The 37 is now painted!

Started by Pep, June 26, 2006, 02:30:01 AM

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for those that remember, I am still toiling away with the 37 roadster. I have just had it painted and it's going together quite easily and quickly. I have just updated my web site for anyone that's interested.
See Ya

Charlie Chops 1940

Wow! Thinking back the many years to when you drug that hulk home - what a great result.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Looks Awesome!! Bet you're * the gauges got installed on the wrong side of the dash  :P
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Quote from: "40"Looks Awesome!! Bet you're * the gauges got installed on the wrong side of the dash  :P

Yeah, ya' think a guy that's been working on a car for about 17 years woulda fixed the steering by now, too. I guess he was in a rush and overlooked a couple of things... :wink:  :D

Sweet job, Pep. I see you went ahead and sanded it all and didn't wait for me to help. Nice guy...!! :D  :D
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Quote from: "40"Looks Awesome!! Bet you're * the gauges got installed on the wrong side of the dash  :P

I was hoping no one would notice...geezus...I guess I'll have to do something about it now :wink:
See Ya


Quote from: "Rayvyn"
Quote from: "40"Looks Awesome!! Bet you're * the gauges got installed on the wrong side of the dash  :P

Yeah, ya' think a guy that's been working on a car for about 17 years woulda fixed the steering by now, too. I guess he was in a rush and overlooked a couple of things... :wink:  :D

Sweet job, Pep. I see you went ahead and sanded it all and didn't wait for me to help. Nice guy...!! :D  :D

Yeah, great bloody help you were....I had your cork block with your name on it and all....I might post it over to you now just to 'rub' it in :wink:
See Ya


there, i fixed it for ya

btw... nice car


Lookin' good PEP, but isn't black a bit boring? :roll:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Yeah, could be Frank, but that was the vision of the 37 Cabriolet that inspired all of this way back. One thing about black is it never dates. Like pastels did in the 80s/90s, red in the 70s etc. I also think if the body is straight enough, then why not. Also the curves of the 37 just seem to look great in black.
See Ya


Looks beautiful!

I still drool when I think of your old 34.


Whew!!! I finally made it thru the last 6 years of your build journal on your website.  It is very well documented I might add.   You have certainly earned a spot in the "I built it" club!

All that work deserves a shiney black paint job.  You're going to have a very nice car soon. :D


I posted this on the Aussie site....

Thanks all for your encouragement and nice comments. As many you know that have jumped into huge projects, it is rather daunting at times. I can understand why many give up. It's the forums like this and RRT that keep me motivated to keep going. My web site is also an bonus. I know may visit it regularily, so I know I have to show progress. That means I have to get out in the garage and do something to add to the site. Its also good to know that I am motivating others as well...If a Telco tech can do it, then there's hope for all
See Ya


Quote from: "Dirk35"Looks beautiful!

I still drool when I think of your old 34.

Yeah has a place in my heart as well...I ran into the new owner at the recent Wintersun event I attended. He is taking great care of the old girl and has dome much to improve her. He is extremely happy with it, which makes me happy as well. I have to admit, I haven't fretted over selling her and knowing she is being well looked after makes it a whole lot easier.
See Ya


Hi there Pep, mate, top job...the 37s looking a real treat and a testiment to your efforts. Well done

Re selling your 34, I can relate. I'm at the point where I have to sell the 42 cos, well it's a 2 seater not a family friendly 3+ seater. It's rego came up in January so I only relicenced it for 6 months thinking it'd be long sold & that means a transfer so that means another inspection & relicencing anyway.

Of course the 57 wagon I got isn't here yet & even then prolly take me another 3 or 4 months to get it roadworthy & licenced so...

The 42 is still here & I have to take it in for yearly inspection & relicencing tomorrow.
Like you, I'll be a little sad to see it go...first rod, had it on the road for 10 years & it's been a strong durable trouble free vehicle. If it'd be a right royal pain in the rear getting rid of it wouldn't be a worry.

Oh well, onwards & upwards. My thought was, get a 32-34 rodded sedan, a 55-59 Caddy sedan or a 5-6-7 sedan or wagon. They'd hold a decent re-sale so when the kid is old enough for her own car (or totally disinterested in cars) I would sell the wagon & have a enough parts gathered over the years to cobble together a 2 seater again.

I think one of them low slung 32 coupes...but better get rid of the 42 first.

Finding a good home must make it easier.

Now, when the 37 is finished and about to be moved on, I might be ready to buy it...I'll look after it real good, honest :-)
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May The Vehicle You Use To Get There Become The Reason For Going!
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There are several pages I visit regularly. Pep's, and Sum's among them. Always something new to see.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.