NAME THE BBQ leave All Suggestions before last vote!!!

Started by KustomLincolnLady, March 22, 2004, 07:22:34 PM

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Ok, after discussion in chat last night, it was decided that we would open the floor for all final suggestions. Lets say get them in by next sunday night 3/28. After that I will list all the suggestions and we will put them to a vote. Narrow it down if we have to and vote one last time, if necessary.

So far this is what we have for suggestions:

Knights Bar and Grill
Famous Knights Bar and Grill
Draggin' Fire
Dragon Fire Grill
RRT Gourmet BBQ Machine
Hot Stuff
Grub Pub
Hot Rod Cafe
Gasser Grill
Upchuck Wagon
Roadkill Barby
The Flaming Heartburn Roadshow
Wagon of Ill Repute
Grab A Plate
Sliding Scrap (not sure if this is how the submitter spelled it)

So now we are open for suggestions, before putting it to final vote.
you can understand why will will prob end up having two more votes, so many choices, LOL  :shock:

Have fun everyone!!!!!

Enjenjo or Fat Cat could you please make this a sticky post!!!! I'd love ya forever  :wink:


Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"Ok, after discussion in chat last night, it was decided that we would open the floor for all final suggestions. Lets say get them in by next sunday night 3/28. After that I will list all the suggestions and we will put them to a vote. Narrow it down if we have to and vote one last time, if necessary.

So far this is what we have for suggestions:

Knights Bar and Grill
Famous Knights Bar and Grill
Draggin' Fire
Dragon Fire Grill
RRT Gourmet BBQ Machine
Hot Stuff
Grub Pub
Hot Rod Cafe
Gasser Grill
Upchuck Wagon
Roadkill Barby
The Flaming Heartburn Roadshow
Wagon of Ill Repute
Grab A Plate
Sliding Scrap (not sure if this is how the submitter spelled it)

So now we are open for suggestions, before putting it to final vote.
you can understand why will will prob end up having two more votes, so many choices, LOL  :shock:

Have fun everyone!!!!!

Enjenjo or Fat Cat could you please make this a sticky post!!!! I'd love ya forever  :wink:

Rodders at the Roundtable Bar B Que

Life in the fast lane aint so great. Just ask the opossum


You can loose sliding scrap. It was intended as a joke and only applies to the message it was in where I was talking about using the scrap siding that I had to donate to cover the trailer. I can spell (sometimes). GPster


Just to add a little more confusion......

Hard Knocks Cafe
Meals on Wheels
Monster Garbage (pronounced garbaajj)
Feast on this!
Look out stomach, here it comes!

Now I'm just going to make a personal observation.  We have a lot of ideas for designs and names but in my opinion, if we get thru the "build off" with a basic, no frill, functional trailer we'll be doing pretty good.  Then if we start using it, as is, I'm sure it will be a topic of conversation at the various meets, and new ideas will come up (proportionate to the number of malt beverages consumed) that will help the trailer evolve into something that is truly representative of the RRT.  

I feel the same way about the name.....kind of like "Donner's Pass"....or "Dead Man's Curve" wasn't named that until something happened there that was significant enough for a name to stick. No there's no relationship with dead people and our lunch wagon. :shock:   Those two examples just popped into my demented head.  The right name might just "happen".


"Meals on Wheels"....That's what they call the meal program for the elderly in our area....might be appropriate :P
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"

Ohio Blue Tip

Quote from: "40""Meals on Wheels"....That's what they call the meal program for the elderly in our area....might be appropriate :P

That's enough out of you young guys, I'll be in to those "Meals on Wheels" soon enough.  :mrgreen:
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



I think in Ohio you're allowed 7 letters on a vanity license plate. We've talked about plates some, I'll cotinue in that vein, "LETZ EAT". GPster


How about a few more from a newby!









Just a few ideas but man reading this thread makes ya hungry!


The Mouse is in the House!

If it\'s a fairy Tale World I Live In,  Why do I keep Getting Bills?

Bruce Dorsi

Disclaimer:  The following names are the result of me being overtired!


Fast Flames

Flames To Go

Knight Flames

Knights' Inferno

H-ELL On Wheels

Fast Gas

Got Gas!

Geezers With Gas

Old Farts With Flames

Old Farts Flaming


Hmmmmmmn! .....There seems to be a pattern here.  .....Maybe they were inspired by my dinner!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!

Ohio Blue Tip

Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Quote from: "Ohio Blue Tip"One more good one!

Knights' Filling Station

Would this filling station have regular and ethyl, and a grease pit? :lol:

There's nothing like the smell of pumpin' Ethyl in the morning.... :roll:

Ohio Blue Tip

Quote from: "purplepickup"
Quote from: "Ohio Blue Tip"One more good one!

Knights' Filling Station

Would this filling station have regular and ethyl, and a grease pit? :lol:

There's nothing like the smell of pumpin' Ethyl in the morning.... :roll:

The "Knights' Filling Station" will dispense only Dark beer and Darker beer.

Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.


Slick 50

I sort of agree with George. I think the appropriate name will evolve after a few episodes of it's use.

With the bunch around here there's bound to be a few names triggered by "brainstorming" around the old camp fire.
Ken    8)
aka Slick 50


Quote from: "Slick 50"I sort of agree with George. I think the appropriate name will evolve after a few episodes of it's use.

With the bunch around here there's bound to be a few names triggered by "brainstorming" around the old camp fire.

Ok, here is the plan I've devised!!  :wink:   let me know it this is ok with everyone?
I have compiled all the names so far. I will keep them until after build day on the 17th, as suggested by a few. I'm sure more will get added to it on build day.
When I get back I will post all the names and we can start the eliminations then.  With as many as we have I'm sure its going to go a few rounds, lol  :lol: