Hagan Hoods...............

Started by Dave, October 27, 2006, 06:12:29 PM

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Ok anyone ever play with these :?:  I got one in the roadster deal (too bad he let the box get wet and now it needs a little blasting) and I also got a Hagan bisexual hood hinge kit. Ya it goes either way.  :lol:  :lol:  Now I havent watched the video that came with all this stuff yet > I gotta say the instructions are dandy. :lol:  I can see where these instructions for the most part would work for a fink hinge kit as well . Ive installed 3 or 4 fink single opening kits and the instructions suck. You gotta be a builder to read em. I feel sorry for a beginner trying to install a fink kit. I have never tried his bisexual kit though. The Hagan kit has some really cool ways to lay everything out as far as placement and fishing line (ya im not kidding) comes into  play too. It looks like it will work. Ill get back to yall later and tell ya how it went.
ps: I dont usually use instructions anyway. :wink:

Charlie Chops 1940

I've done a couple of the Fink both sides open hoods and don't recall that the instructions were particularly poor. I looked at the Hagen system at the Nats when they came out and thought they were as good or better than the Fink system. The newer Finks system has matured well and is better than the near introduction ones I had worked with.

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