Painting careful around the fumes!

Started by purplepickup, April 04, 2004, 04:17:10 PM

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Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"Yes STUPID for you to be anywhere near Big Olds after he was primed.  If I would have known, not only would I have NOT let in you the paint booth, I would NOT have let you paint all those other pieces.  Be prepared, I'm going to kick your butt for this little stunt when I see you next Saturday.  
If something ever happened to you, who could I call whenever I felt like it and breath heavy to??? :?

Not to mention never going thru Climax again!!!  :roll:

Ohio Blue Tip

You girls are starten to scare me, maybe I shouldn't come to the BBQ Build!  :oops:
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"Not to mention never going thru Climax again!!!  :roll:

Now there you go....gettin' me in trouble again.  Most people here probably don't know that I work at the Climax, MI exit on the highway.  That's where I get off every morning on the way to work.

Don't ban me Frank....Debb started it  :twisted:  

Once when my mom was on vacation in Pennsylvania she sent a post card from Intercourse, PA to Climax, MI.  She got the biggest kick out of that post card making it to Climax from Intercourse.


Quote from: "purplepickup"
Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"Not to mention never going thru Climax again!!!  :roll:

Now there you go....gettin' me in trouble again.  Most people here probably don't know that I work at the Climax, MI exit on the highway.  That's where I get off every morning on the way to work.

I just LOVE it when he has to explain that!!!!  :lol:  :P

Ken, not to worry were really not that scary, lol


QuoteKen, not to worry were really not that scary, lol

Yes she is Ken!!! Be afraid, be very afraid!!!
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


For those of us who don't want to make the same mistake,
what kind of primer were you guys using?
Some 2 part stuff like DP90 ?

I'm guessing there are still decent automotive paints available that don't use Isocynates?

Maybe the Rusty Rat Rod guys are onto something. :D


Quote from: "unklian"
what kind of primer were you guys using?
Some 2 part stuff like DP90 ?

It was PPG/Omni 2k primer surfacer..MP182 I think.  I looked up the MSDS sheet and it didn't mention isocyanates by name but it did indicate that vapors caused lots of problems.  I also looked it up to see if it was isocyanate free, which some of the newer products are.  I didn't find it listed there.

I was spraying Rust Bullet too and according to the MSDS sheet on it, overexposure can cause people to develop isocyanate sensitization (chemical asthma)

Fat Cat

Quote from: "purplepickup"I was spraying Rust Bullet too and according to the MSDS sheet on it, overexposure can cause people to develop isocyanate sensitization (chemical asthma)

Rust Bullet has poly-isocyanates in it


Quote from: "purplepickup"
Quote from: "unklian"
what kind of primer were you guys using?
Some 2 part stuff like DP90 ?

It was PPG/Omni 2k primer surfacer..MP182 I think.  I looked up the MSDS sheet and it didn't mention isocyanates by name but it did indicate that vapors caused lots of problems.  I also looked it up to see if it was isocyanate free, which some of the newer products are.  I didn't find it listed there.

I was spraying Rust Bullet too and according to the MSDS sheet on it, overexposure can cause people to develop isocyanate sensitization (chemical asthma)

The reason you didn't find any indication of isocyanate in the MSDS for MP182 is that it is not in the primer. It is in the hardener - look up the MSDS for MH165/166 and you will find that it is 40% isocyanate polymer. I assume you used one of those two hardeners. That's the stuff that'll kill you!!

The iso is always in the hardener. That's what makes it harden. Remember the days of Acrylic Enamel - without hardener - it was safe. Or at least without iso. Then they made Urethane hardeners you could add to your acrylic enamel. Great stuff, but it included big amounts of isocyanates which is when most painters started getting sencitized to it. They were used to putting on "double dust masks" and thinking they were safe.

If you use alot of PPG products here is a page you might be interested in - it gives you the "P" page of instructions for each product PPG makes as well as the MSDS sheet.

You may have seen the new Street Rodder magazine where they are flaming a hood with new water borne base coats which don't have iso's in them. But the dummies use dust masks to shoot the 2K primer and clear!! After the past few years of doing a good job of straightening out their paint issues of using paint "systems" and safety - they screw up big time by showing someone painting isocyanate products using a dust mask. And the young rodders reading that will now start getting sick from painting. There is no clear product today that is not hardened without an iso - that I am aware of. (Hopefully no one is still using lacquer.)

The only mask that is approved for spraying iso containing products is a fresh air supplied mask. You will find many who use a charcoal mask, with good results, but it is not approved.

Hope this helps - as you may have figured out - this is a sore spot with me.

Spraying with the proper mask may be expensive or suck - But it beats the alternative!!


George i have the same deal as i was exposed to some real bad chemicals mixin racing gas in my younger days (cheating)  It put me in the hospital for 7 days as i blew up the mix. People need to understand you need a fresh air supply for allmost everthing you do on paint work!  The doc explained it like this.  He said when your dead and gone and your body has been worm food for many years and your bones are left laying there....there will be 2 spots were your lungs were and those will be the hardner and all the paint you used in your life...even hundreds of years latter it will still be there...2 little spots.  Painting outside does not make it better only screws up people/pets around you. Resperators are for sanding only.  George do you get the tight chest stuff if you do a lot of fab work?  Like cutting and grinding?  You also need to be wearing a mask to get those small peieces of metal out of your lungs.  I was getting phoemonia(spelling?) a lot and found out it was all the crap i ingested and breathed building sh ip.  Its not funny after you have it as it can never be the same as before.  So....if your going to paint go buy a hobby air or other brand and use it!!!  Its aint funny as George will tell you. Por 15 should not even be sold to the public as its one of the worst out there and people dont even know it. Hope you fell better George.
Old racers go in deep and come out hard


Phat, I bought a Neoterik full hood system a few years back from Len at .  I use it along with a tyvek suit (taped at the cuffs) and neoprene gloves whenever I'm painting with activated paint at home.   I always have a fresh 3M charcoal half mask around to use when I'm spraying with rattlecans or refinishing wood.  I keep the old masks to use when grinding, sandblasting and other dirty work because the filtering system is real good and they fit tight to my face.  I'd recommend all of the above.

Mentioning sandblasting brings up another point.  I had a good friend that got silicosis from sandblasting without proper proper protection.  He just used those cheap paper masks and they aren't good for much of anything.  He died the same day as my dad at 48 years old from lung failure/cancer.  He was also a painter and he smoked.


George that is a good point and one guys try to cheap out on also is sand blasting.  Young fellow not 5 miles from my shop busted his butt building up a good blasting shop with great turn around times.  He dies at the age of 28-29 from silicosis.  Its even worse if your a smoker.  Now that were on the saftey kick..Guys think about this.  I allways was the one with the grease under my finger nails working @ cummins and other assorted mechanic jobs when a good friend of mine who is a doctor told me how quick that ship under your nails gets in your system....You know what ?i started wearing those sissy gloves and felt a bunch better in 2 months time.  Now i just thought i had head aches because of to much drinking or riding my panhead with straight pipes(of coarse that helped) but i felt better after i got that crap out of my system.  Think about that peice of nice vintage tin you boaght from arizona,well it was driven around and could have all that dirt and ship that was laying around during the test in the desert days and now your blowing it around and breathing it.  LOL
One more warning and i will get off the soap box and most of the older guys will know this but its too late for us. PROTECT YOUR HEARING!  I am  now 50% deaf in my right ear and it rings all the time from oval track racing way before mufflers were required.  Its not funny trying to go to sleep sometimes with the ringing and there is NO fixin it.  Ok off the soap box.  George thanks for sharing if just one  young guy doesnt * up this is a good post.
Old racers go in deep and come out hard


Good point on the hearing protection.....I've got constant, loud ear ringing and hissing too (tinnitus).   It'll drive you nuts if you let yourself think about it.

Jeeze, I'm a mess!   And that was the whole reason for this post....for the people that haven't learned from experience (and poor judgement), to learn from those of us that have.   This can be a pretty nasty hobby if you don't watch it.

Ohio Blue Tip

Quote from: "purplepickup"Jeeze, I'm a mess.

What you going to do when you get old?  Good points to ponder, I can't hear either.  (Engine test at work, shooting and Hot Rods)
Hope your getting better for the Big Build Fight. LOL
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Quote from: "Ohio Blue Tip"
Quote from: "purplepickup"Jeeze, I'm a mess.

Hope your getting better for the Big Build Fight. LOL

I've been working out.  

I switched from 12oz curls to 16oz with both arms and I'm also sitting further away from the buffet table and making more trips with fuller plates....builds the biceps and leg muscles you know.....and of course as you know I've been improving my overall endurance and lung capacity by huffing paint.  

You can be my corner man if you want but you'll have to watch your toes.....I'm putting rockers on my corner chair.