Not hauling any more projects home...I hope

Started by purplepickup, July 22, 2006, 10:57:08 AM

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As the first step of my 12-step program to simplify my life, I've been trying to sell my car hauler locally for a while without any luck.   Last night I thought I'd try ebay and   listed it.  I checked it this morning and it's doing quite well....better than I had hoped for actually.  It will definitely sell so I guess my "road trip to pick up cars" days are over.  And that's probably a good thing.  I have a habit of seeing a project I just can't live without so I buy it, drive all over the country to get it, then just let it set and eventually sell it.    I will miss the excitement all that gave me tho.

I'm not getting out of rodding but I really do need to get things to a manageable level.  I've got three buildings and all of them are so full I can't even walk thru them.  Sometimes I look at all the things I've got to do and it's so overwhelming that it's hard to know what to work on first.  I'll never run out of things to do but I'm hoping to free up enough time to enjoy the fruits of my labors.  Retirement is right around the corner and I hope to be able to take the time to jump in a rod and feel comfortable taking a few weeks to travel around the country and visit some pals.


You can always borrow my trailer George. :lol:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


"I have a habit of seeing a project I just can't live without so I buy it, drive all over the country to get it, then just let it set and eventually sell it. ".....I have a bit of a tendency to do that myself.....I've been thinning the herd a bit lately but still find myself looking.....must be a sickness!When you get around to taveling across the country.....swing thru Nebraska......Our door is always open with a hot shower,soft bed and something cold to drink! See Ya in Louisville!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


must be an age related thing..... past several weeks i have written out a list of items I need to sell.

I've done nothing beyond talking about selling stuff so far.

I treat selling stuff like I do stuff I finally throw away.... when I start throwing out junk  ya better not be in the way!

I've got stuff gatherd up for swap meet sales...... yet the swap meets seem to be such a PITA anymore I never go.

age , attitude or both I guess

the GM at work listed everything he owned property wise this past january... house , cabin , bare-raw land property . His idea was to see what sold or not.

So far he has moved to a different house , raw land sold and he still owns his cabin in Heber- Overgaard AZ


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Sounds like you have found a new calling, buying and selling car haulers :P .

I can see it now:



I can just see 10-15 of these out and around the house 8) .

c ya soon,


phat rat

I'm getting older and don't work on cars as much as I used to so I'm selling the trailer.

Does this mean you're ready for the retirement home? :lol:
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.

Charlie Chops 1940

I hope he picks a retirement home that has free we can all go visit him in his old age. It's the beginning of the end.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Quote from: "phat rat"Does this mean you're ready for the retirement home? :lol:
The cabin will be my retirement home and yes, there is free beer.  Stop by and visit....and bring the free beer. 8)

It looks like I'm being forced into an earlier than planned retirement because my job is being outsourced.  Shoot, I can hardly afford to keep up the stuff I've already got done.  I'll never be able to afford another car project....especially without the income I'd planned on for the next 3 years.

I don't think this is the beginning of the end.  I'm looking forward to having enough free time to catch up on life. :D

phat rat

Retirement is great George. I should have done it sooner except then I wouldn't have had S.S. If you send directions to the cabin I'd stop by
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.

Charlie Chops 1940

I understand the conflict over forced early retirement, have seen it happen a lot. I was lucky to pick my own early retirement date, though it probably wasn't the optimum time it did turn out well. I love it!

I found that we require less to live on...we spent it because we had we just spend less and enjoy what we have a whole lot more. Work provided a lot along the way and certainly a large part of the means to retire but I really gotta say that I found my lifes work after the career was done.

Hang in George. Yeah, Jack and I need to make a run up to your rustic retreat some time.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Back in February, I decided to clean out the stuff that was left over from the racing , the cycle projects and the junk. I finshed up with the good stuff in June. There were 57 items I sold. Most on ebay, some on forums. It turned out to be a good garage sale. I didn't get rich but I made enough to keep me interested. There were a couple of $500 items and alot of $20 and above. The ups charges to send all 57 items off including salestax on the shipping was $790. There was around $200 in ebay and paypal fees. I netted about $3200. And, there is some space in the garage. Plus, it's easier to clean. I have several years to go for retirement but I'm trying to live everyday as if it's my last. I decided to not build the 37 pickup. I'm ready for someone else to own it and get something I'm really excited about.


I just did what you are doing,I realy cleaned out the stuff. It feels good to be able to walk around inside the barn again.
I even told the kids to get there junk off the property,take them home or get rid of them.


You know George, it's a SICKNESS, pure and simple.  Some of us are obsessed about buying cars and parts, even if we have no use for them. I am exactly that way.........I see a car sitting somewhere and I just have to stop and see if it is something I want to buy.  I could have 100 acres and would fill them all with hundreds of cars if I had my way.

Perfect example.  I have about 15 pairs of headlights I have bought off of Ebay........all different kinds, Guides, '36 Fords, etc.  I'm set for life, yet I keep scanning Ebay for more of them.  I'm a SICK MAN. :oops:  :oops:

As for projects, I've got the '23 I'm currently doing, another Total Performance 23 sitting against a wall, my '39 Dodge truck that is 1/2 finished, my '27 Roadster that I tore apart 5 years ago to redo after being on the road for a lot of years, and a Model A cowl and doors that I plan to make a modified out of some day.  H***,  I'm 61 years old, I won't live long enough to finish most of them.  :D  :D  :D

Well, gotta run.........there are some headlights closing on Ebay that I've been watching.  :shock:  :shock:



You know whats gonna happen now George, you are gonna find a car hauler project and bring it home, and you won't need the trailer to haul it!

Ohio Blue Tip

George, you'll love retirement.  Let me know when you are at your cabin and I'll stop by with beer.  I've stopped a couple of times on my trips north, but haven't caught you there.  When deer season comes you must come north to the cabin for dinner.  We have some bears this year to show ya.
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.
