o/t its about time.

Started by Dave, July 12, 2006, 04:38:21 PM

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Man ive been feeling bad. Wonder why eh ? Ive completed my 4th day of rehab today and im finially feeling better. I didnt know how sore a person could get after laying on thier back for 7 days. Actually 7 days i dont remember anything and there are actually 3 more i cant acount for either even though i was awake. Ive been sore since i got out of the hospital and im finally comming around. I got to rehab and did 20 minutes on the tread mill then 15 minutes on the arm bike set at about 25 to 30 watts to help build up my upper body strength (that will kill ya) then 15 or 20 minutes on the regular bike .  I noticed today i was moving better although I had a tough time hitting my goals at rehab I did get em all. Thank god ive got tomorrow off. Friday is the next day for rehab and im thinking about kicking it up a notch. Ive never been one to set around and my muscles dont like it either :(
Anyway just in case youve wondered thats whats happening on this end here.
Too bad i couldnt make the get together in ohio and im glad ken won all the cash maybe soon he will have enuff for paint on the 34.


Gettin' all buff, are we?? :D  :D  :D   Sounds like the therapy is doing it's job.........no pain, no gain.   How are you feeling otherwise from the heart thing?   It took me a year to really start to feel "normal" again and get the fear out of my head that I would have another heart attack.  Every time I would get indigestion I thought it was the big one.  But after a while you settle down and regain your confidence.

I've got to start working out again.  I broke up a year ago with a girl I had gone with for 7 years, and she was great for my health.  We would walk every night almost ( not just short walks, but like 6 to 10 miles) and we rode bikes every Monday on our day off together, sometimes as far as 20 miles at a clip.  Needless to say, since we broke up I am gaining weight and have less energy.  Might have to give her a call. :lol:  :lol:

How is the diet coming?  After a while you will actually prefer baked potatoes without all that butter and sour cream on it, and learn 500 ways to cook chicken and fish.  I really have to get back to those healthy ways before the old arteries start to plulg up again.

Keep doing it, sounds like you are coming back.



Quote from: "donsrods"Gettin' all buff, are we?? :D  :D  :D   Sounds like the therapy is doing it's job.........no pain, no gain.   How are you feeling otherwise from the heart thing?   It took me a year to really start to feel "normal" again and get the fear out of my head that I would have another heart attack.  Every time I would get indigestion I thought it was the big one.  But after a while you settle down and regain your confidence.

I've got to start working out again.  I broke up a year ago with a girl I had gone with for 7 years, and she was great for my health.  We would walk every night almost ( not just short walks, but like 6 to 10 miles) and we rode bikes every Monday on our day off together, sometimes as far as 20 miles at a clip.  Needless to say, since we broke up I am gaining weight and have less energy.  Might have to give her a call. :lol:  :lol:

How is the diet coming?  After a while you will actually prefer baked potatoes without all that butter and sour cream on it, and learn 500 ways to cook chicken and fish.  I really have to get back to those healthy ways before the old arteries start to plulg up again.

Keep doing it, sounds like you are coming back.


Well the food sucks but im eating it! I can have red meat 2 times a week if i want but ive been eating a lot of chicken and fish and all kinds of healthy stuff. Ya know what they say if it tasts good it aint good for you :lol:  I was up last night with a wierd kink in my back again but i sat upright for about 20 minutes and drank a water then it went away. Im kinda gun shy too any little pain makes ya wonder. My voice still goes away easy but considering the length of time i had the breathing tube in it kinda stands to reason. Hopefully next tuesday im gonna get some good news from the doc then i can really start gettin buffed out :lol: . I am driving too . Sue went back to work this week and rather than wake the step son up every day for rehab i just drive myself. Its different when you just have the angioplasty but i went a little beyond that with the massive attack but they didnt cut me or break any bones so i decided i could drive. Matter of fact they fergot to put anything on the sheet about that :lol:
Well i gotta go check on the wife she is mowing the lawn and i want it to look good :!:

phat rat

Well i gotta go check on the wife she is mowing the lawn and i want it to look good  

Boy that's a heck of a thing to go thru just to get out of mowing the lawn :lol:  :lol:  So, did she do it good enough to suit you? :P
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "phat rat"Well i gotta go check on the wife she is mowing the lawn and i want it to look good  

Boy that's a heck of a thing to go thru just to get out of mowing the lawn :lol:  :lol:  So, did she do it good enough to suit you? :P

Yupper it looks good... Ill keep her.
Dave :wink:


uh Dave..........I am just past the 2 year mark for my H/A,and I gotta tell ya it DOES get better :lol:
I am doing a SOLID 1 hour cardio workout,3 day a week now.......
20 minutes on the treadmil @ an 8% incline and 4.2 mph and a couple of sprints up to 7.2 mph(that is a LOT for these short legs!!)Then I do 20 minutes on the rowing machine and I try to keep it at around 150 the whole time :shock:  then I move on to the PreCore machine........
12% incline and 160 reps for at LEAST 30 minutes  :shock:  :shock:
THEN..........if I have any energy left............I hit the weight machines :lol:

Glad to hear your coming along nicely :D  :D
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.

Ohio Blue Tip

Quote from: "N8DC"Too bad i couldnt make the get together in ohio and im glad ken won all the cash maybe soon he will have enuff for paint on the 34.

I don't need no stinken paint!

Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Quote from: "N8DC"Man ive been feeling bad. Wonder why eh ? Ive completed my 4th day of rehab today and im finially feeling better. I didnt know how sore a person could get after laying on thier back for 7 days. Actually 7 days i dont remember anything and there are actually 3 more i cant acount for either even though i was awake. Ive been sore since i got out of the hospital and im finally comming around. I got to rehab and did 20 minutes on the tread mill then 15 minutes on the arm bike set at about 25 to 30 watts to help build up my upper body strength (that will kill ya) then 15 or 20 minutes on the regular bike .  I noticed today i was moving better although I had a tough time hitting my goals at rehab I did get em all. Thank god ive got tomorrow off. Friday is the next day for rehab and im thinking about kicking it up a notch. Ive never been one to set around and my muscles dont like it either :(
Anyway just in case youve wondered thats whats happening on this end here.
Too bad i couldnt make the get together in ohio and im glad ken won all the cash maybe soon he will have enuff for paint on the 34.
I had a heart attack about 5 yrs ago, the moral of the story is I went on a bland diet for a while and eventually drifted. About 3 weeks ago I went for a semi annual stress test and saw the concerned look on the Dr. face, another angiogram later, I came out of it ok. In my humble opinion I'm not crazy about eating the "good " stuff either but I'm planning on living awhile longer... a long while     LOL  so good luck to you and take care!