked at the hood while he called OBT to come have lunch with us. Kenny showed up and off we went to lunch. Charlie bought :) .. Back to Charlies and we took the hood apart cause we drove up in Sues car and we put in the trunk and headed to the new Garage up the road for a look see :!:  I gotta tell ya im jealous OBT's garage is sweet. We were invited up to the balcony for a couple beers and charlie showed up to join us for a bit. Thats one hell of a shop. Of course kenny has more to do so about the only thing in there is the 34 and building supplys. Its really gonna be cool when he gets it dirty  :lol:  :lol: .. Well Charlie had to leave so kenny and i had one more   :wink:  then we headed to phat rats..
Jack was out in his big garage  ( man is mine small compared to these guys ) so we broke down the door and demanded a beer or his life :twisted:  :twisted:  Just Kidding.. Well we had another true story session :lol: over a couple more beers and jacks wife came in and we met her and she invited sue in the house so we had more flexability on our story telling  :!:  :lol:  We had a good time .. Ya we talked about all you guys and left no one out cause that wouldnt be right :lol:  :lol:   Really was a good day and im jealous and id like to retire too. Looks like ive got a while but it makes me think ....  Ill be back.. I told jack id been right kinda by his place on the motorcycle cause sue and i used to ride up that way quite a bit.  Id bet that this summer we will end up in the area 8)

Ok tomorrow I gotta work in the garage .. Enuff play time..
Dave :!:  :arrow:  :!:

ps: thanks guys from both of us......... was fun......... :wink:

Ohio Blue Tip

It was good to have a visit from Dave and Sue, really enjoyed your company, especially the free lunch from Charlie. :D   Guess I'll have to save up now, to replenish my beer supply. :twisted:
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.
