Grand Rapids Car show again.....................

Started by Dave, January 14, 2006, 06:25:34 PM

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Nice show although small it was nice. Met with Denise,Rudy ,Jack Charlie,kenny and more . Im terrible with names till i really get to know people so to who I forgot names ...Oh well :lol:  :lol: . We all went to the irish pub id ate at a month ago and I hope everyone enjoyed thier meal. I know I did . We went back to the show and looked at the cars again for a while then Sue and I bailed out for Jack Town.  I guess the next get together is at Detroit. Im looking forward to that one also.  Oh ya the big news of the show far as im concerned was the company selling the electric (2 models) or gas powered rideable coolers. :?:  I can see it now no scooters pit bikes or powered coolers allowed 8) . I thought it was better than the power bar stool cause you could carry barley pops and keep em cool as you ride.......
ps: I do have some flyers for the coolers if you really gotta have one  :!:


We had a GREAT time too.  Thanks for taking us to that pub.  It was very yummy.  The other guys that ate lunch with us were Greg, Buckle on the HAMB (sitting next to Sue), Matt, HotRodDrummer, who's Dad owns the IoniaHotRodShop.  Both AWESOME fabracators.  He was sitting at the head of the table and Aaron, who was sitting next to me.  All great HAMB guys who have been now been turned on to the RRT.

Right before we were leaving we got invited over to Dave's (the owner/builder of the Mysterion clone) shop to check out his latest bubbletop creation.  It's totally awesome and extremely unique looking.  It will debute in July.  Great guy.  Not only gave us a complete tour of his shop with all his collections of stuff but explained the process of the actual build itself.  Very interesting.  He gave me his number and I might be able to arrange a group visit there in the spring if you guys are interested.

All in all a perfect way to spend a cold Michigan winter day.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.

phat rat

I can vouch for Dave's place being a neat place to visit as I was there last summer. He really has a lot of neat things.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Here's a couple of photos that HotRodDrummer took of Dave's new bubbletop

Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"We had a GREAT time too.  Thanks for taking us to that pub.  It was very yummy.  The other guys that ate lunch with us were Greg, Buckle on the HAMB (sitting next to Sue), Matt, HotRodDrummer, who's Dad owns the IoniaHotRodShop.  Both AWESOME fabracators.  He was sitting at the head of the table and Aaron, who was sitting next to me.  All great HAMB guys who have been now been turned on to the RRT.

Right before we were leaving we got invited over to Dave's (the owner/builder of the Mysterion clone) shop to check out his latest bubbletop creation.  It's totally awesome and extremely unique looking.  It will debute in July.  Great guy.  Not only gave us a complete tour of his shop with all his collections of stuff but explained the process of the actual build itself.  Very interesting.  He gave me his number and I might be able to arrange a group visit there in the spring if you guys are interested.

All in all a perfect way to spend a cold Michigan winter day.

Cool count me in if im in town. that sounds like a great tour........


Dave's place is pretty amazing!  You could spend all day in his collection room just checking out all the stuff!  I can't wait to see his new car done, this one will be a driver, very cool.
\"It\'s not really yours unless you build it\"