Two Shows, in Two Days, in Two States...............Part 1

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, January 16, 2007, 02:22:22 PM

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A couple of weeks ago I mentioned to Doc. in a PM that I was planning on attending a panel jam and charity auction that benifited a Children's Hospital and wondered if he was interested in any artwork.  I knew he collected artwork from HAMB folks and I kinda had an idea on who was going to be at the panel jam, HAMB-wise and others.  He was all over it and a plan was formed.  I sent him some preview spy photos of some artwork that I already knew was in process or already completed for the event.  Doc told me what he liked and a couple things I should try for.  The rest was up to me.   :D

Friday nite after work I flew into Milwaukee for their World Of Wheels event which was highlighted by the panel jam and auction for the children's hospital charity. Checked in to a hotel and set out looking for a quick bite to eat. Low and behold, just down the street from the hotel was a fimilar site. I'd never been, only seen photos and was totally bummed when we pulled into the parking lot and it was closed. Oh well, went down the street, ate and called it a nite.

Next morning headed to the fairgrounds where the event was held. Lucky me, a pass was waiting for my arrival. Found the panel jam area right away. WOW, was the first thought. I couldn't believe how much square footage was dedicated to this portion of the show. They had it set up with a nice stage area, large display areas of finished panels, and areas where artists were still working. I received the royal treatment and was shown around and introduced to many of the artists. I learned these artists are the cream of the crop in their field and after looking at all the panel I strongly agreed.

A listing of the majority of the artist that were there participating.

I tried bidding on the boogie board on the left but it went high but BobK was able to win the panel on the right.

"Pair of Deuces" was done by Tom Kelly of Chicago. I tried to get it for Doc and OldBobSign wanted it for himself as well. Neither got it.:(   Went very high which is a good thing cuz it was for the children.  Seemed everything with '32's on it went high.

This sign kit was made almost 30 years ago by the gentleman in the photo, Ken Millar.  What a sweetie!........and character!  Old BobSign purchased it way back then and had it tucked away for something special. A year ago he started asking stripers to work their magic on it and it's chalk full of the Legends work. Doc had seen photos of it and showed an interest in obtaining it. Unfortunantly WillieG wanted it as well and took high bid of $800.00

Some last minutes lines by artist that Larry didn't catch up with during the year.
Brett Mason, wonderful fellow

David Hightower

Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


The events honoree, who was receiving a Lifetime Acheivement Award on Saturday nite, was Alton Gillespie (on the left, Larry, OldBobSign on the right).  Alton was a character and I was drawn to him straight away.

Two panels by Alton.  The details were outstanding.

This panel I wanted it really, really bad for Doc.  Opening bid was $1000. and it sold for $1,500.00.  I really wanted to obtain a panel from the honoree for Doc but I guess everyone else did as well.   I thrilled for the charity that panels went high.

One of the highlights for me, one of many I should add, was meeting and chatting with Darrell Mayabb.  He showed me some of his artwork and explained the stories behind them.  What an AWESOME treat!  When he found out I would be traveling thru ColoRODo in August he gave me his number and told me to feel free to stop by.

About this time Tom Kelly arrived with a piece that lots of us were waiting to see in person.  I had sent photos to Doc and he showed an interest in obtaining this piece as well.  Bummer it was another piece that WillieG wanted.  Him and I went at it back and forth but I had to back down at $1,000.00.  It went for $1,100.00.   Doc and I vowed that next year....well lets just say Willie won't walk with everything that Doc has his eye on.:D

Top of the grill shell

Top of the headlight

At this point I took alittle "break" from the art and turned my attention to the cars.  They had a very nice display of '32's.

Ray Dray's, one of the organizers of the charity auction

WillieG's (as in Davidson)

Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


A large selection of pedal cars

Back at the auction area.......this was done on canvas and brought the Children's hospital a large chuck of change.

Also went large

One of my favorite pieces and it just so happened (I later found out) was done by Brian Papas (Papa's Studio) who's a HAMBer.  I bid on it for Doc, AND WON!

Some of the artist at work

Jack "The Italian" Giacchino

Also a HAMBer, Jeff Williams who I ariginally met at the PileUp this year.  It was nice seeing him again and catching up.  
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Bob Behounek working on "The Chair".  I pulled this chair out of my basement and recovered it so I could donate it for the auction.  I thought it would be a good piece to have alot of different artists work on it.  Larry picked up some House of Kolor black pearl and painted the chair.  Him and PeterPan of Chicago laid some lines on it last week to get the ball rolling, then he took it to Milwaukee where lots of other artists did the same.  Looked totally awesome and I wanted Doc to have it and guess what.....I won the auction for Doc on this chair!  I'm going to do one just like it for Detroit and ask those artist to do the same.  

Brian Papas working on the chair


Always a large crowd around watching the chair get striped.

Alan Johnson

Alan Johnson, one of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet

Hamber, CarArtNick was in attendance.  Great seeing ya again Nick.  Good luck with your art show.

Kacy, PinUp on the HAMB, doing an awesome panel.  At this point I thought to myself, I want to get that for Doc.......and I did!

Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


A very cool trash can that Bob Laravee Sr won for a whopping $2,000.00

Me and Bob

I was madly bidding on this PeterPan panel for Doc but didn't win.  I loved it though

I got this Tramp piece for myself for my new Tiki Lounge

One of the auctioneers took a liking to me and publicly during the auction asked me to go to dinner.  I think he thought I had deep dinner I set him straight that I was bidding for someone else and filled him in on the details.  I agreed to go to dinner if I could bring my bodyguards.

After dinner we checked out a few more cars

These are some of the Cheaters cars but I'm not sure who's is who's

I remember seeing this car at the HCPU and feel in love with it there.  Looked even better without all the dust and dirt on it.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Once back at the panel jam area I caught Alton putting some more touches on this panel that I really wanted to bid on for Doc but it wasn't finished on Saturday so I'm assuming it was going to be auctioned on Sunday.

I got a lesson in gold leafing and Larry decided my tongue needed alittle "brightening up"

Ran into BobK, the skull, and his lovely wife Maggie.  I'm holding a panel Bob won.  Nice seeing you two again Bob.  Looking forward to the Detroit Autorama.

Also ran into an old boyfriend from over 5 years ago.  He was quite surprised to see me there.

One of the Harley designers, Paul Martin, striped my Harley purse for me.  He then came up with the idea to have WillieG sign it.  Even though Willie beat me outta a couple of things I wanted to pick up for Doc, he was a really nice man and thanked us for being there and supporting the charity.

The last auction for Saturday was at 7pm and was also when they presented Alton with his award.  

Lots of folks said lots of nice things about Alton.  Tears were shed.  Alton is a very humble man and you could tell he was very respected in his field by his peers.

I won a piece by this guy Web

It was nice seeing Wingnuts again and meeting his  girlfriend.

The Brian Papas panel I won for Doc.  I wish you guys could see this piece in person.  This picture doesn't do it justice

Me and Joel, PeterPan of Chicago.  It was wonderful to see you again bud.  Looking forward to hanging out at Autorama with you.

About 9:30 said my goodbyes, so-longs, nice to meet ya's, copped a few last minute hugs, made plans with a few to hook up in Detroit, and headed out the door with the wrapped goodies knowing I had a full day ahead of me at the Grand Rapids Autorama the next day.

Drove to my Aunt and Uncles place in Kzoo and crashed for the nite.  Got up and went to a little family resturant for breakie then I headed for Grand Rapids.  Part two of the rest of the weekend coming after work tonight.  Includes coverage of not only the Grand Rapids Autorama but their panel jam and charity auction, the traditional cars that were there including Dave Shuten's bubble top which debuted there AND my stop at the Ionia Hot Rod Shop for a final lookover of their roadster thats heading to the GNRS this week.  Stay tuned.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.



Quote from: "Roadstar"Yeah, we haven't see you with enough guys );b(
Ah boy................ :lol:
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Denise, Thanks for the Pics.  Have your folks shuffled off to Florida yet?  River Ranch?

Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50


Thanks for taking us along to the show! Looking forward to the next episode!  :D
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


I didn't hug as many guys on Sunday.  I did get a great big hug from Tracy but no one took a photo of it.....maybe next time
Sunday morning's weather wasn't too bad after forecasts of ice and snow.  Got to the arena where the Grand Rapids Autorama was held about 12:30, alittle after the Noonish meet and greet.  Didn't really matter though most of the HAMB guys were either stripers that were right there at the panel jam area or on the other side of the isle with their club display.  

Chatted a bit with the stripers and checked out the panels that were to be auctioned off that afternoon.  I had alittle bit of Doc's money left in my pocket so I was checking them out closely.
OldBobSign standing chatting with Yosmite Sam who runs this charity auction

Dave Shuten.  This bowling pin turned out really nice but went larger then what I wanted to spend.

These were kinda cute

Mike O's lovely wife Tracy hard at work.  I wanted a MikeO panel for Doc but there weren't any left.

Jeff Shea (I forget his HAMB name) did this panel on Saturday yet it wasn't auctioned off till Sunday.  I was able to win the bid for Doc on this one.

I don't remember what this guys name was but he was hard at work all day.


Larry won a MadMax in the Auction

I also picked up a small panel by Unkl Ian for Doc

Tracy playing Vanna White:D
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Walked around abit and checked out some of the cars there

and some of the vendors.  They were asking $300 for this old B'ville poster

Doug Larkin's

Josh's new ride (forget his HAMB name, has something to do with gutairs.  Completed just days before the Autorama

Kirk Brown's

Harley's bike



John Kouw's


I forget who's truck
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Headed over to Dave Shuten's new bubble top.  It debuted this weekend here at the Grand Rapids Autorama.

Dave made some cool looking stantions

Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.