Tool Review

Started by enjenjo, December 04, 2006, 01:58:58 PM

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Here a while back, I needed a rose bud torch on a sunday, and the only place I could find one was Harbor Freight. It was part of a complete kit, a combo welding/cutting/heating, with hoses a gauges. After using it for several months, it is working as well as any torch I have owned. At $119, less on sale, I can recommend it.
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Quote from: "enjenjo"Here a while back, I needed a rose bud torch on a sunday, and the only place I could find one was Harbor Freight. It was part of a complete kit, a combo welding/cutting/heating, with hoses a gauges. After using it for several months, it is working as well as any torch I have owned. At $119, less on sale, I can recommend it.

A while back, probably in the dark ages 3 or 4 years ago I suggested a place on the site where we could post testimonials to tools we had bought, either positive, negative or neutral.  Have you guys done any further thinking on that subject.  Posts like you posted here are great, but I might not be looking for a rose bud for another couple years and then this post is kind of lost.

I think to keep the posts real and not just becoming advertisements for people that only get on the board to sell items that you might have to had posted say at least 25-50 times before it would accept your post in that area.

I noticed Jon on Landracing can now have features appear if you are over a certain number of posts.  He feels it will encourage people to post more so that more is available to them.  I'm not sure if the software for this board can handle that or not.

Just a thought and I'll try and remember about the rose bud.  I did think I was going to need one a year or so ago, but I must have gotten past that crisis as I don't have one :roll: .

c ya,



Yes we are thinking seriously about a tool section.

I used to borrow the rosebud from work, but since I am retired, I needed one of my own.
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SUMNER. I made a reply on about page five of what I'd like to see happen on RRT. About going through the archives and really  and picking out what has been repeated but no one can remember where it was or what the topic was that it sliped out under. Either no one thought it was a good idea or they couldn't understand me or due to my wordy-ness they chose not to read it. There is a hell of a lot of friendly banter on this site and I certainly wouldn't want it to stop and a lot of the OT stuff is important to me to be able to know something about my friends    BUT    if someone was to take the archives and strip out the car related stuff that had been proven he could come up with a few catagories and throw that information under a heading and turn it all to useful information. There was talk the other day about a money making deal of selling books of this information. I made the same comment about the Archives then but it went down do to lack of interest. The date after my name in no way tells how long I've been around here and I've read most of this stuff already. I don't understand much about computors but I see this as somewhat a "Cut and Throw Away" exercise but this could be continuing proof that I don't know what things are worth. GPster