"Speedy Bill" Smith Museum Tour

Started by 40, January 14, 2006, 11:46:04 AM

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I was just sitting here this morning trying to think of something fun to do that was car related.It popped into my head that I'd never been to "Speedy Bill" Smith's museum and it is only a 2 1/2 hour drive from me.Then,I thought,"I wonder how many other fellows I know had never been or would like to go again." So....That is the purpose of this post....to see if there is any interest to get together as a group and do a tour on a Saturday morning. I spoke with the director of the museum this morning and he suggested Saturday,March 25th at 9:00 AM.This later date in the Spring would perhaps offer some of us that are close the opportunity to drive our cars there if the weather permits. He also stated that they have a tour scheduled for 2:00 PM the Friday afternoon of the 24th for anyone who would like to come to Lincoln the day before,stay over, and do the tour twice....he says it is hard see everything the first time through.For those that have been there before....He says they try to add or change something every working day of the year. I have tentatively scheduled a tour for March 25th and I need to let John know approximately how many will be in the group....They like the group to be no larger than 60 to 75 people.Please reply if you have an interest in going along and also feel free to add any comments from those of you that have been there previously.
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"




I'm seriously thinking about this also. I need to start looking for things of interest for my wife and I along the way and back. It would be nice to make a full drive on Thrusday, be in Lincoln and catch the 2:00 on Friday and be there for ths Saturday tour and take two days coming home (Sunday and Monday). With this screwed up weather the Salt Flats might still be wet in August and I need to plan something. GPster


Daryle, Anita and I would be interested in going. We haven't been there but I do order parts from them.


I visited Speedway's museum during my visit to Lincoln during the Americruise in 95-96?. Speedy was there along with the rest of the family. They are great people and the collection at that time was fantastic. I am sure it has only grown since my short visit. I am not sure if my schedule will allow me time at the end of March, but I would love to join the fold for a weekend in Nebraska. ....Rick


Daryle,  You come up with the coolest ideas for get togethers and havin fun with friends 8) this will be a fantastic time!!!  The timing for me will be a little tough as it will be the begining of spring fertilizer season and I am the liquid mixer man for the floaters and it's also the opening race at the Shelby County Speedway where Andy is going to start his racing for the first time in the new hornet class and since ole dad is a major sponsor and part of the pit crew I hate to miss the first night, so I'm going to mark it on the calander at work that I need to be in Lincoln for the Saturday tour and still make the races in Harlan that night. So plan on at least Gail and I for sure and maybe Chad and Andrew, I'll let ya know later if the boys will come too.  I have been to Speedway Motors once a while back when Chad and I were comming back from Wyoming and it was a really cool place then but they have moved to a new location since and it would be cool to see their new place as I hear it's even a bigger place with a bunch more room for all the cool stuff they have.  Boy what a day it will be , going to Speedy Bill's having a super time with old and new friends seeing some really cool stuff in the museum and seeing our youngest in his first dirt track race, man it don't get any better!!! :D    See ya all then!!!      

                 Bill and Gail


I dunn did hear that is a great place to visit.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I'm interested, but can't confirm yet. It may work out with some other things out that way. It is on my short list of must do things.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Sounds like a great time, I'd love to go.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


You can add me to your list.  It's kind of funny because I got on the computer yesterday to order some stuff from them and here's your email. I'll see if Dan wants to go to since he buys a lot of stuff from them for his dirt car.



I've been to the new place.  What a GREAT exhibit.  Unfortunantly I won't be able to make it.  I'm heading to TX in Big Olds a couple days after that.  Have fun you guys and take and post alot of photos please.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Frank....Is there any way we can get this posted as a "Sticky" so that it doesn't get buried in case there might be someone who may want to go but doesn't frequent the site daily as some of us addicts do!Thanks!!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Quote from: "40"Thank You!  :)
Daryle, that sounds like fun. Every time we've been to Lincoln to 'Americruise' we never took the time to go through the museum.
I'll see if Caleb or Kristy would be interested. (It never snows in Nebraska in March..right?) lol