More drama

Started by enjenjo, April 14, 2006, 10:08:01 PM

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This morning, the next door neighbor went out to go to work, and found a door open on her minivan, and a kid, not hers, laying on the seat, unresponsive. She called 911, the rescure squad picked him up, and ran him to the nearest hospital. This was about 7 am. He was in critical condition. not breathing on his own.

The sheriff tracked down that he was at a party two doors the other side of me last night, and decided to investigate. He found 4 more kids laying in the back yard, all unresponsive, this was about noon.  4 squads and two life flights later, they were all in intensive care, in various hospitals.

Come to find out they had overdosed on muscle relaxants.  At least two may not make it. One 17, the others were all 14.

then where Fatcat works, several kids in a Camaro hit a truck in the used truck lot, one was pinned in the car for over an hour. His parents lost another child in an accident a year ago.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


it is crazy...

we had a pair of motorcycles running on the 101 freeway early in the AM friday morning.......

They were doing something at 100+ mph.... one lost control , crashed.  Parts ended up on both sides of the freeway , he is dead.  

Freeway was closed for many hours which is usual around here for a fatal accident.

I must admit there are days I wonder how I reached my 50's

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Last week in Toronto, a couple of croch rockets were racing on the freeway at about 100mph, weaving in and out when one of them hit the back of an 18 wheeler doing about 30mph. Truck driver didn't feel a thing, but stopped because of all the bike parts behind him. They prolly scraped the kid off with a putty knife. It's amazing how kids think they are infallible

John :(
If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??

58 Yeoman

I hope they learn something from their experience.  I learned from my idiot things that I did, which was nothing like that.  Well, a friend and I did get drunk on a fifth of whiskey, and I was sick for a couple days; maybe that's one reason I don't drink much today.

There is a younger guy at work that 'races' crotch rockets.  He ran his street rocket into a guard rail on a highway near work a couple years ago.  Broke both legs and other things, and was off work for over a year.  Guess what?  He still does stupid things on his bikes.  One of these days, they'll be scraping him off the payment.

We had some job openings come up at work a couple weeks ago.  It was explained that if you bid on a job, and that job opening gets to you, you HAVE  to accept the job.  He put in for the boiler house opening, and it came to him, and he said that he didn't want it.  The boss told him he had three choices; go back to bagging (product), take the boiler job, or hit the gate.  Last I heard, he took the boiler job...too bad, they should've sent him out the gate.  He's not too bright.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


If we didn't have motorcycles we would not have heart transplants.
An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks


Quote from: "Bib_Overalls"If we didn't have motorcycles we would not have heart transplants.
I'm an organ donor but I'm not sure anyone wants my high mileage organs. :|  

Yesterday a buddy and I were riding our motorcycles.  Before we took off we were talking about some of the close calls we've had in our lives.  About an hour later we were riding down a country road and all of a sudden there was a power line hanging down in the road.  We both saw it about the same time and ducked.  It clipped the top of his windshield.  I've cut 4" off the top of my windshield so it cleared.  If I hadn't ducked you probably wouldn't be reading this right now and my head would be in the ditch on Kirby Road. :(

Frank, what's really scary about what happened by your house is that the kids are so young and we seem to see more and more of it.  I don't think a lot of us got stupid until we were a bit older and even then I don't think we were that stupid.  My parents wouldn't have let me go to any party like that when I was 14.


The sheriff tracked down that he was at a party two doors the other side of me last night, and decided to investigate. He found 4 more kids laying in the back yard, all unresponsive, this was about noon.  

Makes ya really wonder where the "parents" were.....


This makes drinking a few beers look like the safest thing kids do. I don't understand the attraction with getting high at a young age. There is no fear of permanent damage. Which means they don't value life much. What have we done wrong?


QuoteMy parents wouldn't have let me go to any party like that when I was 14.

Mine either, but I managed to do it anyway. :shock:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"
QuoteMy parents wouldn't have let me go to any party like that when I was 14.

Mine either, but I managed to do it anyway. :shock:

Well that explains a lot!  :lol:  :lol:


Quote from: "phat46"
Quote from: "enjenjo"
QuoteMy parents wouldn't have let me go to any party like that when I was 14.

Mine either, but I managed to do it anyway. :shock:

Well that explains a lot!  :lol:  :lol:

:arrow:  :!:

boy howdy

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Thats scary to hear!

For where those kids are coming from, or what they were thinking...... well lemme tell you a little more about myself.

I used to go to every party I could find, high school (around age 14) all the way through college. I would NOT take drugs, NEVER HAVE, but I have drank myself beyond control.....many times. One time, I really knew I had drank too much when I realized I was in the middle of the living room floor and dry heaving and could not physically stop. They put me to bed, but should have taken me to the hospital. I still am thankful I even woke up at the next day. I have even been too drunk to catfish. Passed out. Woke up in the back of my buddies truck with them pulling me out at my apartment.

I also used to have a crotch rocket bike. Those things are fun, straight up a blast to be on! I quit driving it, and sold it, when I was going a little over 100 in a residential neighboorhood (I know, retarded) and a pick-up backed out in front of me. It took the skid marks of 2 1/2 houses and three more front yards to get stopped. I could not, NOT go fast. It was just too fun.

It wasnt a matter of parenting. I am the younger brother, and was just a little wild sometimes. Joined the Army at age 17, will retire from the reserves in about 5 years. Ive jumped out of perfectly good airplanes, bungeed jumped, rock climbing, rapelling, used to mountain bike every weekend, paintball, frisbee golf, baseball, football, now I play softball.

I didnt slow down until my daughter was born. It was then that I realized that my being alive was more important than to have fun. I still drink, but not to excess any more. I must keep myself from buying another crotch rocket bike. This I know.

I have broken 7 different bones in different accidents.

I also have donated blood twice a year since joining the army and am an organ donor.

Some people just have to learn the hard way. I am usually one. My daighter has a lot of my tendancies. She is seven and almost ready for her yellow belt in taekwondo, likes it a lot, yet prefers ballet.

Yup, it is really amazing just how fragile life can be.


They didn't realize,the heart is a muscle too. :roll:

Quote from: "enjenjo"
Come to find out they had overdosed on muscle relaxants.  
At least two may not make it. One 17, the others were all 14.

58 Yeoman

Took some core calipers back to Autozone today.  The guy behind the counter told me that he was awakened this am at around 4:30.  He had fallen asleep in a recliner in his living room, which is the closest room to the front door of the apartment building.  Someone had run up the heavy planks to the front door with his car, smacking into the door.  (They are replacing the front steps, so they put planks in place for now).

He got to the window just in time to see the car screeching in reverse, between his car and the neighbors (missing them both), and the car sped away.  The guy from the next apartment building came running over with a broken arm; the guy in the ramming car worked for the guy with the broken arm.  He had gottne p-o'd about something, broke into the guys apartment, hit him with a 2x4 and broke his arm, then left to ram the next apt. bldg.  Should be reading about that in the paper shortly. :shock:
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


Quote from: "58 Yeoman"Last I heard, he took the boiler job...too bad, they should've sent him out the gate.  He's not too bright.
Where I worked you could only bid on the boiler job if you had the license. If he has the license than he must have some smarts. If a license is not required than I'd try to get a shift change. Boilers don't only blow-up. They blow out too. GPster