Yet More drama

Started by enjenjo, April 23, 2006, 05:39:41 PM

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Yesterday afternoon, I went over to my buddy's farm. He has a bunch of old cars setting in the woodlots, he moved them out with his loader over the winter since they were felling trees. He had just finished moving them back into the woods. his daughter was tending a small brush pile they were burning, she is in her 20's, the wind changed, and caught the bean straw in the field on fire. We get that put out after about an acre burnt, only to have the wind change again, and catch the woods on fire. Fortunately there wasn't much but leaves on the ground to burn, but it was moving pretty fast. He jumped back on the loader, to move the cars back out of the woods, two of them caught on fire, but we were able to put them out. It burned about 2 acres of leaves before we got it under control, got close to his storage trailers. I don't want to go through this again soon!!! So today, he had to move the cars back into the woods, so they can fit ground tomorrow.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


NOTHING  makes a better fire than bean stubble! I caught several acres on fire once.....It wasn't much fun.....had to have a local farmer make 3 or 4 passes around it with a disc to get it under control.I no longer burn all goes to the landfill!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"

Elmo Rodge

Wheat stubble does a pretty good job too.   :? When I lived in Idaho my neighbor had a propensity to let his fire get out of hand. Disk usually handled it. Wayno