Get Better Post for KustomLincolnLady

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, December 06, 2006, 10:14:12 PM

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I just heard in chat tonight that Debb was rear-ended in her daily driver on Monday.  I hear she's ok just alittle banged up and bruised.  I'll call her in the morning to make sure everythings OK and to see if there is anything any of us can do for her.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery sweetie!
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


certainly hope things go well for her.

tell her "hi"  or BOO

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)



Hey Debb......Hope you're OK and sorry to hear about your fender bender!Thanks Denise.....Let us know!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


BombCan is the one that let us know in chat but I thought the rest of you guys might want to know and of course a great well post from her sweethearts here will make her feel better faster. :wink:
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Debb, I hope your bumps heal up quick. ~:)


WOW!! :shock:   Glad to hear she is doing OK.

Deb you really need to stop stopping so fast :lol:  

Hope everything goes well,and that you and Rob have a great holiday season.
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.



Quote from: "SKR8PN"WOW!! :shock:    

Deb you really need to stop stopping so fast :lol:  

Thanks Everyone, thanks Denise and ROB, I owe you  :wink:   LOL

Jim, I was stopped!!!  sitting at a light it changed but long line so no one moved except for the guy behind me  :cry:   Car is good, he went under my rear bumper. but I didn't fair so well, nothing major just swelling and sore neck and shoulder muscles. Just came from the dr again, went to er sat)  and my dr changed the meds they gave me so hopefully this will take care of it.
This was the middle of a long run of bad luck last week!!!  

Our well pump went out so we were with just a trickle of water for 5 days, I broke a tooth, I swalloed a crown, my best friends hubby lost his long battle with emphasima  and then the wreck.
The kid that hit me wants to not turn it into his ins, but I am not sure thats going to work, cause I am responsible for the medical bills and if he makes pmts to me then takes off Im screwed. He's 22 says he has ins, but I am now doubting that. Like to help him but I think my ins just needs to deal with it.

Im thinking it can only get better.

Crosley, ya scared me, don't BOO at me, lol

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and kind words. I cant wait to see everyone, hopefully at the BBQ repair day :)


Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"
Quote from: "SKR8PN"WOW!! :shock:    

Deb you really need to stop stopping so fast :lol:  

Thanks Everyone, thanks Denise and ROB, I owe you  :wink:   LOL

Jim, I was stopped!!!  sitting at a light it changed but long line so no one moved except for the guy behind me  :cry:   Car is good, he went under my rear bumper. but I didn't fair so well, nothing major just swelling and sore neck and shoulder muscles. Just came from the dr again, went to er sat)  and my dr changed the meds they gave me so hopefully this will take care of it.
This was the middle of a long run of bad luck last week!!!  

Our well pump went out so we were with just a trickle of water for 5 days, I broke a tooth, I swalloed a crown, my best friends hubby lost his long battle with emphasima  and then the wreck.
The kid that hit me wants to not turn it into his ins, but I am not sure thats going to work, cause I am responsible for the medical bills and if he makes pmts to me then takes off Im screwed. He's 22 says he has ins, but I am now doubting that. Like to help him but I think my ins just needs to deal with it.

Crosley, ya scared me, don't BOO at me, lol

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and kind words. I cant wait to see everyone, hopefully at the BBQ repair day :)

Dunno how they do it in indiana but i hope ypu have a police report? By all means turn it in and if he doesnt have insurance your prolly screwed anyway but your insurance should cover your medical bills. If the car insurance doesnt then im assuming you have medical insurance and that should civer you. Something is fishy here.

Sorry but I dont trust anyone anymore.


Hi Deb-Glad to hear you're ok.Although a hassle,vehicles can be replaced,but we couldn't replace you. Stay safe.
No billet for this kid!


Heal quick, or else I might come up there this spring and keep sneaking up behind you and tapping you on the shoulder so you'll turn your head... :P  :lol:

I would definitely have a police report made. They can run the kids driver info and know right away whether or not he has a valid license, registration and insurance. If he is not covered, you have the option of suing him for damages not covered by your insurance. The court can tap his wages or put a lien on his property.
And if he flees without paying, they will immediately revoke his license and issue a bench warrant for him for non-payment of a court ordered settlement. This will go on his criminal record and follow him around forever. If there are payments to be made, make sure they are done through a court, not a verbal agreement, or you are taking a heck of a chance.
Another thing hardly anyone does, is find out who he is covered by, and make a report to that company on your own behalf, if your company doesn't do it. His company may go after him also for failure to report the accident. They may end up dropping him, but since they are the carrier of record at the time of the accident, they will still be legally responsible for coverage.

Protect yourself for the long run. There is no way of knowing what lingering effects may pop up from your injuries in the future.

Get some rest and get well soon. And quit driving on the sidewalk... :lol:  :lol:
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


I had a similar situation a month or so ago.I was in the right turning lane and had just began to turn....had my signal on....and this young guy tries to pass me on the right :shock:.Plowed into the side of my work truck and destroyed the entire box side.The first thing out of his mouth was "Don't call the cops,I don't have insurance or a valid drivers license and there's a warrant out for me already for driving with a suspended license".Very nice,clean cut looking guy,about 19 or so.....Being the optimist that I am....I gave him the benefit of the doubt and let him go.Haven't seen or heard from him since :evil: I did end up filing a police report anyway after an officer pulled me over a few minutes later.....someone had already phoned them.Guess I'll foot the bill for the repair of my truck and perhaps next time won't be so trusting!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Hey Debb, get better quick..................hope you're not too sore.   Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...

Bob K

Get better soon Deb, see ya in Detroit.

B :b-d: B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?