O/T Well Kids good news and bad

Started by Dave, November 08, 2006, 06:23:31 PM

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If you didnt read my other reply on another post I went to see the heart doc yesterday and all seems well cept he thinks my meds are making me tired but he doesnt want to do anything till a year is up. He did tell me he wants me feeling good. On the other hand I got my yearly evaluation at work today.
What a joke. My boss who is my cousin and a liar and a well nevermind cut me down from the whopping 30 cents to 26 cause he saw me in the office talking to someone :?:  Ya I did say joke. He also got me for my attitude but its with him no one else :lol:  :lol:  Then he preceded to tell me when i got out of the hospital i fixed a machine in the plant . he came up and asked me if i would fix it and i told him it was already done but it may need the drive chain shortened. Well he is now holding that over my head cause i didnt just shorten it  :?:  Ha Ha I told him all he had to do was ask and id have done it if thats what he wanted.  Well tomorrow may be my last day cause first thing im gonna tell him that was chicken s^&T holding that over my head now after the fact. Im also gonna tell him im documenting everything and i will seek legal advice. Ya see im a threat to this guy cause i have a brain and he cant fix nuttin unless he makes 20 phone calls.  Ive been contemplating this for a long time and knew it was gonna happen. 29 years is enuff BS and childish behavior. It seems these guys spend more time playing childish games than running thier departments like they should. I did tell him the 26 cents didnt mean S^&T to me but his attitude did. I also told him i was back from the dead and really didnt give a flying you know what. He thanked me for my input  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Ive already discussed this with sue months ago and yes i will sell all my toys if need be. After the heart attack im thinkin a little different.  She didnt even want me to go back to the plant she wanted me to get a different job. Im thinking bout me.   :!:  Dont worry im not forgettin the faimly..  Funny I told a bunch of people that stress didnt give me the heart attack but stress = high cholestrol which = blockage = attack and my years of smoking didnt help either.. cool another anniversary next tuesday 5 months no smoking. Is sounds good right now though but ya know what. My little short bossy cousin isnt gonna drive me to smoke
ps: thanks for lettin me vent. good thing if i dont get fired this week ive only got 2 days next week and im off till dec 4th........ :lol:  :wink:  :lol:  :lol:  :!:


well keep your head up and a smile on your face.
BTW how old are you?
I am 50 years old a FAT bot at 260lbs and 6 ft.
Now days this hart stuff is on my mind i need to get back on and get down to 210 and i happy
Good Luck


Quote from: "Daveyboy"well keep your head up and a smile on your face.
BTW how old are you?
I am 50 years old a FAT bot at 260lbs and 6 ft.
Now days this hart stuff is on my mind i need to get back on and get down to 210 and i happy
Good Luck

55 and 5ft 9 and 165 or 167 i forgot what it was yesterday. Ive never been over weight. Thats what also was wierd.. they always say over weight people are more at risk and i know some that eat all the wrong stuff and smoke and are a ok..
Dave :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



do what you need to do.

just keep in mind that there is crap at every job out there.  you decide which crap and the amount  is OK.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Crosley"Dave;

do what you need to do.

just keep in mind that there is crap at every job out there.  you decide which crap and the amount  is OK.

and whether that crap is worth the pay they give.

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Quote from: "river1"
Quote from: "Crosley"Dave;

do what you need to do.

just keep in mind that there is crap at every job out there.  you decide which crap and the amount  is OK.

and whether that crap is worth the pay they give.

later jim

Im not gonna lie i make good money.. 20+ an hour ..I just hate liars bs'ers and wannabe big shots or is it  hate big wheels. Ya know what dogs do to wheels. :lol:
Im gonna go for it tomorrow and see what happens. I have always prefered to work for someone that considers me relatively smart and i can think things out and fix things. No brain then i need to go somewhere else.
Like i said .. my boss, my cousin is a big bs'ing wheel that lies to make himself look good. My mother didnt raise me like that and im not playing his game.................. Wish me luck.......


"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


I worked in a situation like that once, and the best thing I ever did was leave. Life is much more relaxed and work became so much more enjoyable. I used to work my * off, and it seemed if I did an outstanding job, someone would dislike me for it, and if I did a so-so job, some else would dislike me for it. There was no way to win. And my revenge was that they hired a totally incompetent and arrogant * to replace me and everybody hated him. My buddy used to keep me informed, and it provided me with a lot of laughs. They deserved him. It still makes me laugh to think about it.
'32 3W

I write novels, too. https://lsjohanson.com


Well, he hasn't been sent home early. GPster

phat rat

Quote from: "GPster"Well, he hasn't been sent home early. GPster

Never know he might be someplace else. Depending on how po'd he was if he told them off.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "phat rat"
Quote from: "GPster"Well, he hasn't been sent home early. GPster

Never know he might be someplace else. Depending on how po'd he was if he told them off.

Yup I told em but i also told em i didnt xpect anything done about it cause it never happens. My boss is trying to be nice to me but thats just caus the two  faced PR&*K gets off on this kinda stuff when he thinks he wins, I was busy al day trying to learn some new programming so i chewed him out early and went to work :!:  Wat a bunch of punks. Im better now and i told the hr lady that i was going to only talk plant business with my boss and good morning doesnt mean business to me. She did ask if the junk writtin on my evalation was a 1 time in 12 months deal and i told her yes and that my boss also had to come up with a bs story to hold 4 cents from me and i expected more stories cause he nevers tells the truth. Oh well i felt better after i told her what i thought and that i am going to look for a job cause i dont need or want the stress ever again.......... I tried to pass off my heart attack as not caused by stress but now im thinkin bout it.. Cant wait for next week. Ive got 20 deer named after my boss.. I expect a hi kill this season :lol:  :lol:


*: Get out of there.  Same thing with me and Ford Motor Co.  Took the 2nd. heart problem for me to give it up ..Don't die for them!!


Oh: And I'm NOT 36.   Don't know where that came from.   I'm about Frank's age but not that old HA  HA


Boy oh Boy I can relate to this post.

Two weeks ago I had to travel out of town to cover for another employee. The little turd I was covering for is a consistent whiner. This turd call HR about everything. Before I got there I ask him to leave the passwords for the shop computer because I had work to do. Guess what, when I got there no way to log on. I called our IT department and changed the passwords. Before I came back home i wrote all of the new passwords down and left them on his desk.

I hear from other workers that he is telling everyone that I broke the computer and mess everything up. That was the straw that broke the camels back. I have covered his * for 6 weeks and I was *.

I called and like a dumb * I left a message on his phone telling him he was not smart enough to turn a computer on and then called him mental. Not one time was a cuss word used or did I raise my voice.

He called his manager that is a friend of mine and we had a good laugh about it. Then I get another call that he called HR and since it was a diversity issue (sensitivity) it was elevated to the sr VP of HR. From there it went to the SR VP of service witch I work for. The path to me was as follows. SR VP, area VP, Regional director and Customer Service Manager.

I had to waste my time training for diversity in the work place, Ethics training and violence in the work place. Six hours of BS!!

I was told by the Area VP to next time wait till he answers the phone and blast him and not leave a message.

My new plan is to fly under the radar.
I am 52 and don't want to start at the bottom again.

Never enough tools, toys or time!!


well today my boss comes up to me and asked me if i feel comfortable programming the new machine im finishing up? I asked him what the hell kind of question was that. :?: He thinks im stupid. I had to go to classes to learn these new controllers and he is praying i cant program this machine so he can call someone else even though he isnt in charge of getting it programmed. This guy is a back stabbing idiot. I also had it out with h/r today . Ive had enuff but ive got to stick it out for a while! If you know your job this guy cant treat you like a complete mental midget and he cant stand that. Looks like a happy holiday. Yup they like to cause trouble before the holidays cause thiers suck and they want yours to also.. Nope not gonna happen :lol:  :lol: Oh ya the meeting with h/r was a follow up to the meeting before i went on vacation. I was invited to sit down with h/r and my boss cause there are other instances that play a roll in my poor evaliation. I tole her no cause if i had to sit there and watch a grown man lie thru his teeth it would just ruin my day and we didnt want that now do we! Im sending sue out for a miniture voice recorder tonite too. I gotta cover my ??????????? The good news is I finally got my desk top machine back up and running and got my internet all fixed and ive still got some gin and 30 bucks in my pocket... Life is good!!!!