Been a long time...

Started by DrChop, February 13, 2004, 03:42:32 AM

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I have been very busy with work, and one of the kids made some long-distance calls to NZ and we had the phone off until tax time came and it could get turned back on. I also got the shock of my life, when Maggie claimed Shannon, screwed me out of $3900 in taxes, and then signed a PO on me. I've spent the past week getting all my things out of the Valpo house, and have a hearing in court this afternoon, so I need to get off Dad's 'puter now at 2AM and get some sleep. She's gonna find out in court I'm filing for paternity, and I intend not to let things rest until I have custody of Shannon. I'll get over it, I'm better off without Ms Greedy, I just want my daughter back in my life... 6 years basically shot to hell... }8^O



It's good to hear from you Doc.....not good to hear about how things have turned for you tho.  Hang in there and keep a level head.  There's smoother sailing on the other side of the storm.  

Hope to see you this summer :)


I had a feeling something was wrong. Being the least informed one here I was just getting ready to ask. I was not surprised to hear from you in the day-to-day of this site but I started to worry when you didn't pop in for CHAT. Give us a report on your day in court if your dad's computor is free at 2:00 AM tomorrow morning. GPster


I had a feeling something was wrong. Being the least informed one here I was just getting ready to ask. I was not surprised to hear from you in the day-to-day of this site but I started to worry when you didn't pop in for CHAT. Give us a report on your day in court if your dad's computor is free at 2:00 AM tomorrow morning. GPster


I had a feeling something was wrong. Being the least informed one here I was just getting ready to ask. I was not surprised to hear from you in the day-to-day of this site but I started to worry when you didn't pop in for CHAT. Give us a report on your day in court if your dad's computor is free at 2:00 AM tomorrow morning. GPster


Quote from: "Crosley"Doc!

good to see you !

Same from me.  I was just wondering this morning what was going on with you.  Hang in there, tough times don't last forever as long as you keep digging.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)



Was also wondering about you.  Good to hear from you.  Hang in there

Did we say it was over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


Getting ready to go to speak with my lawyer in an hour or so.

This whole situation stinks, but I'm trying to remain optimistic. My parents have been very helpful and supportive, and the longtime family friend that I work with did me a HUGE favor by allowing me room to move myself and my stuff in with him.My bud Mikey whom some of you have met has also been a true pal thru this, both in being a soundingboard and in helping transport stuff of mine.

Just have to take things a day at a time, and see how things go.

On the plus side, work is picking up, I was informed yesterday that we have 6 different mechanical or bodywork/paint jobs coming in for next week. That will help out a lot, money wise, and also in keeping me occupied both physically and mentally. If I'm working my can off I should not have much time at all to dwell on what's happened.

At least I still have my health and desire to be working, it would be really bad for me to get depressed about everything, so I'm gonna keep struggling.

Plan on seeing more of me this summer, I'm down but not out. Chuck says we WILL have the Kustomsledd at Indy GG show this year, likely towing it behind his motorhome, and be at the event all weekend showing off the fresh bodywork/paint.

Mikey is also going to be working out a deal with me on building me a 'puter in exchange for the '97 Cavalier 4x4 chassis/thrash.

Thanks for thinking of me.



Sorry to hear things on your end are in a turmoil.  I'm sure they will work out for the best.  Please just keep in mind what is best for your daughter, which I'm sure you are.  Little girls need their mothers and as long as she's a good mother, which I'm assuming is true cuz you were living together for so long.  They also need to feel secure, which if you moved out I'm also going to assume that she is living in the house that you guys shared, which is great for your daughter.  Same house, same bedroom, same school, same friends.  She will need all that stability while you and her mother are spliting up.

Now I'm not saying write off the situtation, by all means, no. BUT please don't "fight" over her like a possession.  No one wins and especially not your daughter, she'll be the one that really loses in the end.

Best of luck my friend.  If there is anything we can do, please don't hesitate to ask.  Looking forward to seeing both you and Mikey in Indy and checking out your ride.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote'97 Cavalier 4x4 chassis/thrash.

Sorry to hear about your problems Doc,somehow,things will work out.

The Cavalier 4x4 sounds interesting,maybe you can post some pics?


Major Bummer!

Seems like only yesterdaywe were betting on Shannon's birthday and shipping the autograph shirt around.

I hope, for her sake, things don't get too bitter in the future.



Quote from: "DrChop"I have been very busy with work, and one of the kids made some long-distance calls to NZ and we had the phone off until tax time came and it could get turned back on. I also got the shock of my life, when Maggie claimed Shannon, screwed me out of $3900 in taxes, and then signed a PO on me. I've spent the past week getting all my things out of the Valpo house, and have a hearing in court this afternoon, so I need to get off Dad's 'puter now at 2AM and get some sleep. She's gonna find out in court I'm filing for paternity, and I intend not to let things rest until I have custody of Shannon. I'll get over it, I'm better off without Ms Greedy, I just want my daughter back in my life... 6 years basically shot to #####... }8^O


Hey doc glad to see you're still alive, I was wondering about you too. Sorry to hear about your family problems, hang in there, it'll be behind you soon.


Hey Doc, great to hear from you and know you're alive and kicking.

Sad to hear your relationship has turned to crap.

My heart kinds agrees with Denise but my head with you, so I guess I have no more advice than to ask you to think it al thru, before taking each step.  For me, living with Carps as my adopted dad, has worked out very well and I know a couple of other gals who have done OK being bought up by thier father only.  A good dad can substitute for a mom, but it aint gunna be easy.   I figure you prolly know that already and I'd figure you're more than up to the task.

Carps learned from one of his friends last night that they have a new baby after winning custody of his grandaughter from the authorities who would have put her up for adoption.   I guess blood is thicker than water and there's people who love thier kids so much they'll fight for them and others who don't deserve them coz at the first sign of trouble they just dump them to go thier own separate ways.  

Letting go, because it's best for your child is probably a heartbreaking thing to do, but if ya gotta do it then it probably is best.   But giving up without a fight, I figure might even hurt you more later on, especially if your child has been brainwashed into believeing you never cared enough to fight.

Man, looking in from the outside, the more I think about it the tougher it seems.  I'm sure Carps is with me when I say our hearts go out to you and we'll pray that you have the strength to fight and the courage to what's right for Shannon now and at each step during the rest of her life.

It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.


Doc. Good to hear from you.

Sorry to hear of your plight.

FWIW, I have to go to court every day now in child welfare cases. Get to see the cream of the crop and have learned a lot in the past month about court proceedings. Dress to the nines(wear a suit) and dont argure with the judge, no matter what they decide. Their only in it for the childs welfare.


Got my day in court Friday. I had a lawyer, she did'nt. We managed to serve her with a paternity suit just before court, and she admitted in front of the judge there was no doubt Shannon was my child. I did'nt have to say a word...The PO went thru, no contact with her for 2 years, and during that time I'm not allowed to carry a gun, ammo, or other "deadly weapons". BFD, I don't own and have no plans to carry a gun.The good thing is that I was granted visitation, and I can also go with Shannon to her school functions. My parents are to serve as the liason between myself and her mother, and arrange for Shannon's transportation for visits.

I'm just glad I can once again be with my daughter.

Her mother retains primary custody, but she has'nt been in the best of health lately. With the paternity established, if something happens I will likely end up with primary custody, not that I want anything bad to happen, of course.

I'm trying to look at the whole situation not as an end to what I had, but rather as a new beginning, since now I only have Shannon and myself to worry about and support. I've never been afraid of hard work, so if that is what it takes to turn things around for the best, so be it. I'm setting my sights a lot higher than maybe what should be reasonably expected in this situation, and I'm not gonna settle for any less.

Thank you everyone for your support and kind words. hopefully if all goes well and I get Shannon for half of the summer you may be able to meet her at Indy. That is, if we stop cruising, running the Brickyard, and maybe a few passes down the IRP strip to chat. I'll bring the big grille again too...  :lol:  :roll:


Cavalier 4x4 pictures are at