Lost an old friend this week

Started by 48ford, May 06, 2006, 05:47:14 PM

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We grew up together. I was his best man,and he was still married to his high school sweethart.
he was only 56
it was cancer,i know u guys hate to get checked,but please see your doctors.don't let it go,
This realy sucks.
Irene is making me go to a 50-60 dance tonight,i'm going for her,I may feel better.


Sorry for your loss. Nobody gets out for free.


Bad news, sorry to hear it. Seems like we 're at that age when friends start leaving us. You're right about getting checked. I took my wife to her colonoscopy(sp?) yesterday and thought  "I should being doing this too...."


:cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


We are at that age where we are losing friends. We have to accept it, but we don't have to like it.

Sorry for your loss :cry:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Sorry...sorry...sorry to hear that.  That's about what I am in age...and it's real work to keep on top of your health.  I don't wish cancer on anyone ...it's a horrible death and the poor guy and family that has to watch this awful event.

On a related subject....and unfortuneately.. I read (AMA journal of sorts) that this "hobby", "occupation" or "lifestyle" (building and professional maintenance of custom cars and related activities) was one of the worst for your health. The stated reasons were exposure to chemicals (esp aeromatics and paints), excessive tobacco use,  abuse of the muscle skelton system (in other words... joint degradation), very poor eating habits (all you have to do is look around at any event), and lack of REAL exercise.  This group had the highest obesity, heart attacks, strokes and cancer rates compared to 133 other mainstream "hobbies" or "occupations".  

Sorry ...didn't mean to hijack the thread.


That's unfortunate....Sorry for your loss.....Remember the good times!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


On a related subject....and unfortuneately.. I read (AMA journal of sorts) that this "hobby", "occupation" or "lifestyle" (building and professional maintenance of custom cars and related activities) was one of the worst for your health. The stated reasons were exposure to chemicals (esp aeromatics and paints), excessive tobacco use,  abuse of the muscle skelton system (in other words... joint degradation), very poor eating habits (all you have to do is look around at any event), and lack of REAL exercise.  This group had the highest obesity, heart attacks, strokes and cancer rates compared to 133 other mainstream "hobbies" or "occupations".  

Maybe so, but I wouldn't change this hobby for anything else.

Sorry to hear about your friend Russ.  :(

If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??

midnight sun

Condolences and Im sorry for your loss.
How can there be "self help" groups :?:


Russ:  Really sorry to hear of your Friend passing away.  4 years ago a guy who had been my best Friend passed also, and it hit me harder than almost anything I have been through.

He was always there for me, and pulled me through my divorce. He died of a massive heart attack, and died so quickly we didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.

But friends like this only come along a very few times in our lives, and we have to be thankful for the times we got to be together. I agree with the others that, as we approach our 50's and 60's, we start to see more and more of our friends and acquaintances die.  

I kind of believe in the afterlife, and feel your friend is still with you, in one way or another.

:(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(



Sorry to hear of your loss.

Remember your friend and he will never truly be gone.

Live every day like it is your last...............it very well may be.
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


Very sorry for your loss, Russ.

Let this be a warning shot to any of you over the age of 45.

At 56 years of age, the same age as Russ' friend, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Let me tell you from experience, you will not have any early symptoms, feel any different than normal, in fact, I was proud of the way I looked and how I felt everyday.
My annual check-up (pay attention, now, cause this is the moral of this story) revealed an elevated PSA count of 4. My previous PSA counts were always below 2, so an increase like this signals the need for a prostate biopsy. (once you reach a 7, your choices are limited).
Strangley enough, this were some men choose denial and refuse to have this biopsy. This, to me, is like holding a bomb with a lit fuse and no way of knowing how long the fuse is.
My biopsy proved the prostate was cancerous, I had the operation, the cancer was removed and today, 3 years later, no more cancer and I'm here to advise you to start taken care of yourself.
Moral; Get your full annual checkup now, because early cancer detection will decease your severity and increase your chances of survival.

By the way, what is the date of your annual physical this year?

blksheep...glad to be here...in Charlotte


I'm very sorry about the loss of your friend Russ. :cry:

I've lost most all of my lifetime close friends and understand the emptyness when thoughts of them come 'round, but you still have the wonderful memories.

Blacksheep, I hope your message gets someone's attention and they get checked before it's too late.  It's good to hear you caught it in time.


Sorry about your friend, Russ. I think all of us who are in our fifties have had the kind of experience you are dealing with--loss of parents, loss of friends, etc. I get a physical every year, take a multi-vitamin and an aspirin every morning, and try to be conscious of what I'm eating. Last year both my wife and I had colonoscopies. Thankfully, we are in good health. We owe it to each other and our kids and grandkids to do what is necessary to avoid health problems. My doctor told me that colon cancer could almost be eliminated if people would have the procedure done when they reached age fifty.
'32 3W

I write novels, too. https://lsjohanson.com


Sorry to hear about your pal, Ross. Believe me, as you get to our ages ( late 50's) it happens way too often but you live with it and make the best of your own life.  I know after seeing a few pals go recently I've decided that even tho I like my job ( deliver dairy products to stores) when I turn 60 in a few months I'm taking the package and gettin out. As far as the hobby / lifestyle of hot rods goes, I'd NEVER change period, and when I retire I plan on enjoying it even more with no restrictions on when and where I can go.......................climb into the roadster or coupe and just GO! Life's short - make the best of it every day!  Take care!  Larry the Topsterguy
"If a man is alone in the forest and speaks, and there\'s no woman around, is he still wrong?"