New Nose for the #974 "Just Glad to be Here" ?

Started by WZ JUNK, January 02, 2007, 07:58:46 PM

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Doug, Thanks for the clareficition to the top on MS class. I confused removing the windsheld to mean removing the top. Carry on.

"Just Glade To Be Here"

Rex Schimmer

I know you remember this Stude at the 2006 meet, I really liked the front end on it. Pretty aero.



Quote from: "Rex Schimmer"Sum,
I know you remember this Stude at the 2006 meet, I really liked the front end on it. Pretty aero.


Yep that is this one...............

.............that I took the liberty of modifying to take some of the air down the sides.

They were having problems with too much downforce on the front of the car pushing the nose down into the tires.  I think there top speed of the meet was almost 235.  Darn good for a brand new car.  They are using the same glass front we are, but they ordered two and spliced them together to get the longer nose and of course took off the headlights and filled in the front wheelwells.  Tom has warned us to be careful with the too much downforce on the nose problem as he had it with his Stude at high speeds.

How is your car coming??


Rex Schimmer

That big front splitter really made some down force plus they have a completely flat bottom with a slight difuser at the rear so they make lots of aero downforce. They knocked the splitter off on some salt ruts and I think that the car got better after that. As you said they did run 235 on a 250+ record so they still have a ways to go. Great guys though and a pretty neat car.

My roadster is coming along, still think that I will get it on the road before summer,(I HOPE!!) and then drive it to B'ville with my son in Aug. As I always say, its only time and money that keep me from finishing.



Quote from: "Rex Schimmer"That big front splitter really made some down force plus they have a completely flat bottom with a slight difuser at the rear so they make lots of aero downforce. ..........

You know I never saw the splitter.  By the time I saw the car it was gone.

Quote from: "Rex Schimmer"I always say, its only time and money that keep me from finishing.

........and that TIG of yours :wink: .  Get a "mud gun" and you would be finished  :twisted: .

Sorry Rex I couldn't help myself.  Actually I can't wait to see the car in person and will be looking forward to you pulling up to the pits in it :D .

See ya in August, unless your work brings you by here first,
