BBQ build day

Started by enjenjo, March 28, 2004, 10:45:06 PM

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Quote from: "purplepickup"Frank I think some of us plan to bring our own drinks but what about the food?  It would be real easy for any of us to stop somewhere along the way and pick something up (no, not roadkill...unless it's fresh).  

You've already used your materials and labor to build a lot of the trailer...the least we can do is bring some grub.   Is there anything in particular we can bring?

Just BYOB,and a  side dish of some kind if you like. The main course is handled.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Sounds like a good time tomorrow....I'll be thinking about all the fun you guys are having while I'm slaving away in the hot sun....It was 91 degrees here today...what's up with spring anymore,just goes from cold winter right into hot summer :roll: Though I can't be there in person,I'll be there in spirit  :) Sure am looking forward to a burger somewhere down the road this year!! Have Fun!!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Big Olds is packed, ready to roll in the morning.  Cooler full, I've got those two fold up tables in the back, a folding chair, and plenty of plates, napkins, knifes and forks.  Oh yeah, fresh made chocolate chips cookies and plenty of brownies.  See you guys about 10ish.  :D
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Well, we had a great day to build, so we did. We got a lot done, the axle is assembled and in, the rolled pan and sunken licence is done courtesy of Rob, Kustom Lincoln lady, Debb's  better half, and our ace welders Jim and Denise. We installed a trick louvered vent on the gas bottle compartment made by Charlie chops, OBT, Ken, did cook duties again, and helped on the build wherever needed. SKR8PN, Jim, and HRPP George fabricated a cooker out of a Beer keg, donated by Slick 50, Fatcat rebuilt the stand on a burner supplied by OBT. Slocro, otherwise known as Vette boy, along with GPster, Rudy, Denise, SKR8PN, HRPP, and N8DC skinned and foamed our top doors/tables. Denise, Debb, Debby, and Shelby polished the wheels, Fatcat mounted tires from Charlie Chops. My wife Cheryl along with Debb, Denise, Debby, Ken, N8DC, and others all brought eats, we had food all day.

I don't think the compressor shut off all day. There was more work done than I thought could be done in one day. I think it's safe to say fun was had by all. Thanks to everyone for making it a great day!!!

There were a lot of pictures taken, not by me, they should show up soon. I spent most of the day sleeping in the pondering chair, the work was in good hands.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"There were a lot of pictures taken, not by me, they should show up soon. I spent most of the day sleeping in the pondering chair, the work was in good hands.

I tried to post mine and I can't, don't know how, not car related!!! LOL

I'll wait till george or denise posts then I can send them mine and they can post a few.  :lol:  hopefully!!

Had a great time, kinda pooped, not that I did that much, lol  That BBQ is going to be fantastic!!!  Glad OBT got in a practice run on the small grill today. Enjenjo, tell Cheryl I said bye and thanks. I didn't get to see her before we left. It was great of you guys to provide the shop, grill, meat and breakfast too!!  and just everything you do for RRT. THANK YOU!!! For giving us all a cool place to hang out.  :wink:


Quote from: "enjenjo"I spent most of the day sleeping in the pondering chair, the work was in good hands.

YEAH RIGHT!!!! i have proof otherwise, just don't know how to show you,   :roll:


trying to post a pic again!

Its Jim, Rob and Enjenjo working on the roll pan.
Or as Enjenjo puts it, sitting around in his chair!!!  :lol:

Cool its working!!!

I am going to bed, I'll sift thru more tomorrow :)   I posted some pics of rob teaching denise how to weld and grind on the HAMB if anyone wants to see those.


George working on the Cooker!

Takes a lot of people to work on the BBQ!!!  :lol:


Great group. Great day. Thanks Frank's for providing the space. Should be a great Q when finished. I learned a lot, which isn't hard when you know so little. Oh yeah, nobody there knew how to fix a remote....Nah, nah......Fr(I can break anything)ank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


WOW, an awesome day spent with awesome friends, AND one of them was paitent enough to teach me how to weld.....something I've been wanting to do for a very long time as KustomLincolnLady mentioned. My instructor was her husband Rob who is a great metal man.

Lots of RRT folks got together today to build a BBQ trailer. At first the guys thought that they could keep us "women folk" outta their hair (or what's left of it) by giving us a menial chore like wet sanding the oxidation off the AL wheels.  :roll:

(photo goes here but I'm to stupid to figure out how)

Well, we did as we were told, with smiles on our faces, for a bit. Then I thought, this certainly isn't as much fun as the guys were having inside the garage welding and grinding stuff, so I wandered in there, batted my eyelids a few times asking if I could try. Well Rob relented, probley thinking what harm could I cause, and I was thinking, at least I'm not learning on Big Olds, in case I make a drastic mistake.   :wink:

After alittle instruction, I laid down a few bird turds, alittle more instruction, a few more bird turds, then after a bit they really started to look like welds that might actaully hold together. At least by that point I was making a somewhat smooth, straight line.  

A group shot of a few of the guys that helped build the BBQ thus far. This thing is going to be kick * and we hope everyone stops by at the next show for a hot one right off the grill.

(another stupid photo goes here  :evil:  )

or a cold one from the bar  I would like to add a HUGE thanks to Debb's husband Rob for teaching me and for Enjenjo and FartCat for coming up with not only the cool idea of the BBQ build but for hosting the event as well. Can't wait for the GG Indy show now to try it out!

(Another photo goes here, sure wish StarPhoto would get their act together so I could start using their site again)
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.

Charlie Chops 1940

Well, I sure has a good day, although it started with a rainstorm from Muskegon to Lansing.

After that all was well. Good to see the gang. Nice to meet Rob at last and Jim and his wife. Great to see Joe driving again. Everyone pitched in with enthusiasm...though I thought there were gonna be a couple fights over who got to weld or grind at the same time...but all went well. It's kinda fun to get together with a bunch of rodders who all  skilled self-starters.

The food was great - not to mention all the snacks. Blew that diet day!

The 4 hour drive home was a little long but the weather was great and I managed to put the old horse in the barn just as the sun sank in the west. Tired, a little more sun than needed, a whiney throttle leg and another: "what's wrong with this picture?" day.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Another great day with a bunch of great folks. Willy and I would like to thank Frank and his wife,Cheryl(sp?) for inviting every one to their home and shop,to build this trailer. If you couldn't attend,you missed a very good time and some VERY good eats! Here is a picture of Denise receiving advice on how to "weld",from Rob and Rudy. She did pretty good for her first time!

And here she is practicing the fine art of "ginding" those welds,under the watchful eye of Rob.This guy is a heck of a fabrictor by the way!

Here is a group picture including,L to R,GPster,Willy, Ken(Ohio Blue Tip)with Charlie Chops behind him,Roadstar and SloCrow,AKA "Vette-boy"

I would have taken more pictures,but  Enjenjoe is such a slave driver.....
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


What fun and the beer is cheap in OHIO ! Sue and I had a great time and im glad we came and met everyone that we hadnt met before. I had loads of fun picking on VETTE BOY.... He can take it too .. Sorry I dissapointed everyone by not driving the 32 but it was raining here in Jackson when we left and I just couldnt force my self to make the first long run in the rain. If it had been sunny and we got caught in rain then oh well. It looks nice out today and im planning on putting some miles on it and maybe getting the bike out of the shed and up to the garage for cleaning and a battery and oil change but if it cuts into driving time with the 32 it may not happen :).. Oh ya the BBQ. Talk about Hi Tech. Im wondering on the first show though as Frank is kind of picky. Looked to me like we need to all go down every saturday until labor day.... Frank I came back up m52 to 223 and then up to 127 and its a lot shorter I think. I only did the 127 to 20 yesterday for the scenery ?  


QuoteFrank I came back up m52 to 223 and then up to 127 and its a lot shorter I think. I only did the 127 to 20 yesterday for the scenery ?

So what did you see that wasn't worth missing?LOL

Denise, you forgot your wheels!!! I have 6" or 7", a set of each, whichever you want.

You guys worked me to death, I am sore this morning.

We may have to do another build day in a month or so, I got lots of good ideas at this one  :lol:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Sign me up for the next build day :lol:
Did anyone happen to get a picture of that bicycle that FatCat built for Hotrodgirl ??????  If so,please post it. That thing is SWEET!!
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.