3-piece OR 4-piece hood for glass '32?

Started by rltaylor46, November 27, 2006, 05:48:59 PM

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:?: I need opinions, PLEASE.  I'm just starting a glass '32 3-window, and since it's my first fiberglass car, I don't know which way to go on the hood. Oh, I know I want a stock look, w/louvers.  But, I can get that either way.  My question is, which would be the easiest to install?  Not knowing what sort of alignment issues I might run into, logic kinda tells me that a 3-piece may be easier, since each panel is installed separately.  But, maybe that's just not the case. I don't know.  What do you folks think?  3 or 4-piece?  If I go with a 3-piece, I read somewhere here that a Hagan hood might fit a glass body better.  Yes??  If I go with a 3-piece, whose hinge/opener kit is best? I have most everything already, or on the way.  So, just need to buy a hood to get started fitting everything up.
Thanks all for your help  8)


If you want the stock look then the four piece hood is a given.

The three piece hoods can be tough to get aligned properly and for that reason - as well as the above - I'd opt for a four piece hood.

Another small, but can be hair-tearing for some is that the three piece hood side panels need a retaining device on the bottom.
It can be as simple as a 1/4" steel pin that matches a bracket on the bottom of the hood side panel or even simpler, a stock type latch.
In either case, the hood will require a 1/2" x 1" rectangular tubing piece on each side for the three piece hood side panels to hang from.

Sailing the turquoise canyons of the Arizona desert.


I like a 3 piece for looks but for ease of working on the car a 4 piece it the way to go. Yup the 3 piece is a * to align and im working on a 32 roadster and i dont like the way mine is comming out and on my coupe i was gonna throw it all away and then  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  Some how it all came into play :!:
I had a 29 model a years ago that I made my own 3 piece aluminum hood. It was nice and looked great but I got some extra cash and I bought a 4 [piece and never regretted it.
Dave  :!:  :wink:  :arrow:


My last two had four piece hoods.  The only drawback I've found is that rain water drips in on the distributor and air cleaner.  If your car never sees rain then I guess that's not a problem.

My next car is one piece tilt off front end.  No more rain problems.

my 2 cents.

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