A little RRT survey

Started by purplepickup, November 26, 2006, 06:05:39 PM

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What do you think of the RRT format?

Nothing needs changing.  It's fine the way it is.
38 (33.9%)
I'd like to see some things different.
48 (42.9%)
I don't care either way.
26 (23.2%)

Total Members Voted: 109

Voting closed: November 26, 2006, 06:05:39 PM


My $.02 on the issue of being a board for those who know each other.  It can seem that way at times, mostly for those of us who don't live in the midwest, but just hang in there and pipe in.  Everyone seems to put up with me, and until a couple of years ago I had never met anyone from the board and didn't figure to ever do so.  The I made the pilgrimage to Bonneville and started meeting the guys.  Just don't give up on the group just because we haven't met.  


ps, (Way off Topic) for those who have not, put Bonneville down on your 'Must do" list.  Great time and a good excuse to meet some of the RRT (and H.A.M.B. members) who show up there. And not that expensive, the Good Guys show in Spokane costs me 3 or 4 times as much as going to Bonneville.
1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



I for one come to hot rod sites to learn and share experiences. And to just have some fun!

But I pretty much walked away when it looked like you needed to, let say pay to post, or be part of the club.  I do that to much already and don't need to add the expense.  

I frequent a couple other sites, the HAMB and the SRT.  The Hamb is going the same way with the Alliance Member thing. Pay to be part of the club.  And the SRT has become pretty much a dud.

I realize these sites don't run for free, but they were offered to users for free.  If I have read into this wrong let me know.  The RRT was always a viable site for prodominantly good information.


Since I'm so new to RR, I try not to form too many opinions.  I do like the idea however, of having some sort of topic index.  Often, using the current search results in having to read through numerous posts that are only related to my search by one word.  Does that make sense?  Of course, not being all that computer savvy just adds to the difficulty. Overall though, I think highly of RR.  I especially appreciate that those of you who are professionals at building cars don't come off like elitists and prima-donnas (sp?).  Seems that folks all are kind to one another, and genuinely try to help.   :)


Quote from: "jusjunk"
Quote from: "Rayvyn"Whatever you Big Kahuna's decide to do is okay with me. But I'm still going to pick on Dave and Vance, even if it's in the OT section... :D

Thank You..
I dont really care my self. Lets face the facts were all friends here and its a close nit group> I dont ever see this board being the HAMB style board. Sure they got tons of people over there but they or i should say Ryan puts a lot of time into it.  Maybe you should tell us what your thinkin instead of asking us to vote for a change :?: Im with wzjunk. change if you must and ill go along but  :?:  :?:

I am new to this board but have been active on a sports related bulletin board for over 6 years.  That board started out small it grew to a nice size, people were friendly and respectful of one another and we got to know each other through reading each others posts, we could joke and pole fun at each other, eventually at sporting events we began to meet each other face to face.

That board became very popular, I credit much of the success to what I just told you about the board.  That board now IS HUGE, with about 110 people on line at any given time and thousands of members.

I still go and enjoy the board but its not necessarily respectful, it can be hard to read because of the sheer volume of posts etc., I am not sure I want to meet many of the people that do post.  

All I am saying is, bigger is not always better, but it's up to the board founder and moderators to choose how they want their board to grow, and how fast and at what cost.  

I am too new to give you my 2 cents.  I will say this however, my experience here, although very short, has been very, very nice.
Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart


Quote from: "CalifCarl"I for one come to hot rod sites to learn and share experiences. And to just have some fun!

But I pretty much walked away when it looked like you needed to, let say pay to post, or be part of the club.  I do that to much already and don't need to add the expense.  

I frequent a couple other sites, the HAMB and the SRT.  The Hamb is going the same way with the Alliance Member thing. Pay to be part of the club.  And the SRT has become pretty much a dud.

I realize these sites don't run for free, but they were offered to users for free.  If I have read into this wrong let me know.  The RRT was always a viable site for prodominantly good information.

No, you don't need to pay to play. Of course the board has some costs attached, but as long as I don't have to dig too deep, it will stay the way it is, voluntary. I don't forsee that changing. If the expenses get too high, I'll let you guys know before anything is changed. By the same token, those who do support the RRT deserve something for what they do in the way of recognition.

I am not really looking for more members, just more activity. Too many more members would change the whole feel of the place in my opinion.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Guess I'll put my 2 cents in also.   I've been a member here for quite a while, migrated over when one of the other sites got too hostile.

I posted some here, always went to chat every Sunday night, until my wife and I purchased a cabin at the lake.  We always left the lake and went to work on Monday morning, so I didn't have internet access on sunday night.  Later on, one Sunday night I dropped in,  but I realized than no-one there knew who I was.   I lurked for a while and dropped out.

I never have posted much because if it's a mechanical related question, there are so many here that have more knowledge. I don't want to show my ignorance.

And after such along time away I'd feel like an outsider posting a question, photos or telling about my new projects.  So I guess that's put me on permanent lurking status.


Quote from: "enjenjo"I am not really looking for more members, just more activity. Too many more members would change the whole feel of the place in my opinion.

I agree too many members would change the feel, but then looking at some of the other responses, I've realized that part of the feel is also part of the problem.

A couple have mentioned the opportunities to meet face to face and the mid-west events.  Way out here on the far side of Seattle I do feel like I'll never really be a part of Ohio/Michigan group, and therefore never more than a peripheral member of this group.

But I don't know how you change that without loosing some of the friendly everyone here is a friend feeling it has now.

I lurk to keep track of some interesting people and projects, and because some real good tech appears here.  I would not want those aspects ever to go away.  In fact if change is necessary, I'd want to see it enhance the tech and the community.

But if I invite everyone to a BBQ west of Seattle next summer could I expect anyone to come?

www.OldSub.com . www.MaxwellGarage.com . www.OldGasTowRigs.com

Fat Cat

Quote from: "CalifCarl"I realize these sites don't run for free, but they were offered to users for free.  If I have read into this wrong let me know.  The RRT was always a viable site for prodominantly good information.

I don't want this to sound rude but your wrong. We have never told anyone that if they do not offer up some money they would be denied access here. There are expenses associated with running this place. If you actually read the items posted on the support page at http://www.roddingroundtable.com/members/bannerad.html you will notice that it states, "No users will be denied access to any of the basic services of this site because they don't provide monetary support. This is a voluntary program that is for you the users to show support for the services we provide." That text is highlighted in red text. It is that way to draw attention to the fact that supporting the site is voluntary. As Enjenjo said we don't feel that it is right for people to support the site and not have something to show for it. For the first time recently we actually gave those supporting users something that was not available to regular users. That feature being the ability to create individual image galleries. But at the same time regular users still have the ability to post images in the public galleries.

No one should ever feel as though they are required to support us. The percentage of users that do support us allow this site to operate without too much expense out of mine or enjenjo's pockets.

phat rat

For those who don't live in the mid-west. If you travel  places other than your own local area do you go and meet people from the board? I've met guys on their home ground in Az. Tx. Fl. Ut. Ca.  the mid-west  plus meeting people at the NSRA nationals from all over. As Enjenjoe said some of us here have known each other personally for quite some time. Some on here I knew before before the board existed or I even had a putor. I've never heard of anyone deliberately excluding someone other than the occasional spammer that comes here. So Wed. night 9:00pm is chat time how many will make it.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "Fat Cat"
Quote from: "CalifCarl"I realize these sites don't run for free, but they were offered to users for free.  If I have read into this wrong let me know.  The RRT was always a viable site for prodominantly good information.

I don't want this to sound rude but your wrong. We have never told anyone that if they do not offer up some money they would be denied access here. There are expenses associated with running this place. If you actually read the items posted on the support page at http://www.roddingroundtable.com/members/bannerad.html you will notice that it states, "No users will be denied access to any of the basic services of this site because they don't provide monetary support. This is a voluntary program that is for you the users to show support for the services we provide." That text is highlighted in red text. It is that way to draw attention to the fact that supporting the site is voluntary. As Enjenjo said we don't feel that it is right for people to support the site and not have something to show for it. For the first time recently we actually gave those supporting users something that was not available to regular users. That feature being the ability to create individual image galleries. But at the same time regular users still have the ability to post images in the public galleries.

No one should ever feel as though they are required to support us. The percentage of users that do support us allow this site to operate without too much expense out of mine or enjenjo's pockets.

Fat Cat no rudeness taken.  The comment that I read may have been from another poster.  No big deal either way.   I see it at the HAMB big time.  Statement like only Alliance Member can use the want adds and the such. But then again it's the users making these suggestion.


George thanks a bunch for the info on the alternate color scheme possbility.

Obviously I hadn't noticed it was a choice in the 'profile'.

Now posting in a much more pleasant environment, course that dosen't help much for those lurkers and drivebys checking out the site.


Unoh, as I spend about 99.9% of my time here as just a lurker, that changing of the color scheme in my profile dosen't really help all that much.

Not sure I would like having to log in just to read the forum in more pleasant colors.


did they do the want adds for just alliance members on the Hamb? I havent followed that lately. I do see the justification by doing that cause there were people trying to run a business with rod parts at ryans expense. Thats bs but if you give someone an inch they will take a mile.


I don't think they have yet, but there was talk of it.


Quote from: "CalifCarl"

Fat Cat no rudeness taken.  The comment that I read may have been from another poster.  No big deal either way.   I see it at the HAMB big time.  Statement like only Alliance Member can use the want adds and the such. But then again it's the users making these suggestion.

Well, looks like you're wrong all the way around CaliCarl. Never seen anything like a pay-to-play here, and the HAMB is as far from pay-to-play as they come.

I think that I would live here if it were not for the HAMB - no disrespect, and I realize there are many dual members floating back and forth so I know non will be taken...I men look at me, right?

For me - it's the member involvement in events and get togethers, the feeling like I can trust fellow HAMBers -because Ryan would have my back if I were double-crossed, and the fact that the HAMB hasn't sold out just to gain members (with a constant flow of t-shirt sales and the like).

The members step up and hold auctions and make donations and it just keeps getting bigger and better.

The fact that the shirts only come around once in a while and when they do - you get 'em while they're hot. After they are gone - they're gone. Supply vs. demand ya' know?

The bad news - you can't create that kind of thing artificially. I mean - you can't go to a member and tell him or her that it's their turn to contribute...

So as far as this kind of thing - I think you just have to keep watering the orchid - some day it WILL bloom.

If I had any advice as far as the forum goes...I don't know I guess I'd say that you could use a make-over. It never hurts.

That's part of the appeal of a web site - the appearance. If it creates a mood before you even read a word - it is doing something to appeal to more readers.

Look at the magazine rack. You see the cover of one magazine and you either want to see more or you pass it up for the next...If you like it well enought to pick it up and leaf through it - whatever you see on the inside better live up to the cover or it's back onto the rack...

Look at Garage magazine (if you haven't already). It is a good looking piece inside and out. It makes you want to read whatever is in there....which I still haven't done yet!!!  So if the content of the articles are bad - it still got me to look. I doubt if that's the case - but hey if the content and the appearance complement one another - they have a winner...

I think if you just put together a really nice, classy looking format - you'd go a long way towards your goal.

Either way I am sticking around (even if I don't post much).